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Created December 2, 2015 18:44
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  • Save hyperobject/5e60342fe7289388364a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hyperobject/5e60342fe7289388364a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A remixed TPE userscript
// ==UserScript==
// @name thisandagain Summoner
// @namespace thisandagainPlsExplainThisPost
// @version 1.01
// @description Adds a button to posts to magically summon thisandagain
// @author tb10
// @match*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// the only textarea is the markitup editor which is only shown if the user is logged in
var isloggedin = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea");
if (!isloggedin.length) return;
var posts = document.getElementsByClassName("blockpost roweven firstpost");
if (posts.length) {
for (var p=0,plsexplain,btn,id,ul;p<posts.length;p++){
plsexplain = document.createElement("li");
btn = document.createElement("a");
'if(confirm("Are you sure you want to summon thisandagain? Remember, please do not use this to spam him.")){'+
'var csrf=document.cookie.match(/scratchcsrftoken=([0-9a-zA-Z]+)/);'+
'if(!csrf)return alert("You need to be logged in.");'+
'csrf=csrf[1];var cmt="pls explain ->""/";'+
'var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'+
'xhr.onload=function(){alert(xhr.status==200?"thisandagain has been summoned!":"Oops! Cannot do that.");};'+
'xhr.send(JSON.stringify({content:cmt, parent_id:"", commentee_id:""}));}'
btn.innerHTML = "thisandagain pls explain";
id = posts[p].id.match(/\d+/)[0];
plsexplain.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" | "));
ul = posts[p].getElementsByClassName("postfootright")[0].getElementsByTagName("ul")[0];
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jeandrek commented Dec 3, 2015

why don't you fork?

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