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Last active October 28, 2015 06:05
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A chart of yale's dormitory building energy usage
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<h1>Energy Usage by Building on Yale Campus</h1>
<p>Energy Usage in MMBTU (Million British Thermal Units) per Square Foot.</p>
<p>Includes electricity, steam, chilled water, and gas usage. <strong>Source:</strong> <a href="">Yale Campus Facilities, 2015</a></p>
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TYPE facility GSF FYTD16 MMBTU FYTD15 MMBTU % Change Size Rank Energy 2016 Rank Energy 2015 Rank sqf16 sqf15 SQF 2016 Rank SQF 2015 Rank
RES SILLIMAN 239258 3550 3265 8% 1 1 1 0.014837539 0.013646357 8 10
RES MORSE 144259 3511 2984 15% 8 2 2 0.02433817 0.020685018 1 2
RES EZRA STILES 144250 3269 2759 16% 9 3 4 0.022662045 0.019126516 3 4
RES DAVENPORT 157488 3013 2650 12% 4 4 5 0.019131616 0.016826679 5 6
RES JONATHAN EDWARDS 122968 2706 2950 9% 13 5 3 0.022005725 0.023989981 4 1
RES BERKELEY 146431 2388 2312 3% 7 6 6 0.016308022 0.015789006 7 8
RES TRUMBULL 128809 2211 2216 0% 12 7 8 0.01716495 0.017203767 6 5
RES PIERSON 174906 2094 2312 10% 2 8 6 0.011972145 0.013218529 12 11
RES BRANFORD 154221 2032 1713 16% 6 9 10 0.013175897 0.011107437 11 13
RES SAYBROOK 164794 1857 1525 18% 3 10 11 0.011268614 0.009253978 13 15
RES CALHOUN,JOHN 131249 1738 2181 26% 11 11 9 0.013242006 0.016617269 10 7
RES TIMOTHY DWIGHT 154555 1245 1045 16% 5 12 13 0.008055385 0.006761347 17 20
ANNEX BAKER 137443 1178 1079 8% 10 13 12 0.008570826 0.007850527 15 19
OC DURFEE,BRADFORD 43805 1037 893 14% 18 14 14 0.023673097 0.020385801 2 3
OC LANMAN-WRIGHT 65410 905 720 20% 15 15 15 0.013835805 0.011007491 9 14
ANNEX HELEN HADLEY 64801 548 421 23% 16 16 19 0.00845666 0.006496813 16 22
OC BINGHAM,CHARLES 62202 476 532 12% 17 17 16 0.007652487 0.00855278 19 16
ANNEX ROSENFELD 40056 322 269 16% 20 18 21 0.008038746 0.006715598 18 21
OC FARNAM, HENRY 30353 262 456 74% 22 19 17 0.008631766 0.015023227 14 9
OC LAWRANCE,THOMAS 37139 262 456 74% 21 19 17 0.007054579 0.012278198 20 12
OC VANDERBILT 79459 221 330 49% 14 21 20 0.002781309 0.004153085 24 24
OC WELCH,HARMANUS 40942 176 222 26% 19 22 22 0.004298764 0.005422305 23 23
OC ARNOLD 26159 150 219 46% 23 23 23 0.005734164 0.00837188 22 17
ANNEX MCCLELLAN,EDWIN 21747 142 171 20% 24 24 24 0.006529636 0.007863154 21 18
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