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Last active February 29, 2024 06:13
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CentOS Setup Script for Kubernetes workshop
echo ">>> Runs on the host: $(hostnamectl |grep hostname)"
echo ''
echo '------------------------------------------'
echo '>>> Install base packages'
yum -y install wget vim emacs net-tools
echo ''
echo '>>> Checking path of installed packages'
echo " wget: $(which wget)"
echo " vim: $(which vim)"
echo " emacs: $(which emacs)"
echo " ifconfig: $(which ifconfig)"
echo ''
echo '>>> Install kubectl from source'
curl -s -LO "$(curl -s"
echo ''
# Case if installing with yum repository
# echo '>>> Enable yum repository for kubernetes'
# cat << EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/kubernetes.repo
# [kubernetes]
# name=Kubernetes
# baseurl=
# enabled=1
# gpgcheck=1
# repo_gpgcheck=1
# gpgkey=
# echo ''
# echo '>>> Checking yum repository configs before downloading ...'
# ls -al /etc/yum.repos.d/
# echo ''
# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/kubernetes.repo
# echo ''
# yum -y repolist
# echo ''
# echo 'Downloading kubectl'
# yum -y install kubectl
# echo ''
echo '>>> Post installation of kubectl'
ls -al ./kubectl
chmod +x ./kubectl
sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
echo ''
echo '>>> Check path and versions'
which kubectl
kubectl version
echo ''
echo '>>> Create users and setup'
for i in {01..04}; do
echo ">>>>>> Create user${i} with home directory"
echo ''
useradd "user${i}" -g wheel
ls -al "/home/user${i}"
echo "Setting up password"
echo 'VMware1!' |passwd --stdin "user${i}"
echo ''
mkdir -p "/home/user${i}/.kube"
ls -al "/home/user${i}/.kube"
echo ''
echo '>>> Check users exists'
cat /etc/passwd |grep -E "user.[0-9]"
echo '>>> All done!'


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