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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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  • Save hyunjun/55f83bfd91e2b1e24f46 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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from hbase to graph DB
  • example data from

  • create table

    $ echo "create 'actor', 'a'" | hbase shell
    15/07/21 13:29:36 INFO Configuration.deprecation: hadoop.native.lib is deprecated. Instead, use io.native.lib.available
    HBase Shell; enter 'help<RETURN>' for list of supported commands.
    Type "exit<RETURN>" to leave the HBase Shell
    Version 0.98.6-cdh5.3.0, rUnknown, Tue Dec 16 19:13:29 PST 2014
    create 'actor', 'a'
    0 row(s) in 2.1280 seconds
    Hbase::Table - actor
    $ echo "create 'movie', 'm'" | hbase shell
  • insert rows

    $ echo "put 'actor', 'keanu', 'a:fullname', 'Keanu Reeves'" | hbase shell
    $ echo "put 'actor', 'laurence', 'a:fullname', 'Laurence Fishburne'" | hbase shell
    $ echo "put 'actor', 'carrieanne', 'a:fullname', 'Carrie-Anne Moss'" | hbase shell
    $ echo "put 'movie', 'tt0133093', 'm:title', 'The Matrix'" | hbase shell
    $ echo "put 'movie', 'tt0133093', 'm:year', 1999" | hbase shell
    $ echo "put 'movie', 'tt0234215', 'm:title', 'The Matrix Reloaded'" | hbase shell
    $ echo "put 'movie', 'tt0234215', 'm:year', 2003" | hbase shell
    $ echo "put 'movie', 'tt0242653', 'm:title', 'The Matrix Revolutions'" | hbase shell
    $ echo "put 'movie', 'tt0242653', 'm:year', 2003" | hbase shell
  • dump

    actor = LOAD 'hbase://actor' using org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('a:*', '-loadKey true') AS (id:bytearray, am:map[bytearray]);
    movie = LOAD 'hbase://movie' using org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('m:*', '-loadKey true') AS (id:bytearray, mm:map[bytearray]);
    a_temp = FOREACH actor GENERATE id, CONCAT(CONCAT('"', am#'fullname'), '"');
    m_temp = FOREACH movie GENERATE id, CONCAT(CONCAT('"', mm#'title'), '"'), mm#'year';
    joined = CROSS a_temp, m_temp;
    j_temp = FOREACH joined GENERATE $0, $2;
    a_dumped = STORE a_temp INTO 'actor' USING PigStorage(',');
    m_dumped = STORE m_temp INTO 'movie' USING PigStorage(',');
    j_dumped = STORE j_temp INTO 'roles' USING PigStorage(',');
  • dump some columns

    table_loaded = LOAD 'hbase://[table name]' using org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('[column family name]:*', '-loadKey true') AS (id:bytearray, m:map[bytearray]);
    A = FOREACH table_loaded GENERATE m#'[col n]', REPLACE(m#'[col m]', ',', ' '), '[some text if necessary]';
    STORE A INTO '[hdfs directory A]' USING PigStorage('[delimiter]');
    B = FOREACH ss_category GENERATE m#'[col x]', '["some text if necessary"]', m#'[col y]';
    B_filtered = FILTER B BY 0 < SIZE($0) AND 0 < SIZE($1);
    B_distinct = DISTINCT B_filtered;
    STORE B_distinct INTO '[hdfs directory B]' USING PigStorage('[delimiter]');
  • troubleshooting

  • ref

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