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Created March 27, 2021 07:33
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system-f/fp-course: Applicative
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}
module Course.Applicative where
import Course.Core
import Course.ExactlyOne
import Course.Functor
import Course.List
import Course.Optional
import qualified Prelude as P(fmap, return, (>>=))
-- | All instances of the `Applicative` type-class must satisfy four laws.
-- These laws are not checked by the compiler. These laws are given as:
-- * The law of identity
-- `∀x. pure id <*> x = x`
-- * The law of composition
-- `∀u v w. pure (.) <*> u <*> v <*> w = u <*> (v <*> w)`
-- * The law of homomorphism
-- `∀f x. pure f <*> pure x = pure (f x)`
-- * The law of interchange
-- `∀u y. u <*> pure y = pure ($ y) <*> u`
class Functor k => Applicative k where
pure ::
a -> k a
-- Pronounced, apply.
(<*>) ::
k (a -> b)
-> k a
-> k b
infixl 4 <*>
-- | Insert into ExactlyOne.
-- prop> \x -> pure x == ExactlyOne x
-- >>> ExactlyOne (+10) <*> ExactlyOne 8
-- ExactlyOne 18
instance Applicative ExactlyOne where
pure ::
-> ExactlyOne a
pure = ExactlyOne
(<*>) ::
ExactlyOne (a -> b)
-> ExactlyOne a
-> ExactlyOne b
(ExactlyOne a) <*> (ExactlyOne b) = ExactlyOne (a b)
-- | Insert into a List.
-- prop> \x -> pure x == x :. Nil
-- >>> (+1) :. (*2) :. Nil <*> 1 :. 2 :. 3 :. Nil
-- [2,3,4,2,4,6]
instance Applicative List where
pure ::
-> List a
pure a = a :. Nil
(<*>) ::
List (a -> b)
-> List a
-> List b
(<*>) fl lv =
flatMap (`map` lv) fl
-- | Insert into an Optional.
-- prop> \x -> pure x == Full x
-- >>> Full (+8) <*> Full 7
-- Full 15
-- >>> Empty <*> Full 7
-- Empty
-- >>> Full (+8) <*> Empty
-- Empty
instance Applicative Optional where
pure ::
-> Optional a
pure = Full
(<*>) ::
Optional (a -> b)
-> Optional a
-> Optional b
(<*>) (Full a) (Full b) = Full (a b)
(<*>) _ _ = Empty
-- | Insert into a constant function.
-- >>> ((+) <*> (+10)) 3
-- 16
-- >>> ((+) <*> (+5)) 3
-- 11
-- >>> ((+) <*> (+5)) 1
-- 7
-- >>> ((*) <*> (+10)) 3
-- 39
-- >>> ((*) <*> (+2)) 3
-- 15
-- prop> \x y -> pure x y == x
instance Applicative ((->) t) where
pure ::
-> ((->) t a)
pure a = \_ -> a
(<*>) ::
((->) t (a -> b)) -- f2a (b out)
-> ((->) t a) -- f1a (a out)
-> ((->) t b) -- output is b out
(<*>) f2a f1a = \x -> f2a x (f1a x)
-- | Apply a binary function in the environment.
-- >>> lift2 (+) (ExactlyOne 7) (ExactlyOne 8)
-- ExactlyOne 15
-- >>> lift2 (+) (1 :. 2 :. 3 :. Nil) (4 :. 5 :. Nil)
-- [5,6,6,7,7,8]
-- >>> lift2 (+) (Full 7) (Full 8)
-- Full 15
-- >>> lift2 (+) (Full 7) Empty
-- Empty
-- >>> lift2 (+) Empty (Full 8)
-- Empty
-- >>> lift2 (+) length sum (listh [4,5,6])
-- 18
lift2 ::
Applicative k =>
(a -> b -> c)
-> k a
-> k b
-> k c
lift2 f a b = (f <$> a) <*> b
-- | Apply a ternary function in the environment.
-- /can be written using `lift2` and `(<*>)`./
-- >>> lift3 (\a b c -> a + b + c) (ExactlyOne 7) (ExactlyOne 8) (ExactlyOne 9)
-- ExactlyOne 24
-- >>> lift3 (\a b c -> a + b + c) (1 :. 2 :. 3 :. Nil) (4 :. 5 :. Nil) (6 :. 7 :. 8 :. Nil)
-- [11,12,13,12,13,14,12,13,14,13,14,15,13,14,15,14,15,16]
-- >>> lift3 (\a b c -> a + b + c) (Full 7) (Full 8) (Full 9)
-- Full 24
-- >>> lift3 (\a b c -> a + b + c) (Full 7) (Full 8) Empty
-- Empty
-- >>> lift3 (\a b c -> a + b + c) Empty (Full 8) (Full 9)
-- Empty
-- >>> lift3 (\a b c -> a + b + c) Empty Empty (Full 9)
-- Empty
-- >>> lift3 (\a b c -> a + b + c) length sum product (listh [4,5,6])
-- 138
lift3 ::
Applicative k =>
(a -> b -> c -> d)
-> k a
-> k b
-> k c
-> k d
lift3 f a b c = (f <$> a) <*> b <*> c
-- | Apply a quaternary function in the environment.
-- /can be written using `lift3` and `(<*>)`./
-- >>> lift4 (\a b c d -> a + b + c + d) (ExactlyOne 7) (ExactlyOne 8) (ExactlyOne 9) (ExactlyOne 10)
-- ExactlyOne 34
-- >>> lift4 (\a b c d -> a + b + c + d) (1 :. 2 :. 3 :. Nil) (4 :. 5 :. Nil) (6 :. 7 :. 8 :. Nil) (9 :. 10 :. Nil)
-- [20,21,21,22,22,23,21,22,22,23,23,24,21,22,22,23,23,24,22,23,23,24,24,25,22,23,23,24,24,25,23,24,24,25,25,26]
-- >>> lift4 (\a b c d -> a + b + c + d) (Full 7) (Full 8) (Full 9) (Full 10)
-- Full 34
-- >>> lift4 (\a b c d -> a + b + c + d) (Full 7) (Full 8) Empty (Full 10)
-- Empty
-- >>> lift4 (\a b c d -> a + b + c + d) Empty (Full 8) (Full 9) (Full 10)
-- Empty
-- >>> lift4 (\a b c d -> a + b + c + d) Empty Empty (Full 9) (Full 10)
-- Empty
-- >>> lift4 (\a b c d -> a + b + c + d) length sum product (sum . filter even) (listh [4,5,6])
-- 148
lift4 ::
Applicative k =>
(a -> b -> c -> d -> e)
-> k a
-> k b
-> k c
-> k d
-> k e
lift4 f a b c d = (f <$> a) <*> b <*> c <*> d
-- | Apply a nullary function in the environment.
lift0 ::
Applicative k =>
-> k a
lift0 =
error "todo: Course.Applicative#lift0"
-- | Apply a unary function in the environment.
-- /can be written using `lift0` and `(<*>)`./
-- >>> lift1 (+1) (ExactlyOne 2)
-- ExactlyOne 3
-- >>> lift1 (+1) Nil
-- []
-- >>> lift1 (+1) (1 :. 2 :. 3 :. Nil)
-- [2,3,4]
lift1 ::
Applicative k =>
(a -> b)
-> k a
-> k b
lift1 f a = f <$> a
-- | Apply, discarding the value of the first argument.
-- Pronounced, right apply.
-- >>> (1 :. 2 :. 3 :. Nil) *> (4 :. 5 :. 6 :. Nil)
-- [4,5,6,4,5,6,4,5,6]
-- >>> (1 :. 2 :. Nil) *> (4 :. 5 :. 6 :. Nil)
-- [4,5,6,4,5,6]
-- >>> (1 :. 2 :. 3 :. Nil) *> (4 :. 5 :. Nil)
-- [4,5,4,5,4,5]
-- >>> Full 7 *> Full 8
-- Full 8
-- prop> \a b c x y z -> (a :. b :. c :. Nil) *> (x :. y :. z :. Nil) == (x :. y :. z :. x :. y :. z :. x :. y :. z :. Nil)
-- prop> \x y -> Full x *> Full y == Full y
(*>) ::
Applicative k =>
k a
-> k b
-> k b
(*>) left right = const id <$> left <*> right
-- | Apply, discarding the value of the second argument.
-- Pronounced, left apply.
-- >>> (1 :. 2 :. 3 :. Nil) <* (4 :. 5 :. 6 :. Nil)
-- [1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3]
-- >>> (1 :. 2 :. Nil) <* (4 :. 5 :. 6 :. Nil)
-- [1,1,1,2,2,2]
-- >>> (1 :. 2 :. 3 :. Nil) <* (4 :. 5 :. Nil)
-- [1,1,2,2,3,3]
-- >>> Full 7 <* Full 8
-- Full 7
-- prop> \x y z a b c -> (x :. y :. z :. Nil) <* (a :. b :. c :. Nil) == (x :. x :. x :. y :. y :. y :. z :. z :. z :. Nil)
-- prop> \x y -> Full x <* Full y == Full x
(<*) ::
Applicative k =>
k b
-> k a
-> k b
(<*) left right = const <$> left <*> right
-- | Sequences a list of structures to a structure of list.
-- >>> sequence (ExactlyOne 7 :. ExactlyOne 8 :. ExactlyOne 9 :. Nil)
-- ExactlyOne [7,8,9]
-- >>> sequence ((1 :. 2 :. 3 :. Nil) :. (1 :. 2 :. Nil) :. Nil)
-- [[1,1],[1,2],[2,1],[2,2],[3,1],[3,2]]
-- >>> sequence (Full 7 :. Empty :. Nil)
-- Empty
-- >>> sequence (Full 7 :. Full 8 :. Nil)
-- Full [7,8]
-- >>> sequence ((*10) :. (+2) :. Nil) 6
-- [60,8]
sequence ::
Applicative k =>
List (k a)
-> k (List a)
sequence k = foldRight f (pure Nil) k
f v acc = (:.) <$> v <*> acc
-- | Replicate an effect a given number of times.
-- /Tip:/ Use `Course.List#replicate`.
-- >>> replicateA 4 (ExactlyOne "hi")
-- ExactlyOne ["hi","hi","hi","hi"]
-- >>> replicateA 4 (Full "hi")
-- Full ["hi","hi","hi","hi"]
-- >>> replicateA 4 Empty
-- Empty
-- >>> replicateA 4 (*2) 5
-- [10,10,10,10]
-- >>> replicateA 3 ('a' :. 'b' :. 'c' :. Nil)
-- ["aaa","aab","aac","aba","abb","abc","aca","acb","acc","baa","bab","bac","bba","bbb","bbc","bca","bcb","bcc","caa","cab","cac","cba","cbb","cbc","cca","ccb","ccc"]
replicateA ::
Applicative k =>
-> k a
-> k (List a)
replicateA i k = sequence $ replicate i k
-- | Filter a list with a predicate that produces an effect.
-- >>> filtering (ExactlyOne . even) (4 :. 5 :. 6 :. Nil)
-- ExactlyOne [4,6]
-- >>> filtering (\a -> if a > 13 then Empty else Full (a <= 7)) (4 :. 5 :. 6 :. Nil)
-- Full [4,5,6]
-- >>> filtering (\a -> if a > 13 then Empty else Full (a <= 7)) (4 :. 5 :. 6 :. 7 :. 8 :. 9 :. Nil)
-- Full [4,5,6,7]
-- >>> filtering (\a -> if a > 13 then Empty else Full (a <= 7)) (4 :. 5 :. 6 :. 13 :. 14 :. Nil)
-- Empty
-- >>> filtering (>) (4 :. 5 :. 6 :. 7 :. 8 :. 9 :. 10 :. 11 :. 12 :. Nil) 8
-- [9,10,11,12]
-- >>> filtering (const $ True :. True :. Nil) (1 :. 2 :. 3 :. Nil)
-- [[1,2,3],[1,2,3],[1,2,3],[1,2,3],[1,2,3],[1,2,3],[1,2,3],[1,2,3]]
filtering ::
Applicative k =>
(a -> k Bool)
-> List a
-> k (List a)
filtering predicate collection =
foldRight insideTest (pure Nil) collection
insideTest v acc = ((\a x -> if x then (v:.a) else a) <$> acc) <*> (predicate v)
instance Applicative IO where
pure =
f <*> a =
f P.>>= \f' -> P.fmap f' a
return ::
Applicative k =>
-> k a
return =
fail ::
Applicative k =>
-> k a
fail =
error . hlist
(>>) ::
Applicative k =>
k a
-> k b
-> k b
(>>) =
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