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Created November 21, 2023 09:39
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persist a loro-crdt doc into indexed db
// This file persists Loro doc to indexeddb
import type { Loro, LoroEvent } from 'loro-crdt'
import { Remitter, ReadonlyRemitter } from 'remitter'
import * as idb from 'lib0/indexeddb'
export interface PersistEventData {
synced: IPersistProvider
export interface IPersistProvider {
readonly db: IDBDatabase | null
readonly synced: boolean
readonly emitter: ReadonlyRemitter<PersistEventData>
readonly whenSynced: Promise<IPersistProvider>
destroy(): Promise<void>
const Updates = 'updates'
const PreferredTrimSize = 500
// Credit:
class PersistProvider implements IPersistProvider {
db: IDBDatabase | null = null
synced = false
emitter = new Remitter<PersistEventData>
_dbref = 0
_dbsize = 0
_destroyed = false
_db: Promise<IDBDatabase>
_storeTimeout = 1000
_storeTimeoutId = 0
_storeUpdate: (event: LoroEvent) => void
whenSynced: Promise<PersistProvider>
destroy: () => Promise<void>
constructor(readonly name: string, readonly doc: Loro) {
this._db = idb.openDB(name, db => idb.createStores(db, [
[Updates, { autoIncrement: true }],
this.whenSynced = new Promise(resolve => this.emitter.once('synced', () => resolve(this)))
this._db.then(db => {
this.db = db
(updates$) => {
idb.addAutoKey(updates$, this.doc.exportSnapshot())
() => {
if (this._destroyed) return
this.synced = true
this.emitter.emit('synced', this)
let lastVersion = doc.version()
this._storeUpdate = (event: LoroEvent) => {
if (this.db && !event.fromCheckout) {
const [updates$] = idb.transact(this.db, [Updates])
idb.addAutoKey(updates$, doc.exportFrom(lastVersion))
lastVersion = doc.version()
if (++this._dbsize >= PreferredTrimSize) {
this._storeTimeoutId = setTimeout(() => storeState(this), this._storeTimeout)
const subscribeId = doc.subscribe(this._storeUpdate)
this.destroy = () => {
return this._db.then(db => db.close())
function fetchUpdates(persist: PersistProvider,
beforeUpdate = (updates$: IDBObjectStore) => void 0,
afterUpdate = (updates$: IDBObjectStore) => void 0): Promise<IDBObjectStore> {
const [updates$] = idb.transact(persist.db!, [Updates])
return idb.getAll(updates$, idb.createIDBKeyRangeLowerBound(persist._dbref, false)).then(updates => {
if (!persist._destroyed) {
// persist.doc.importUpdateBatch(updates)
updates.forEach(update => persist.doc.import(update))
}).then(() => idb.getLastKey(updates$).then(lastKey => { persist._dbref = lastKey + 1 }))
.then(() => idb.count(updates$).then(count => { persist._dbsize = count }))
.then(() => updates$)
function storeState(persist: PersistProvider): Promise<void> {
return fetchUpdates(persist).then(updates$ => {
if (persist._dbsize >= PreferredTrimSize) {
idb.addAutoKey(updates$, persist.doc.exportSnapshot())
.then(() => idb.del(updates$, idb.createIDBKeyRangeUpperBound(persist._dbref, true)))
.then(() => idb.count(updates$).then(cnt => { persist._dbsize = cnt }))
* ```js
* const db = persist('doc', doc)
* db.emitter.on('synced', () => {
* console.log('loaded content from indexeddb')
* })
* ```
export function persist(name: string, doc: Loro): IPersistProvider {
return new PersistProvider(name, doc)
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