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Created July 10, 2020 11:44
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  • Save hyuki/a0285da6f334ae7f63ac9ccf1abb7241 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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color_graph.rb - coloring bipartite graphs.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# See 「数学ガールの秘密ノート」第296回
# by Hiroshi Yuki.
class Graph
def info(depth, s)
puts ' ' * depth + s
def another_color(color)
case color
when :white
when :black
abort "another_color error."
def push(u)
# puts "#{u[:name]} is pushed. Stack is now [ #{{|v| v[:name] }.join(', ')} ]."
def pop(expected)
u = @stack.pop
# puts "#{u[:name]} is popped. Stack is now [ #{{|v| v[:name] }.join(', ')} ]."
if u != expected
abort "Unexpected result: #{u[:name]} is popped from the stack, but it should be = #{expected[:name]}"
def show_cycle_in_stack
a = []
@stack.reverse.each do |v|
a << v
break if a.size > 1 and a[0] == v
puts {|v| "#{v[:name]}(#{v[:color]})"}.join(' - ')
def show_coloring
puts "White vertices are " + { |v| v[:color] == :white }.map {|v| v[:name] }.join(',') + "."
puts "Black vertices are " + { |v| v[:color] == :black }.map {|v| v[:name] }.join(',') + "."
def color_graph
info 0,"Start coloring #{@name}."
@vertices.values.each do |v|
v[:color] = nil
@vertices.values.each do |v|
if not v[:color]
info 0,"#{v[:name]} is not colored. Start coloring #{v[:name]} deeply."
if not color_dfs(1, v, :white)
info 0,"Graph #{@name} cannot be colored."
return false
info 0,"#{v[:name]} is already colored. No need coloring."
info 0,"Graph #{@name} is colored."
return true
def color_dfs(depth, u, color)
if not u[:color]
info depth,"#{u[:name]} is not colored yet."
info depth,"#{u[:name]} is has #{u[:adj].size} adjacents."
u[:color] = color
info depth,"#{u[:name]} is colored in #{u[:color]}."
u[:adj].each do |v|
if not color_dfs(depth + 1, v, another_color(color))
return false
info depth,"#{u[:name]} is deeply colored successfully."
return true
elsif u[:color] == color
info depth,"#{u[:name]} is already colored in #{u[:color]}, and it is consistent."
return true
info depth,"#{u[:name]} is already colored in #{u[:color]}, but it should be colored in #{color}, failed."
puts "I found an odd cycle as follows:"
return false
def initialize(name, edgelist)
@name = name
@vertices = {}
@stack = []
edgelist.each do |link|
if link.match(/^([^-]+)-([^-]+)$/)
uname = $1.to_s
vname = $2.to_s
abort if uname == vname
u = @vertices[uname]
if not u
u = { :name => uname, :adj => [] }
@vertices[uname] = u
v = @vertices[vname]
if not v
v = { :name => vname, :adj => [] }
@vertices[vname] = v
u[:adj] << v
v[:adj] << u
puts"sample", [
"1-2", "2-3",
"4-5", "5-6", "5-8", "4-7", "7-8",
puts "↑「数学ガールの秘密ノート」第296回の例"
puts"oddCycledGraph", [
puts "↑奇数のサイクルがあるから色分けできない例"
puts"evenCycledGraph", [
puts "↑偶数のサイクルだから色分けできる例"
puts"rhoGraph", [
puts "↑ρの文字のように途中にサイクルができる例"
puts"binaryTree", [
puts "↑名前の長さの偶奇で色分けされてる(ツリーの深さ)"
puts"cube", [
puts "↑パリティになっている例"
puts"forest", [
puts "↑二つの連結成分からなる例"
s = []
100.times do |n|
a = ('A'.ord + rand(26)).chr
b = ('a'.ord + rand(26)).chr
s << "#{a}-#{b}"
end"bigPartite", s).color_graph
puts "↑ランダムな二部グラフ(大文字と小文字の間のみに辺がある)"
Copy link

hyuki commented Jul 10, 2020

Start coloring sample.
1 is not colored. Start coloring 1 deeply.
 1 is not colored yet.
 1 is has 1 adjacents.
 1 is colored in white.
  2 is not colored yet.
  2 is has 2 adjacents.
  2 is colored in black.
   1 is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
   3 is not colored yet.
   3 is has 1 adjacents.
   3 is colored in white.
    2 is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
   3 is deeply colored successfully.
  2 is deeply colored successfully.
 1 is deeply colored successfully.
2 is already colored. No need coloring.
3 is already colored. No need coloring.
4 is not colored. Start coloring 4 deeply.
 4 is not colored yet.
 4 is has 2 adjacents.
 4 is colored in white.
  5 is not colored yet.
  5 is has 3 adjacents.
  5 is colored in black.
   4 is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
   6 is not colored yet.
   6 is has 1 adjacents.
   6 is colored in white.
    5 is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
   6 is deeply colored successfully.
   8 is not colored yet.
   8 is has 2 adjacents.
   8 is colored in white.
    5 is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
    7 is not colored yet.
    7 is has 2 adjacents.
    7 is colored in black.
     4 is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
     8 is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
    7 is deeply colored successfully.
   8 is deeply colored successfully.
  5 is deeply colored successfully.
  7 is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
 4 is deeply colored successfully.
5 is already colored. No need coloring.
6 is already colored. No need coloring.
8 is already colored. No need coloring.
7 is already colored. No need coloring.
Graph sample is colored.
White vertices are 1,3,4,6,8.
Black vertices are 2,5,7.

Start coloring oddCycledGraph.
A is not colored. Start coloring A deeply.
 A is not colored yet.
 A is has 2 adjacents.
 A is colored in white.
  B is not colored yet.
  B is has 2 adjacents.
  B is colored in black.
   A is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
   C is not colored yet.
   C is has 2 adjacents.
   C is colored in white.
    B is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
    A is already colored in white, but it should be colored in black, failed.
I found an odd cycle as follows:
A(white) - C(white) - B(black) - A(white)
Graph oddCycledGraph cannot be colored.

Start coloring evenCycledGraph.
A is not colored. Start coloring A deeply.
 A is not colored yet.
 A is has 2 adjacents.
 A is colored in white.
  B is not colored yet.
  B is has 2 adjacents.
  B is colored in black.
   A is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
   C is not colored yet.
   C is has 2 adjacents.
   C is colored in white.
    B is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
    D is not colored yet.
    D is has 2 adjacents.
    D is colored in black.
     C is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
     A is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
    D is deeply colored successfully.
   C is deeply colored successfully.
  B is deeply colored successfully.
  D is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
 A is deeply colored successfully.
B is already colored. No need coloring.
C is already colored. No need coloring.
D is already colored. No need coloring.
Graph evenCycledGraph is colored.
White vertices are A,C.
Black vertices are B,D.

Start coloring rhoGraph.
A is not colored. Start coloring A deeply.
 A is not colored yet.
 A is has 1 adjacents.
 A is colored in white.
  B is not colored yet.
  B is has 3 adjacents.
  B is colored in black.
   A is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
   C is not colored yet.
   C is has 2 adjacents.
   C is colored in white.
    B is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
    D is not colored yet.
    D is has 2 adjacents.
    D is colored in black.
     C is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
     B is already colored in black, but it should be colored in white, failed.
I found an odd cycle as follows:
B(black) - D(black) - C(white) - B(black)
Graph rhoGraph cannot be colored.

Start coloring binaryTree.
1 is not colored. Start coloring 1 deeply.
 1 is not colored yet.
 1 is has 2 adjacents.
 1 is colored in white.
  11 is not colored yet.
  11 is has 3 adjacents.
  11 is colored in black.
   1 is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
   111 is not colored yet.
   111 is has 3 adjacents.
   111 is colored in white.
    11 is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
    1111 is not colored yet.
    1111 is has 1 adjacents.
    1111 is colored in black.
     111 is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
    1111 is deeply colored successfully.
    1112 is not colored yet.
    1112 is has 1 adjacents.
    1112 is colored in black.
     111 is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
    1112 is deeply colored successfully.
   111 is deeply colored successfully.
   112 is not colored yet.
   112 is has 1 adjacents.
   112 is colored in white.
    11 is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
   112 is deeply colored successfully.
  11 is deeply colored successfully.
  12 is not colored yet.
  12 is has 3 adjacents.
  12 is colored in black.
   1 is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
   121 is not colored yet.
   121 is has 1 adjacents.
   121 is colored in white.
    12 is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
   121 is deeply colored successfully.
   122 is not colored yet.
   122 is has 1 adjacents.
   122 is colored in white.
    12 is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
   122 is deeply colored successfully.
  12 is deeply colored successfully.
 1 is deeply colored successfully.
11 is already colored. No need coloring.
12 is already colored. No need coloring.
111 is already colored. No need coloring.
112 is already colored. No need coloring.
121 is already colored. No need coloring.
122 is already colored. No need coloring.
1111 is already colored. No need coloring.
1112 is already colored. No need coloring.
Graph binaryTree is colored.
White vertices are 1,111,112,121,122.
Black vertices are 11,12,1111,1112.

Start coloring cube.
000 is not colored. Start coloring 000 deeply.
 000 is not colored yet.
 000 is has 3 adjacents.
 000 is colored in white.
  001 is not colored yet.
  001 is has 3 adjacents.
  001 is colored in black.
   000 is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
   011 is not colored yet.
   011 is has 3 adjacents.
   011 is colored in white.
    001 is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
    010 is not colored yet.
    010 is has 3 adjacents.
    010 is colored in black.
     000 is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
     011 is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
     110 is not colored yet.
     110 is has 3 adjacents.
     110 is colored in white.
      010 is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
      100 is not colored yet.
      100 is has 3 adjacents.
      100 is colored in black.
       000 is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
       101 is not colored yet.
       101 is has 3 adjacents.
       101 is colored in white.
        001 is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
        100 is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
        111 is not colored yet.
        111 is has 3 adjacents.
        111 is colored in black.
         011 is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
         101 is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
         110 is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
        111 is deeply colored successfully.
       101 is deeply colored successfully.
       110 is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
      100 is deeply colored successfully.
      111 is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
     110 is deeply colored successfully.
    010 is deeply colored successfully.
    111 is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
   011 is deeply colored successfully.
   101 is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
  001 is deeply colored successfully.
  010 is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
  100 is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
 000 is deeply colored successfully.
001 is already colored. No need coloring.
010 is already colored. No need coloring.
100 is already colored. No need coloring.
011 is already colored. No need coloring.
101 is already colored. No need coloring.
110 is already colored. No need coloring.
111 is already colored. No need coloring.
Graph cube is colored.
White vertices are 000,011,101,110.
Black vertices are 001,010,100,111.

Start coloring forest.
A is not colored. Start coloring A deeply.
 A is not colored yet.
 A is has 2 adjacents.
 A is colored in white.
  B is not colored yet.
  B is has 2 adjacents.
  B is colored in black.
   A is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
   C is not colored yet.
   C is has 2 adjacents.
   C is colored in white.
    B is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
    D is not colored yet.
    D is has 2 adjacents.
    D is colored in black.
     C is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
     A is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
    D is deeply colored successfully.
   C is deeply colored successfully.
  B is deeply colored successfully.
  D is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
 A is deeply colored successfully.
B is already colored. No need coloring.
C is already colored. No need coloring.
D is already colored. No need coloring.
X is not colored. Start coloring X deeply.
 X is not colored yet.
 X is has 2 adjacents.
 X is colored in white.
  Y is not colored yet.
  Y is has 3 adjacents.
  Y is colored in black.
   X is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
   W is not colored yet.
   W is has 1 adjacents.
   W is colored in white.
    Y is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
   W is deeply colored successfully.
   U is not colored yet.
   U is has 1 adjacents.
   U is colored in white.
    Y is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
   U is deeply colored successfully.
  Y is deeply colored successfully.
  Z is not colored yet.
  Z is has 1 adjacents.
  Z is colored in black.
   X is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
  Z is deeply colored successfully.
 X is deeply colored successfully.
Y is already colored. No need coloring.
Z is already colored. No need coloring.
W is already colored. No need coloring.
U is already colored. No need coloring.
Graph forest is colored.
White vertices are A,C,X,W,U.
Black vertices are B,D,Y,Z.

Start coloring bigPartite.
I is not colored. Start coloring I deeply.
 I is not colored yet.
 I is has 3 adjacents.
 I is colored in white.
  n is not colored yet.
  n is has 4 adjacents.
  n is colored in black.
   I is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
   W is not colored yet.
   W is has 5 adjacents.
   W is colored in white.
    k is not colored yet.
    k is has 2 adjacents.
    k is colored in black.
     W is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
     G is not colored yet.
     G is has 7 adjacents.
     G is colored in white.
      p is not colored yet.
      p is has 5 adjacents.
      p is colored in black.
       G is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
       D is not colored yet.
       D is has 2 adjacents.
       D is colored in white.
        m is not colored yet.
        m is has 2 adjacents.
        m is colored in black.
         D is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
         J is not colored yet.
         J is has 3 adjacents.
         J is colored in white.
          t is not colored yet.
          t is has 3 adjacents.
          t is colored in black.
           J is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
           O is not colored yet.
           O is has 4 adjacents.
           O is colored in white.
            q is not colored yet.
            q is has 7 adjacents.
            q is colored in black.
             O is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
             H is not colored yet.
             H is has 8 adjacents.
             H is colored in white.
              c is not colored yet.
              c is has 2 adjacents.
              c is colored in black.
               H is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
               Q is not colored yet.
               Q is has 7 adjacents.
               Q is colored in white.
                v is not colored yet.
                v is has 4 adjacents.
                v is colored in black.
                 Q is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                 G is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                 T is not colored yet.
                 T is has 3 adjacents.
                 T is colored in white.
                  v is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                  n is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                  o is not colored yet.
                  o is has 5 adjacents.
                  o is colored in black.
                   F is not colored yet.
                   F is has 2 adjacents.
                   F is colored in white.
                    h is not colored yet.
                    h is has 7 adjacents.
                    h is colored in black.
                     W is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                     C is not colored yet.
                     C is has 2 adjacents.
                     C is colored in white.
                      h is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                      r is not colored yet.
                      r is has 1 adjacents.
                      r is colored in black.
                       C is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                      r is deeply colored successfully.
                     C is deeply colored successfully.
                     R is not colored yet.
                     R is has 4 adjacents.
                     R is colored in white.
                      h is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                      d is not colored yet.
                      d is has 8 adjacents.
                      d is colored in black.
                       W is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                       H is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                       R is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                       Q is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                       Z is not colored yet.
                       Z is has 3 adjacents.
                       Z is colored in white.
                        u is not colored yet.
                        u is has 2 adjacents.
                        u is colored in black.
                         Z is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                         R is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                        u is deeply colored successfully.
                        d is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                        s is not colored yet.
                        s is has 5 adjacents.
                        s is colored in black.
                         L is not colored yet.
                         L is has 5 adjacents.
                         L is colored in white.
                          j is not colored yet.
                          j is has 3 adjacents.
                          j is colored in black.
                           P is not colored yet.
                           P is has 2 adjacents.
                           P is colored in white.
                            j is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                            i is not colored yet.
                            i is has 4 adjacents.
                            i is colored in black.
                             N is not colored yet.
                             N is has 5 adjacents.
                             N is colored in white.
                              i is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                              w is not colored yet.
                              w is has 9 adjacents.
                              w is colored in black.
                               Y is not colored yet.
                               Y is has 5 adjacents.
                               Y is colored in white.
                                w is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                                e is not colored yet.
                                e is has 5 adjacents.
                                e is colored in black.
                                 Y is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                                 A is not colored yet.
                                 A is has 2 adjacents.
                                 A is colored in white.
                                  e is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                                  a is not colored yet.
                                  a is has 6 adjacents.
                                  a is colored in black.
                                   S is not colored yet.
                                   S is has 4 adjacents.
                                   S is colored in white.
                                    a is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                                    z is not colored yet.
                                    z is has 3 adjacents.
                                    z is colored in black.
                                     S is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                                     J is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                                     X is not colored yet.
                                     X is has 4 adjacents.
                                     X is colored in white.
                                      q is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                                      h is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                                      z is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                                      w is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                                     X is deeply colored successfully.
                                    z is deeply colored successfully.
                                    j is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                                    a is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                                   S is deeply colored successfully.
                                   S is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                                   G is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                                   A is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                                   B is not colored yet.
                                   B is has 4 adjacents.
                                   B is colored in white.
                                    b is not colored yet.
                                    b is has 5 adjacents.
                                    b is colored in black.
                                     Q is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                                     W is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                                     B is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                                     Q is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                                     I is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                                    b is deeply colored successfully.
                                    t is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                                    p is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                                    a is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                                   B is deeply colored successfully.
                                   E is not colored yet.
                                   E is has 3 adjacents.
                                   E is colored in white.
                                    i is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                                    h is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                                    a is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                                   E is deeply colored successfully.
                                  a is deeply colored successfully.
                                 A is deeply colored successfully.
                                 V is not colored yet.
                                 V is has 2 adjacents.
                                 V is colored in white.
                                  e is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                                  l is not colored yet.
                                  l is has 2 adjacents.
                                  l is colored in black.
                                   V is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                                   H is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                                  l is deeply colored successfully.
                                 V is deeply colored successfully.
                                 Q is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                                 N is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                                e is deeply colored successfully.
                                q is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                                f is not colored yet.
                                f is has 4 adjacents.
                                f is colored in black.
                                 Y is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                                 H is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                                 K is not colored yet.
                                 K is has 7 adjacents.
                                 K is colored in white.
                                  f is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                                  q is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                                  f is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                                  w is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                                  d is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                                  d is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                                  s is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                                 K is deeply colored successfully.
                                 K is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                                f is deeply colored successfully.
                                o is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                               Y is deeply colored successfully.
                               N is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                               O is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                               U is not colored yet.
                               U is has 3 adjacents.
                               U is colored in white.
                                w is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                                v is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                                w is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                               U is deeply colored successfully.
                               U is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                               H is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                               K is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                               Q is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                               X is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                              w is deeply colored successfully.
                              o is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                              s is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                              e is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                             N is deeply colored successfully.
                             E is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                             P is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                             H is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                            i is deeply colored successfully.
                           P is deeply colored successfully.
                           L is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                           S is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                          j is deeply colored successfully.
                          s is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                          o is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                          s is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                          p is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                         L is deeply colored successfully.
                         Z is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                         N is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                         L is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                         K is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                        s is deeply colored successfully.
                       Z is deeply colored successfully.
                       G is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                       K is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                       K is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                      d is deeply colored successfully.
                      u is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                      p is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                     R is deeply colored successfully.
                     F is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                     E is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                     X is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                     G is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                    h is deeply colored successfully.
                    o is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                   F is deeply colored successfully.
                   Y is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                   N is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                   L is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                   T is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                  o is deeply colored successfully.
                 T is deeply colored successfully.
                 U is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
                v is deeply colored successfully.
                b is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                c is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                e is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                d is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                b is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
                w is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
               Q is deeply colored successfully.
              c is deeply colored successfully.
              q is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
              d is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
              f is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
              l is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
              g is not colored yet.
              g is has 1 adjacents.
              g is colored in black.
               H is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
              g is deeply colored successfully.
              w is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
              i is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
             H is deeply colored successfully.
             Y is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
             K is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
             I is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
             X is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
             M is not colored yet.
             M is has 1 adjacents.
             M is colored in white.
              q is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
             M is deeply colored successfully.
            q is deeply colored successfully.
            w is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
            t is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
            n is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
           O is deeply colored successfully.
           B is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
          t is deeply colored successfully.
          m is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
          z is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
         J is deeply colored successfully.
        m is deeply colored successfully.
        p is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
       D is deeply colored successfully.
       B is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
       L is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
       R is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
      p is deeply colored successfully.
      v is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
      d is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
      k is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
      a is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
      h is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
      x is not colored yet.
      x is has 1 adjacents.
      x is colored in black.
       G is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
      x is deeply colored successfully.
     G is deeply colored successfully.
    k is deeply colored successfully.
    h is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
    n is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
    d is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
    b is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
   W is deeply colored successfully.
   T is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
   O is already colored in white, and it is consistent.
  n is deeply colored successfully.
  q is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
  b is already colored in black, and it is consistent.
 I is deeply colored successfully.
n is already colored. No need coloring.
J is already colored. No need coloring.
t is already colored. No need coloring.
W is already colored. No need coloring.
k is already colored. No need coloring.
O is already colored. No need coloring.
q is already colored. No need coloring.
H is already colored. No need coloring.
c is already colored. No need coloring.
Y is already colored. No need coloring.
w is already colored. No need coloring.
D is already colored. No need coloring.
m is already colored. No need coloring.
h is already colored. No need coloring.
e is already colored. No need coloring.
A is already colored. No need coloring.
N is already colored. No need coloring.
i is already colored. No need coloring.
P is already colored. No need coloring.
j is already colored. No need coloring.
C is already colored. No need coloring.
d is already colored. No need coloring.
E is already colored. No need coloring.
S is already colored. No need coloring.
a is already colored. No need coloring.
z is already colored. No need coloring.
f is already colored. No need coloring.
L is already colored. No need coloring.
V is already colored. No need coloring.
s is already colored. No need coloring.
Q is already colored. No need coloring.
v is already colored. No need coloring.
G is already colored. No need coloring.
p is already colored. No need coloring.
b is already colored. No need coloring.
r is already colored. No need coloring.
R is already colored. No need coloring.
K is already colored. No need coloring.
B is already colored. No need coloring.
l is already colored. No need coloring.
Z is already colored. No need coloring.
u is already colored. No need coloring.
U is already colored. No need coloring.
F is already colored. No need coloring.
T is already colored. No need coloring.
o is already colored. No need coloring.
X is already colored. No need coloring.
g is already colored. No need coloring.
M is already colored. No need coloring.
x is already colored. No need coloring.
Graph bigPartite is colored.
White vertices are I,J,W,O,H,Y,D,A,N,P,C,E,S,L,V,Q,G,R,K,B,Z,U,F,T,X,M.
Black vertices are n,t,k,q,c,w,m,h,e,i,j,d,a,z,f,s,v,p,b,r,l,u,o,g,x.

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hyuki commented Jul 10, 2020

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