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Created June 21, 2015 15:11
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Outlook Email Keyword Analysis in Ruby
require 'win32ole'
require 'date'
puts "Please enter keywords you want to match as comma separated values"
keywords = $stdin.gets.chomp.split(",").map(&:strip)
puts "Please enter the Data File. This is case sensitive."
data_file = $stdin.gets.chomp
puts "Please enter the Folders to searched separated by commas. These are also case sensitive."
folders = $stdin.gets.chomp.split(",").map(&:strip)
puts "Please enter the start date in this format YYYY-MM-DD"
start_date = Date.parse($stdin.gets.chomp)
puts "Please enter the end date. (Format YYYY-MM-DD)"
end_date = Date.parse($stdin.gets.chomp)
DATE_RANGE = start_date..end_date
KEYWORDS = /#{{|k| Regexp.quote(k) }.join("|")}/i
emails_count =
outlook ='Outlook.Application')
mapi = outlook.GetNameSpace('MAPI')
data_file = mapi.Folders(data_file)
filter = "[SentOn] > #{start_date.strftime("%a %D")} 12:00 AM And [SentOn] < #{end_date.strftime("%a %D")} 11:59 PM"
folders.each do |folder|
puts "Analyzing #{folder}"
data_file.Folders(folder).Items.Restrict(filter).each.with_index do |message, index|
if !keywords.empty?
emails_count[message.SentOn.to_date] += 1 if message.body[KEYWORDS] || message.subject[KEYWORDS]
emails_count[message.SentOn.to_date] += 1
end"email_tracker_output_#{}.txt", "w") do |f|
puts "Emails found"
emails_count.each {|date, count|
output = "Date: #{date} Count: #{count}\n"
print output
f.write output
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