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Created November 21, 2019 14:32
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"openapi" : "3.0.2",
"info" : {
"title" : "SensorThings v1.1",
"version" : "1.0.0",
"description" : "Version 1.1 of the OGC SensorThings API, including Part 2 - Tasking."
"paths" : {
"/v1.0" : { },
"/v1.0/Actuators" : {
"get" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/skip"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/top"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/count"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/select"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/expand"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/filter"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/responses/Actuators-get-200"
"/v1.0/Actuators({entityId})" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/entityId"
} ],
"get" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/select"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/expand"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/responses/Actuator-get-200"
"/v1.0/Actuators({entityId})/TaskingCapabilities" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/entityId"
} ],
"get" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/skip"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/top"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/count"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/select"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/expand"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/filter"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/responses/TaskingCapabilities-get-200"
"/v1.0/Datastreams" : {
"get" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/skip"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/top"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/count"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/select"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/expand"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/filter"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/responses/Datastreams-get-200"
"/v1.0/Datastreams({entityId})" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/entityId"
} ],
"get" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/select"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/expand"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/responses/Datastream-get-200"
"/v1.0/Datastreams({entityId})/Observations" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/entityId"
} ],
"get" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/skip"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/top"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/count"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/select"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/expand"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/filter"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/responses/Observations-get-200"
"/v1.0/Datastreams({entityId})/ObservedProperty" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/entityId"
} ],
"get" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/select"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/expand"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/responses/ObservedProperty-get-200"
"/v1.0/Datastreams({entityId})/ObservedProperty/Datastreams" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Sensor~1Datastreams"
"/v1.0/Datastreams({entityId})/ObservedProperty/MultiDatastreams" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Sensor~1MultiDatastreams"
"/v1.0/Datastreams({entityId})/Sensor" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/entityId"
} ],
"get" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/select"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/expand"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/responses/Sensor-get-200"
"/v1.0/Datastreams({entityId})/Sensor/Datastreams" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/entityId"
} ],
"get" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/skip"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/top"
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"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/count"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/select"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/expand"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/filter"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/responses/Datastreams-get-200"
"/v1.0/Datastreams({entityId})/Sensor/MultiDatastreams" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/entityId"
} ],
"get" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/skip"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/top"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/count"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/select"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/expand"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/filter"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/responses/MultiDatastreams-get-200"
"/v1.0/Datastreams({entityId})/Thing" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/entityId"
} ],
"get" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/select"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/expand"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/responses/Thing-get-200"
"/v1.0/Datastreams({entityId})/Thing/Datastreams" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Sensor~1Datastreams"
"/v1.0/Datastreams({entityId})/Thing/HistoricalLocations" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/entityId"
} ],
"get" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/skip"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/top"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/count"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/select"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/expand"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/filter"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/responses/HistoricalLocations-get-200"
"/v1.0/Datastreams({entityId})/Thing/Locations" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/entityId"
} ],
"get" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/skip"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/top"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/count"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/select"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/expand"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/filter"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/responses/Locations-get-200"
"/v1.0/Datastreams({entityId})/Thing/MultiDatastreams" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Sensor~1MultiDatastreams"
"/v1.0/Datastreams({entityId})/Thing/TaskingCapabilities" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Actuators({entityId})~1TaskingCapabilities"
"/v1.0/FeaturesOfInterest" : {
"get" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/skip"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/top"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/count"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/select"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/expand"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/filter"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/responses/FeaturesOfInterest-get-200"
"/v1.0/FeaturesOfInterest({entityId})" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/entityId"
} ],
"get" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/select"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/expand"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/responses/FeatureOfInterest-get-200"
"/v1.0/FeaturesOfInterest({entityId})/Observations" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Observations"
"/v1.0/HistoricalLocations" : {
"get" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/skip"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/top"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/count"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/select"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/expand"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/filter"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/responses/HistoricalLocations-get-200"
"/v1.0/HistoricalLocations({entityId})" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/entityId"
} ],
"get" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/select"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/expand"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/responses/HistoricalLocation-get-200"
"/v1.0/HistoricalLocations({entityId})/Locations" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Thing~1Locations"
"/v1.0/HistoricalLocations({entityId})/Thing" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Thing"
"/v1.0/HistoricalLocations({entityId})/Thing/Datastreams" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Sensor~1Datastreams"
"/v1.0/HistoricalLocations({entityId})/Thing/HistoricalLocations" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Thing~1HistoricalLocations"
"/v1.0/HistoricalLocations({entityId})/Thing/Locations" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Thing~1Locations"
"/v1.0/HistoricalLocations({entityId})/Thing/MultiDatastreams" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Sensor~1MultiDatastreams"
"/v1.0/HistoricalLocations({entityId})/Thing/TaskingCapabilities" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Actuators({entityId})~1TaskingCapabilities"
"/v1.0/Locations" : {
"get" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/skip"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/top"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/count"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/select"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/expand"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/filter"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/responses/Locations-get-200"
"/v1.0/Locations({entityId})" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/entityId"
} ],
"get" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/select"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/expand"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/responses/Location-get-200"
"/v1.0/Locations({entityId})/HistoricalLocations" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Thing~1HistoricalLocations"
"/v1.0/Locations({entityId})/Things" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/entityId"
} ],
"get" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/skip"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/top"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/count"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/select"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/expand"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/filter"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/responses/Things-get-200"
"/v1.0/MultiDatastreams" : {
"get" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/skip"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/top"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/count"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/select"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/expand"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/filter"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/responses/MultiDatastreams-get-200"
"/v1.0/MultiDatastreams({entityId})" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/entityId"
} ],
"get" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/select"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/expand"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/responses/MultiDatastream-get-200"
"/v1.0/MultiDatastreams({entityId})/Observations" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Observations"
"/v1.0/MultiDatastreams({entityId})/ObservedProperties" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/entityId"
} ],
"get" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/skip"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/top"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/count"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/select"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/expand"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/filter"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/responses/ObservedProperties-get-200"
"/v1.0/MultiDatastreams({entityId})/Sensor" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Sensor"
"/v1.0/MultiDatastreams({entityId})/Sensor/Datastreams" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Sensor~1Datastreams"
"/v1.0/MultiDatastreams({entityId})/Sensor/MultiDatastreams" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Sensor~1MultiDatastreams"
"/v1.0/MultiDatastreams({entityId})/Thing" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Thing"
"/v1.0/MultiDatastreams({entityId})/Thing/Datastreams" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Sensor~1Datastreams"
"/v1.0/MultiDatastreams({entityId})/Thing/HistoricalLocations" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Thing~1HistoricalLocations"
"/v1.0/MultiDatastreams({entityId})/Thing/Locations" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Thing~1Locations"
"/v1.0/MultiDatastreams({entityId})/Thing/MultiDatastreams" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Sensor~1MultiDatastreams"
"/v1.0/MultiDatastreams({entityId})/Thing/TaskingCapabilities" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Actuators({entityId})~1TaskingCapabilities"
"/v1.0/Observations" : {
"get" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/skip"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/top"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/count"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/select"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/expand"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/filter"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/responses/Observations-get-200"
"/v1.0/Observations({entityId})" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/entityId"
} ],
"get" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/select"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/expand"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/responses/Observation-get-200"
"/v1.0/Observations({entityId})/Datastream" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})"
"/v1.0/Observations({entityId})/Datastream/Observations" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Observations"
"/v1.0/Observations({entityId})/Datastream/ObservedProperty" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1ObservedProperty"
"/v1.0/Observations({entityId})/Datastream/ObservedProperty/Datastreams" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Sensor~1Datastreams"
"/v1.0/Observations({entityId})/Datastream/ObservedProperty/MultiDatastreams" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Sensor~1MultiDatastreams"
"/v1.0/Observations({entityId})/Datastream/Sensor" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Sensor"
"/v1.0/Observations({entityId})/Datastream/Sensor/Datastreams" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Sensor~1Datastreams"
"/v1.0/Observations({entityId})/Datastream/Sensor/MultiDatastreams" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Sensor~1MultiDatastreams"
"/v1.0/Observations({entityId})/Datastream/Thing" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Thing"
"/v1.0/Observations({entityId})/Datastream/Thing/Datastreams" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Sensor~1Datastreams"
"/v1.0/Observations({entityId})/Datastream/Thing/HistoricalLocations" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Thing~1HistoricalLocations"
"/v1.0/Observations({entityId})/Datastream/Thing/Locations" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Thing~1Locations"
"/v1.0/Observations({entityId})/Datastream/Thing/MultiDatastreams" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Sensor~1MultiDatastreams"
"/v1.0/Observations({entityId})/Datastream/Thing/TaskingCapabilities" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Actuators({entityId})~1TaskingCapabilities"
"/v1.0/Observations({entityId})/FeatureOfInterest" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1FeaturesOfInterest({entityId})"
"/v1.0/Observations({entityId})/FeatureOfInterest/Observations" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Observations"
"/v1.0/Observations({entityId})/MultiDatastream" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1MultiDatastreams({entityId})"
"/v1.0/Observations({entityId})/MultiDatastream/Observations" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Observations"
"/v1.0/Observations({entityId})/MultiDatastream/ObservedProperties" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1MultiDatastreams({entityId})~1ObservedProperties"
"/v1.0/Observations({entityId})/MultiDatastream/Sensor" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Sensor"
"/v1.0/Observations({entityId})/MultiDatastream/Sensor/Datastreams" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Sensor~1Datastreams"
"/v1.0/Observations({entityId})/MultiDatastream/Sensor/MultiDatastreams" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Sensor~1MultiDatastreams"
"/v1.0/Observations({entityId})/MultiDatastream/Thing" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Thing"
"/v1.0/Observations({entityId})/MultiDatastream/Thing/Datastreams" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Sensor~1Datastreams"
"/v1.0/Observations({entityId})/MultiDatastream/Thing/HistoricalLocations" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Thing~1HistoricalLocations"
"/v1.0/Observations({entityId})/MultiDatastream/Thing/Locations" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Thing~1Locations"
"/v1.0/Observations({entityId})/MultiDatastream/Thing/MultiDatastreams" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Sensor~1MultiDatastreams"
"/v1.0/Observations({entityId})/MultiDatastream/Thing/TaskingCapabilities" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Actuators({entityId})~1TaskingCapabilities"
"/v1.0/ObservedProperties" : {
"get" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/skip"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/top"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/count"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/select"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/expand"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/filter"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/responses/ObservedProperties-get-200"
"/v1.0/ObservedProperties({entityId})" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1ObservedProperty"
"/v1.0/ObservedProperties({entityId})/Datastreams" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Sensor~1Datastreams"
"/v1.0/ObservedProperties({entityId})/MultiDatastreams" : {
"$ref" : "#/paths/~1v1.0~1Datastreams({entityId})~1Sensor~1MultiDatastreams"
"/v1.0/Sensors" : {
"get" : {
"parameters" : [ {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/skip"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/top"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/count"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/select"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/expand"
}, {
"$ref" : "#/components/parameters/filter"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/responses/Sensors-get-200"
"/v1.0/Sensors({entityId})" : {
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"type" : "string"
"properties" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/schemas/properties"
"Things" : {
"type" : "object",
"properties" : {
"@iot.count" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/schemas/count"
"@iot.nextLink" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/schemas/nextLink"
"value" : {
"type" : "array",
"items" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Thing"
"count" : {
"type" : "integer",
"format" : "int64",
"description" : "The total number of entities in the entityset"
"entityId" : {
"type" : "integer",
"format" : "int64",
"description" : "The ID of an entity"
"navigationLink" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "A link to a related entity or entity set"
"nextLink" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "The link to the next page of entities"
"properties" : {
"type" : "object",
"description" : "a set of additional properties specified for the entity in the form \"name\":\"value\" pairs",
"additionalProperties" : true
"selfLink" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "The direct link to the entity"
"parameters" : {
"count" : {
"name" : "$count",
"in" : "query",
"description" : "Flag indicating if the total number of items in the collection should be returned.",
"required" : false,
"schema" : {
"type" : "boolean"
"entityId" : {
"name" : "entityId",
"in" : "path",
"description" : "The id of the requested entity",
"required" : true,
"schema" : {
"type" : "integer",
"format" : "int64"
"expand" : {
"name" : "$expand",
"in" : "query",
"description" : "The list of related queries that need to be included in the result.",
"required" : false,
"schema" : {
"type" : "string"
"filter" : {
"name" : "$filter",
"in" : "query",
"description" : "A filter query.",
"required" : false,
"schema" : {
"type" : "string"
"select" : {
"name" : "$select",
"in" : "query",
"description" : "The list of properties that need to be returned.",
"required" : false,
"schema" : {
"type" : "string"
"skip" : {
"name" : "$skip",
"in" : "query",
"description" : "The number of elements to skip from the collection",
"required" : false,
"schema" : {
"type" : "integer",
"format" : "int64"
"top" : {
"name" : "$top",
"in" : "query",
"description" : "The number of elements to return",
"required" : false,
"schema" : {
"type" : "integer",
"format" : "int64"
"responses" : {
"Actuator-get-200" : {
"content" : {
"application/json" : {
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Actuator"
"Actuators-get-200" : {
"content" : {
"application/json" : {
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Actuators"
"Datastream-get-200" : {
"content" : {
"application/json" : {
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Datastream"
"Datastreams-get-200" : {
"content" : {
"application/json" : {
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Datastreams"
"FeatureOfInterest-get-200" : {
"content" : {
"application/json" : {
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/schemas/FeatureOfInterest"
"FeaturesOfInterest-get-200" : {
"content" : {
"application/json" : {
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/schemas/FeaturesOfInterest"
"HistoricalLocation-get-200" : {
"content" : {
"application/json" : {
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/schemas/HistoricalLocation"
"HistoricalLocations-get-200" : {
"content" : {
"application/json" : {
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/schemas/HistoricalLocations"
"Location-get-200" : {
"content" : {
"application/json" : {
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Location"
"Locations-get-200" : {
"content" : {
"application/json" : {
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Locations"
"MultiDatastream-get-200" : {
"content" : {
"application/json" : {
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/schemas/MultiDatastream"
"MultiDatastreams-get-200" : {
"content" : {
"application/json" : {
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/schemas/MultiDatastreams"
"Observation-get-200" : {
"content" : {
"application/json" : {
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Observation"
"Observations-get-200" : {
"content" : {
"application/json" : {
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Observations"
"ObservedProperties-get-200" : {
"content" : {
"application/json" : {
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ObservedProperties"
"ObservedProperty-get-200" : {
"content" : {
"application/json" : {
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ObservedProperty"
"Sensor-get-200" : {
"content" : {
"application/json" : {
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Sensor"
"Sensors-get-200" : {
"content" : {
"application/json" : {
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Sensors"
"Task-get-200" : {
"content" : {
"application/json" : {
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Task"
"TaskingCapabilities-get-200" : {
"content" : {
"application/json" : {
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/schemas/TaskingCapabilities"
"TaskingCapability-get-200" : {
"content" : {
"application/json" : {
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/schemas/TaskingCapability"
"Tasks-get-200" : {
"content" : {
"application/json" : {
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tasks"
"Thing-get-200" : {
"content" : {
"application/json" : {
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Thing"
"Things-get-200" : {
"content" : {
"application/json" : {
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Things"
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