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Last active December 4, 2022 20:39
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C++ 32bit FNV-1a string hashing. Support both compile-time and runtime calulations.
// C++ 32bit FNV-1a string hashing.
// Support both compile-time and runtime calulations.
// This implementation also hashes '\0' terminator.
// Requires a compiler with C++11 support.
// See main for examples.
#include <iostream>
namespace hardrock
class FnvHash
static const unsigned int FNV_PRIME = 16777619u;
static const unsigned int OFFSET_BASIS = 2166136261u;
template <unsigned int N>
static constexpr unsigned int fnvHashConst(const char (&str)[N], unsigned int I = N)
return I == 1 ? (OFFSET_BASIS ^ str[0]) * FNV_PRIME : (fnvHashConst(str, I - 1) ^ str[I - 1]) * FNV_PRIME;
static unsigned int fnvHash(const char* str)
const size_t length = strlen(str) + 1;
unsigned int hash = OFFSET_BASIS;
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i)
hash ^= *str++;
hash *= FNV_PRIME;
return hash;
struct Wrapper
Wrapper(const char* str) : str (str) { }
const char* str;
unsigned int hash_value;
// calulate in run-time
FnvHash(Wrapper wrapper) : hash_value(fnvHash(wrapper.str)) { }
// calulate in compile-time
template <unsigned int N>
constexpr FnvHash(const char (&str)[N]) : hash_value(fnvHashConst(str)) { }
// output result
constexpr operator unsigned int() const { return this->hash_value; }
// output function that requires a compile-time constant, for testing
template <unsigned int N>
struct constN
constN() { std::cout << N << std::endl; }
int main(int argc, char* args[])
// compile-time calulation
constN<hardrock::FnvHash("Good")> out1;
// runtime calulation
const char* test_str = "Good";
std::cout << hardrock::FnvHash(test_str) << std::endl;
return 0;
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