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Created June 21, 2024 20:26
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A catalog generator for WordPress.
Plugin Name: Catelog
Description: Generates a dynamic page showing categories and their posts
Version: 0.1
Author: hxueh
Author URI:
// Prevent direct access to the plugin file
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
function catelog()
$output = '<ul>';
// Get all categories, ordered alphabetically
$categories = get_categories(
'orderby' => 'name',
'order' => 'ASC'
foreach ($categories as $category) {
// add category url to output
$output .= '<li><strong>Category:</strong> <a href="' . esc_url(get_category_link($category->term_id)) . '">' . esc_html($category->name) . '</a>';
// Get posts for this category, ordered by creation time
$posts = get_posts(
'category' => $category->term_id,
'orderby' => 'date',
'order' => 'DESC',
'numberposts' => -1,
if ($posts) {
$output .= '<ul>';
foreach ($posts as $post) {
$post_date = get_the_date('F j, Y', $post->ID);
$output .= '<li>';
$output .= '<a href="' . esc_url(get_permalink($post->ID)) . '">' . esc_html($post->post_title) . '</a>';
$output .= ' - <span class="post-date">' . esc_html($post_date) . '</span>';
$output .= '</li>';
$output .= '</ul>';
$output .= '</li>';
$output .= '</ul>';
return $output;
add_shortcode('catelog', 'catelog');
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