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Created August 4, 2022 01:33
How to write pure JS
import esbuild from "esbuild";
import { rollup } from "rollup";
import * as terser from "terser";
async function runEsbuild(code) {
let result = await esbuild.transform(code, { treeShaking: true });
return result.code;
async function runRollup(code) {
let modules = { "main.js": code };
let bundle = await rollup({
input: Object.keys(modules)[0],
plugins: [
resolveId(importee, importer) {
if (!importer) return importee;
if (importee[0] !== ".") return false;
load(id) {
return modules[id];
onwarn: () => {},
let generated = await bundle.generate({ format: "es" });
return generated.output[0].code;
async function runTerser(code) {
const result = await terser.minify(code, { module: true });
return result.code;
let count = 1;
async function runTests(code) {
function runX(f, name) {
console.log("--", name, "--");
return f(code).then(console.log).catch(console.error);
console.log(`== Test ${count++} ==`);
await runX(runTerser, "terser");
await runX(runEsbuild, "esbuild");
await runX(runRollup, "rollup");
// NB. tests that comment out are almost the same
// await runTests(`let a = /* @__PURE__ */ f()`);
// await runTests(`let a = /* @__PURE__ */ f.g()`);
// await runTests(`let a = /* @__PURE__ */ f().g()`);
// await runTests(`let a = /* @__PURE__ */ f().g`);
// await runTests(`let a = /* @__PURE__ */ f.g`);
// await runTests(`let a = /* @__PURE__ */ f['g']()`);
// await runTests(`let a = /* @__PURE__ */ f()[g]()`);
// await runTests(`let a = /* @__PURE__ */ f[g]`);
await runTests(`let a = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty`);
await runTests(`let a = Object.hasOwn`);
// await runTests(`let a = Whatever.whatever`);
await runTests(`let a = /* @__PURE__ */ import('b')`);
await runTests(`let a = new Map()`);
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hyrious commented Aug 4, 2022


  1. Both of them (esbuild, rollup, terser) maintain some sort of known globals to help minifying by trusting code authors won't run into some edge cases (like modify a global builtin function). Their lists are here:
  2. Without finding the intersection of them, there exists some basic rules to write pure codes. I'll try to state them here:
    • Literals must be pure. Don't include any runtime calculations in your literal expressions.
      • Example of pure literal: let a = 1
      • Example of maybe-not-pure literal: let a = 1 << 1
        • There's a workaround to use basic operations in esbuild via enum in TypeScript format.
      • Example of non-analyzable literal: let a = {}; a.b = 1
        • This requires additional tracking algorithm to solve the final pureness of a, which is not supported in esbuild.
    • Pure annotations marks the right-most function call as safe to remove, examples:
      • let a = /* @__PURE__ */ f.g().h().i
        The return value of f.g().h() is pure, but it is then be used in $ret.i, which makes the whole expression not pure. If you need an explanation: there may exist a get i() {} which has side effects.
      • let a = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => { })()
        The whole iife function call is safe to remove if a is not used somewhere else.
    • But minifiers always have an option to ignore annotations:
    • So if you're a pedantic guy, you should only follow the first rule.

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