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Created July 19, 2018 03:12
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Create Many Transactions in Amatino Swift - A double-entry accounting library for iOS & MacOS
// Amatino Swift:
// Double entry accounting API
let tx1Arguments = try TransactionCreateArguments(
transactionTime: Date(),
description: "Raise invoice for slick services",
globalUnit: usd,
entries: [
Entry(side: .debit, account: receivables, amount: Decimal(20)),
Entry(side: .credit, account: revenueAccount, amount: Decimal(20))
let tx2Arguments = try TransactionCreateArguments(
transactionTime: Date(),
description: "Borrow some Benjamins",
globalUnit: usd,
entries: [
Entry(side: .credit, account: bankLoan, amount: Decimal(200)),
Entry(side: .debit, account: cashAccount, amount: Decimal(200))
try Transaction.createMany(
session: session,
entity: starkIndustries,
arguments: [tx1Arguments, tx2Arguments],
callback: { (error: Error?, transactions: [Transaction]?) in
guard error == nil else {
// Handle errors
guard storedTransactions: [Transactions] = transactions else {
// Should never happen, but guarding against nil is
// spiritually wholesome
// Do cool stuff with newly stored Transactions
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The parameters passed to Transaction.createMany() and the constituent TransactionCreateArguments may be found in the following gists:

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