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Created September 6, 2020 15:05
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padrsa solver
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from binascii import unhexlify, hexlify
import gmpy2
from pwn import *
def get_cube():
sock = remote('', 13001)
n = int(sock.recvuntil('\n')[3:-1].decode())
def recv_msg(e):
sock.recvuntil("> ")
sock.recvuntil('e: ')
recv = sock.recvuntil('\n')
c = bytes_to_long(unhexlify(recv[3:-1]))
return c
for i in range(64):
recv_msg(65537 - i)
c = recv_msg(3)
return n, c
n, c = get_cube()
while gmpy2.iroot(c, 3)[1] is False:
n2, c2 = get_cube()
c = (c * n2 * inverse(n2, n) + c2 * n * inverse(n, n2)) % (n * n2)
n = n * n2
print(long_to_bytes(gmpy2.iroot(c, 3)[0]))
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