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Last active March 23, 2024 02:33
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  • Save hyrious/7120a56c593937457c0811443563e017 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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plugin to get rid of '__require' in esbuild
var RequireToImportPlugin = {
name: 'require-to-import',
setup({ onResolve, onLoad, esbuild }) {
function matchBrace(text, from) {
if (!(text[from] === '(')) return -1;
let i, k = 1;
for (i = from + 1; i < text.length && k > 0; ++i) {
if (text[i] === '(') k++;
if (text[i] === ')') k--;
let to = i - 1;
if (!(text[to] === ')') || k !== 0) return -1;
return to;
function makeName(path) {
return path.replace(/-(\w)/g, (_, x) => x.toUpperCase())
.replace(/[^$_a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '_');
onLoad({ filter: /\.c?js/ }, async args => {
let contents = await fs.readFile(args.path, 'utf8')
let warnings
try {
({ warnings } = await esbuild.transform(contents, { format: 'esm', logLevel: 'silent' }))
} catch (err) {
({ warnings } = err)
let lines = contents.split('\n')
if (warnings && warnings.some(e => e.text.includes('"require" to "esm"'))) {
let modifications = [], imports = []
for (const { location: { line, lineText, column, length } } of warnings) {
// "require|here|("
let left = column + length
// "require('a'|here|)"
let right = matchBrace(lineText, left)
if (right === -1) continue;
// "'a'"
let raw = lineText.slice(left + 1, right)
let path
try {
// 'a'
path = eval(raw) // or, write a real js lexer to parse that
if (typeof path !== 'string') continue; // print warnings about dynamic require
} catch (e) {
let name = `__import_${makeName(path)}`
// "import __import_a from 'a'"
let import_statement = `import ${name} from ${raw};`
// rewrite "require('a')" -> "__import_a"
let offset = lines.slice(0, line - 1).map(line => line.length).reduce((a, b) => a + 1 + b, 0)
modifications.push([offset + column, offset + right + 1, name])
if (imports.length === 0) return null;
imports = [ Set(imports)]
let offset = 0
for (const [start, end, name] of modifications) {
contents = contents.slice(0, start + offset) + name + contents.slice(end + offset)
offset += name.length - (end - start)
contents = [...imports, 'module.exports', contents].join(';') // put imports at the first line, so sourcemaps will be ok
return { contents }
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hyrious commented Jan 18, 2022

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