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Created June 15, 2019 02:41
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# coding: utf-8
Types = {}
Objects = {}
def enum part
part.split(/, | and /)
def scan part, type
parts = part.scan(/(\w+ is \w+|\w+(?:, \w+)+ are \w+(?:, \w+)+)/)
s = parts.reduce({}) { |s, a|
if m = a[0].match(/(\w+) is (\w+)/)
s[m[1]] = m[2]
s.merge! a[0].split(/ are /).map { |e| enum e }.reduce(&:zip).to_h
Types[type]&.each { |field| s[field] ||= nil }
def parse sentence
case sentence
when /a (\w+) is defined by (.+)/
Types[$1] = enum $2
when /there is a (\w+) called (\w+)(.+)/
Objects[$2] = scan $3, $1
when /the (.+?) is (?:called )?(.+)/
Objects[$1] = $2
end\.\s+/).map(&:strip).each { |s| parse s }
pp Objects
A rect is defined by x, y, width and height.
There is a rect called X, its x, y are 114, 514 and its width is 1919810.
The game title is called hello world.
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