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phase 0 unit 2 week 1 boggle class challenge
# Overview
# Create a class BoggleBoard that includes the functionality of your methods from the previous challenge.
# To do this, take a look at the methods you've created. How can they be integrated into your BoggleBoard class? What needs to change?
# 1) Instantiate a new board object
# Transform your driver code so that it creates a new board object. You'll need to pass the original 2D array as an argument
# (let's call that dice_grid because boggle_board is going to be an object now.)
# 2) Implement your methods
# One method at a time, create a test to access your new boggle_board object. The first method should be #create_word.
# (Don't get thrown off with the #method_name syntax, using # before a method name is a ruby convention.) Write out a test with
# it's expectation in a comment, and then create the method in the BoggleBoard class. Try these coordinates: (1,2), (1,1), (2,1), (3,2).
# Then, write methods for #get_row and #get_col. Can you interact with the boggle_board object and get the values you expect?
# Now print out all the rows and columns of the board as strings. You should end up with 8 four letter words.
# Are there any real words shown? Add your total output as a comment in your gist.
# 3) Access a coordinate
# Now write some driver code to access an individual coordinate in your boggle_board object. Make this as simple as possible.
# Can you access the "k" character at row 3 column 2?
# 4) Bonus: Create a #get_diagonal method
# Just like the #get_col or #get_row method, the #get_diagonal method should return an array of values, but it will need 2 coordinates
# entered to define the diagonal. Error checking to make sure the coordinates are actually a diagonal would probably be a good idea.
# 5) Review and Reflect
# You just made a transition from procedural programming to object-oriented programming! How is the implementation different?
# What are the benefits to using the Object Oriented approach (even if it is a bit more code?)
# 6) Submit your solution
# Take a moment to look at other solutions after you submit. Were there any interesting implementations?
class BoggleBoard
attr_reader :board
def initialize(board)
@board = board
def get_row(row)
print @board[row]
def create_word(*coords) { |coord| @board[coord.first][coord.last]}.join("")
def get_col(col)
print {|row| row[col]}
# Get diagonal takes two integers.
def get_diagonal(initial_row, initial_col)
# # mod 4
# # add one
# # 4 times
# # check initial row > or < initial col. Use to chop off unneeded strings.
# diagonal = []
# diagonal << [initial_row,initial_col]
# 3.times do
# diagonal << [(initial_row += 1) % 4,(initial_col += 1) % 4]
# end
# if initial_row == initial_col
# diagonal
# # convert to letters
# elsif initial_row < initial_col
# do
# # Select
(0..3).map {|index| @board[index][index]}
# (0,0)(1,1)(2,2)(3,3)
# (0,1)(1,2)(2,3)
# (0,2)(1,3)
# (2,0)(3,1)
dice_grid = [["b", "r", "a", "e"],
["i", "o", "d", "t"],
["e", "c", "l", "r"],
["t", "a", "k", "e"]]
boggle_board =
# How does the boggle_board object hold the dice_grid? As an initialized instance variable.
# Step 1
boggle_board.get_row(1) # returns ["i", "o", "d", "t"]
boggle_board.get_col(0) # returns ["b","i","e","t"]
puts boggle_board.create_word([3,0],[3,1],[3,2],[3,3]) # Returns "take"
puts boggle_board.create_word([1,2], [1,1], [2,1], [3,2]) # Returns "dock"
# Step 2
# Step 3
puts boggle_board.board[3][2] #returns k
# Step 4
# print boggle_board.get_diagonal(1,1) # Could not get to work.
# Step 5
# object oriented programming requires the creation of objects to run the methods on. It links the object with the
# procedure.In procedural programming the emphasis is more on the procedure itself and its input and output. There
# is no need for objects. OOP has more code but maps more easily to many types of human conception of systems and
# processes in the world.
# From Wikipedia: PP tries to break down a programming task into a collection of
# variables, data structures, and subroutines whereas OOP tries to break down programming
# tasks into objects that expose behavior (methods) and data (members or attributes) using
# interfaces. PP uses procedures to operate on data structures, OOP bundles methods and
# data structures together so an "object" operates on its "own" data structure.
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