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Created June 7, 2012 16:49
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Save hyperqube/2890001 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Split files into roughly equal partitions
function Add-Prop([string]$name,$value){
$input |add-member -memberType Noteproperty -name $name -value $value -passThru
function Get-Partitions($no_partitions=4){
$sums = @()
$indexes = (0..($no_partitions-1))
$indexes |% { $sums+= 0 }
$sortedBySize = $input | Sort Length -Descending
foreach($file in $sortedBySize){
$current_min= [System.Int32]::MaxValue
foreach( $i in $indexes ){
if( $current_min -gt $sums[ $i ] )
$current_min = $sums[ $i ]
$index = $i
$file | Add-Prop Partition $index| Add-Prop RunningSum( $sums[ $index ]+= $file.Length )
dir C:\windows\system32\*.dll | Get-Partitions | Select BaseName,Partition,RunningSum| ogv
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