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Created June 3, 2016 02:32
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Send file Amazon S3 bucket (aws sync) to Akamai NetStorage directory (secure rsync). Comment out 2 lines for --delete behavior.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Sync Amason S3 Bucket with Akamai NetStorage
# Dependency:
# "aws" command : AWS CLI
# "rsync" command :yeah, the one.
# .aws/credentials : AWS Credential file (for aws command)
# .ssj/netstorage.ppk : Private Key for your NetStorage account
# Scripted by Hiroshi Yamamoto (
# Licensed under WTFPL version 2.0 (
# Remove comments if you prefer "--delete" behavior
# AWS_SYNC_OPT=--delete
# RSYNC_OPT=--delete
# Setting: Credential
# Setting: Amazon S3 Disk
# Ref:
# Setting: Akamai NetStorage Disk
# Ref: (P38)
# Setting: Local Temporary directory
# make sandwitchs
echo "Sync: Starting."
hash $AWS 2>/dev/null || { echo >&2 "aws command not installed. aborting."; exit 1; }
hash $RSYNC 2>/dev/null || { echo >&2 "rsync command not installed. aborting."; exit 1; }
# let's picnic
echo "Sync: Preparation: Checking or creating a temporary directory [$SYNC_TEMP]."
mkdir -p $SYNC_TEMP
echo "Sync: Downloading: Amazon S3 [$SRC_S3] -> Local [$SYNC_TEMP]"
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
echo "Sync: Downloading: Aborted. Check [$SYNC_TEMP] directory if necessary."
exit 1
echo "Sync: Downloading: Done"
echo "Sync: Uploading: Local [$SYNC_TEMP] -> Akamai NetStorage [$DEST_NS] "
$RSYNC -av -e "ssh -2 -i $SSH_KEY" $RSYNC_OPT $SYNC_TEMP/ $DEST_NS
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
echo "Sync: Uploading: Aborted. Check [$SYNC_TEMP] directory if necessary."
exit 2
echo "Sync: Uploading: Done"
# wanna clean up the mess?
echo "Sync: Done. Clean up the [$SYNC_TEMP] directory if necessary."
$ ./.sh
Sync: Starting.
Sync: Preparation: Checking or creating a temporary directory [./temp_sync].
Sync: Downloading: Amazon S3 [s3://YOURBUCKET/src_dir] -> Local [./temp_sync]
download: s3://YOURBUCKET/src_dir/dir1/file1.html to temp_sync/
download: s3://YOURBUCKET/src_dir/dir2/file2.html to temp_sync/
download: s3://YOURBUCKET/src_dir/dir99/file1.html to temp_sync/
download: s3://YOURBUCKET/src_dir/dir99/file2.html to temp_sync/
Sync: Downloading: Done
Sync: Uploading: Local [./temp_sync] -> Akamai NetStorage []
Warning: Permanently added ',XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX' (DSA) to the list of known hosts.
logged in
building file list ... done temp_sync/ temp_sync/dir1/
.f...p... temp_sync/dir1/file1.html
.f...p... temp_sync/dir1/file2.html
.f...p... temp_sync/dir99/file1.html
.f...p... temp_sync/dir99/file2.html
sent 51531 bytes received 12062 bytes 514.92 bytes/sec
total size is 19825324 speedup is 311.75
Sync: Uploading: Done
Sync: Done. Clean up the [./temp_sync] directory if necessary.
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how can i transfer akamai netstorage to s3 bucket

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