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Extracting structure's information using reflect package created by hygull -
"date_of_creation" => "17 Dec 2016, Thurs",
"aim_of_program" => "Extracting structure's information using reflect package",
"coded_by" => "Rishikesh Agrawani",
"Go_version" => "1.7",
package main
import "reflect"
import "fmt"
func main() {
//Defining Brother structure
type Brother struct {
Name string
Age int
//Defining MySelf structure
type MySelf struct {
Name string //name string -> panic: reflect.Value.Interface: cannot return value obtained from unexported field or method
Age int //age int -> panic: reflect.Value.Interface: cannot return value obtained from unexported field or method
IsActive bool //And so on...
DailyExpense float32
BrotherInfo Brother
brother := Brother{"Hemkesh", 22}
myself := MySelf{"Rishikesh", 24, true, 200.50, brother}
p1 := reflect.ValueOf(&myself).Elem()
fmt.Printf("%+v\n\n", myself)
for i := 0; i < p1.NumField(); i++ {
fieldName := p1.Type().Field(i).Name
fmt.Printf("%T , %v\n", fieldName, fieldName)
fieldType := p1.Field(i).Type()
fmt.Printf("%T, %v\n", fieldType, fieldType)
fieldValue := p1.Field(i).Interface() //In case of the field names that starts with smallcase, only this line will show the above errors
fmt.Printf("%T, %v\n\n", fieldValue, fieldValue)
{Name:Rishikesh Age:24 IsActive:true DailyExpense:200.5 BrotherInfo:{Name:Hemkesh Age:22}}
string , Name
*reflect.rtype, string
string, Rishikesh
string , Age
*reflect.rtype, int
int, 24
string , IsActive
*reflect.rtype, bool
bool, true
string , DailyExpense
*reflect.rtype, float32
float32, 200.5
string , BrotherInfo
*reflect.rtype, main.Brother
main.Brother, {Hemkesh 22}
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