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Last active May 19, 2021 01:34
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get eopkg update size in per-package detail
#!/usr/bin/env python2
from pisi.api import *
from pisi.util import human_readable_size
from os.path import basename as b
from sys import argv
ctx = set()
def format(pkgname):
total, cached = calculate_download_size([pkgname])
total, cached = 0, 0
return {pkgname:{"total":total,"cached":cached}}
def glue(dicts):
return dict(reduce(lambda n,m:n+m.items(),dicts,[]))
def sifmt(num):
if 'h' in ctx:
si = human_readable_size(num)
return (6, 2) + si
return (14, 0, num, "B")
def help(n):
print b(argv[0])+"\t[-?hst]"\
"\n\t-h\thuman-readable numbers" \
"\n\t-s\tsort by size, cached always last"\
"\n\t-t\tprint total download size"
set = ctx.add
args = {
"?": lambda: help(0),
"h": lambda: set("h"),
"s": lambda: set("s"),
"t": lambda: set("t"),
def skey(s): return s[1 if 's' in ctx else 0]
def xor(x, y): return bool(x) ^ bool(y)
def scmp(x, y):
if type(x) == str:
return cmp(x, y)
if not xor(x['cached'], y['cached']):
vals = x['total'] - x['cached'], y['total'] - y['cached']
return cmp(*vals)
if x['cached'] or x['total'] == 0:
return -1
return 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
for arg in argv[1:]:
if arg[0] != '-':
raise Exception
for c in arg[1:]:
print "Invalid arg."
sizes = glue([ format(i) for i in list_upgradable() ])
total = sum(i['total'] - i['cached'] for i in sizes.values())
for k, v in sorted(sizes.items(), key=skey, cmp=scmp, reverse='s' in ctx):
fmt = "%-34s" % k
if v['total']:
fmt += " %*.*f %s" % sifmt(v['total'])
fmt += " cached: %*.*f %s" % sifmt(v['cached']) \
if v['cached'] else ""
fmt += " [DEPRECATED]"
print fmt
if 't' in ctx:
print "--------------------------"
print "need to download: %*.*f %s" % sifmt(total)
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