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Created January 11, 2021 23:14
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Create encrypted TimeMachine backup on SMB share.
#!/usr/bin/env -i /bin/bash
# Based on:
HOSTNAME=`hostname -s`
UUID=`/usr/sbin/system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | awk '/UUID/ { print $3; }'`
UUIDLOW=`echo $UUID|awk '{print tolower($0)}'`
echo "Hostname: $HOSTNAME"
echo "Device UUID: $UUID"
echo "User: $SUDO_USER"
read -p 'SMB host: ' host
read -p 'SMB share: ' share
read -p 'Username: ' username
read -sp 'Password: ' password
echo ""
echo "Mount Backupdestination"
mkdir /Volumes/Timemachine
/sbin/mount -t smbfs "smb://$username:$password@$host/$share" "/Volumes/Timemachine"
# Check if mount worked
CHECK_MOUNT=`/sbin/mount | grep "$share" | awk '{print $3}'`
if [ -z $CHECK_MOUNT ]
echo "Mount failed"
exit 1
read -p 'Encryption password: ' encpassword
cd /tmp
# create new Sparsebundle
echo -n "$encpassword" | hdiutil create -size 500g -type SPARSEBUNDLE -encryption AES-256 -stdinpass -nospotlight -volname $HOSTNAME -fs "apfs" $HOSTNAME
# Write configuration with device uuid for timemachine
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"
<plist version="1.0">
chown -R $USER:staff $IMAGENAME
# move new Sparsebundle to nas / timecapsule
echo "move Sparsebundle to timecapsule"
mv $IMAGENAME /Volumes/Timemachine
# Get disk UUID from sparsebundle
DISKUUID=`hdiutil isencrypted -plist /Volumes/Timemachine/${IMAGENAME} 2>&1 | grep 'uuid' -1|grep string|awk 'BEGIN {FS=">"} {print $2}'|awk 'BEGIN {FS="<"} {print $1}'`
echo "Disk UUID: $DISKUUID"
echo "Umount Timecapsule"
/sbin/umount /Volumes/Timemachine
sleep 3
# Add destination for timemachine
echo "Set Destination for Timemachine"
tmutil setdestination "smb://$username:$password@$host/$share"
NEWBACKUPID=`tmutil destinationinfo | grep ID | awk '{print $3}'`
echo "Backup UUID: $NEWBACKUPID"
# Add Passwords for sparsebundle to keychain
/usr/bin/sudo -i -u $SUDO_USER /usr/bin/security add-generic-password -U -a "localdevice$UUID-AuthToken" -s "" -l " localdevice$UUIDLOW-AuthToken" -A -w "$encpassword"
/usr/bin/security add-generic-password -a "$DISKUUID" -s "$UUID.sparsebundle" -D "disk image password" -A -w "$encpassword" /Library/Keychains/System.keychain
/usr/bin/security add-generic-password -a "$DISKUUID" -s "$UUID.sparsebundle" -D "Image-Passwort" -A -w "$encpassword" /Library/Keychains/System.keychain
/usr/bin/security add-generic-password -U -a "$DISKUUID" -s "$IMAGENAME" -A -w "$encpassword" /Library/Keychains/System.keychain
/usr/bin/security add-generic-password -a $NEWBACKUPID -s "Time Machine" -A -w $encpassword /Library/Keychains/System.keychain
echo "Enable backup manually"
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