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Last active December 22, 2023 08:45
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Gotify and Caddy with Systemd

How to install Gotify with Caddy

In this guide I assume you want to use SQLite as storage mechanism. I used Ubuntu 18.04 but there should be no real differences between the different versions/distributions as long as it has systemd installed.

All commands are executed as root. If you do not want to do this, prefix them with sudo [command].

You'll need the tool unzip. If you didn't install it yet or don't know if it is installed just execute apt install -y unzip.

Parts of this guide are taken from this guide and are modified for Gotify.

1. Decide for a install location

I used the following paths:

App:    /opt/gotify/
Config: /opt/gotify/config.yml
Data:   /opt/gotify/data/

You of course be more compliant with the linux directories and use this structure:

App:    /usr/local/bin/gotify
Config: /etc/gotify/config.yml
Data:   /var/lib/gotify/

Choose what you want and look for placeholders and replace the values appropiatly in the config files/commands we are using throughout this guide. Now for my approach we would create the directory like this, as I prefer to have all server applications in the /opt directory:

mkdir -p /opt/gotify
cd /opt/gotify

2. Download Gotify

First you have to get the download link to the binary of your architecture. Find the newest release here and replace <releaseurl>.

Download the release package to and unzip it.

wget -O <releaseurl>

Rename the executable file to a more intuitive name and set permissions.

mv gotify-<os>-<arch> gotify
sudo chown root:root gotify
sudo chmod 755 gotify

Create a group and user for running the app.

groupadd -r gotify
useradd -M -d /opt/gotify -s /sbin/nologin -r -g gotify gotify

3. Setup gotify configuration

Put your configuration into the configuration file config.yml. It does not exist yet so you need to create it. Here is the configuration I used. Remember to change the password! Also for Caddy the port needs to be somewhat other than 80 or 443. I chose 3000 as its free on my machine but you might change it if you want to or the port is already in use. You might also change the paths according to your desired directory structure.

  listenaddr: "" # the address to bind on, leave empty to bind on all addresses
  port: 3000 # the port for the http server
    enabled: false # if https should be enabledeave empty to bind on all addresses
      enabled: false # if the certificate should be requested from letsencrypt
  responseheaders: # response headers are added to every response (default: none)
    Access-Control-Allow-Origin: "*"
    Access-Control-Allow-Methods: "GET,POST"
database: # see below
  dialect: sqlite3
  connection: data/gotify.db
defaultuser: # on database creation, gotify creates an admin user (these values will only be used for the first start, if you want to edit the user after the first start use the WebUI)
  name: admin # the username of the default user
  pass: somesupersecurepassword123!!! # the password of the default user
passstrength: 10 # the bcrypt password strength (higher = better but also slower)
uploadedimagesdir: data/images # the directory for storing uploaded images
pluginsdir: data/plugins # the directory where plugin resides (leave empty to disable plugins)

Then assign the correct permissions to the configuration file.

chown root:root config.yml
chmod 644 config.yml

Create the data directory with correct permissions.

mkdir /opt/gotify/data
chown -R gotify:gotify /opt/gotify/data
chmod -R 755 /opt/gotify/data

You can test if you set it up correctly until now by executing this command:

sudo -u gotify ./gotify

If you see something like server started and no errors everything is fine and you can exit again using Ctrl + C.

4. Setup systemd service

Save this systemd service to /etc/systemd/system/gotify.service. Remember to replace the paths according to your situation if you wanted to change them.

Description=Gotify Push Notification Server
Documentation= systemd-networkd-wait-online.service








Set the appropiate permissions for the service file.

chown root:root /etc/systemd/system/gotify.service
chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/gotify.service

Tell systemd to reload and run it.

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start gotify.service

You can verify if it worked by executing the following command and seeing the same output like in the previous test.

systemctl status gotify.service

If you want to enable the autostart after boot you can enable it like this:

systemctl enable gotify.service

5. Setup caddy

Add the following to your Caddyfile. If you set another port than 3000 remember to change it here too.

<domain> {
    proxy / localhost:3000 {

Restart caddy and everything should be done.

systemctl restart caddy

Test by going to https://<domain>/.


  • Consider removing the admin password from the config.yml or change to another to prevent forgetting to change and other people getting access to the admin panel.
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systemclt enable gotify.service should be systemctl enable gotify.service

yes, updated. although currently I'd recommend a docker container setup.

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