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Created May 6, 2015 18:19
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public class AzureFriendlyReplicationInformer : ReplicationInformer
public AzureFriendlyReplicationInformer(DocumentConvention conventions)
: base(conventions)
public override bool ShouldExecuteUsing(string operationUrl, int currentRequest, string method, bool primary)
if (primary == false)
var failureCounter = GetHolder(operationUrl);
if (failureCounter.Value == 0 || failureCounter.ForceCheck)
failureCounter.LastCheck = SystemTime.UtcNow;
return true;
if (currentRequest % CheckRepititionRate(failureCounter.Value) == 0)
failureCounter.LastCheck = SystemTime.UtcNow;
return true;
if ((SystemTime.UtcNow - failureCounter.LastCheck) > conventions.MaxFailoverCheckPeriod)
failureCounter.LastCheck = SystemTime.UtcNow;
return true;
return false;
private int CheckRepititionRate(long value)
if (value < 10000)
return 1000;
if (value < 100000)
return 10000;
return 100000;
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