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Last active February 14, 2021 16:58
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Algorithmic version of the article "Don't Bet on It: Contingent Agreement with Asymetric Information" by James K. SEBENIUS and John GEANAKOPLOS (1983)
#include "bet.h"
void join(Partition**, unsigned int &size, const unsigned int);
void create_tables(Partition**, unsigned int, unsigned int, const unsigned int);
double* beta_logic(const uint64_t, Event*, const unsigned int, const unsigned int);
double* alpha_logic(const uint64_t, Event*, const unsigned int, const unsigned int);
double bayes_theorem(const double BsA, const double A, const double B); // P(A|B) = (P(B|A)*P(A))/P(B)
const unsigned int ALPHA_T = 3; //(doesn't mean effective sizes, just describes how big the line table will be)
const unsigned int BETA_T = 3; //(doesn't mean effective sizes, just describes how big the column table will be)
int main()
unsigned int ALPHASIZE = ALPHA_T; //lines (effective sizes, will be modified dureing execution)
unsigned int BETASIZE = BETA_T; //columns (effective sizes, will be modified during execution)
//Describing the event
Event* event = (Event*) malloc(sizeof(Event));
std::vector<double> event_description = {
0.067, 0.500, 0.117,
0.100, 0.108, 0.083,
0.017, 0.008, 0.000,
event->proba = 0.6;
event->subproba = &event_description;
event->alpha_info = 1;
event->beta_info = 1;
Partition* Alpha[ALPHA_T] = { //creating new partitions for player Alpha
new Partition(Players::Alpha, ALPHA_T, 1, 0.5),
new Partition(Players::Alpha, ALPHA_T, 2, 0.33),
new Partition(Players::Alpha, ALPHA_T, 3, 0.17),
Partition* Beta[BETA_T] = { //creating new partitions for player BETA
new Partition(Players::Beta, BETA_T, 1, 0.4),
new Partition(Players::Beta, BETA_T, 2, 0.4),
new Partition(Players::Beta, BETA_T, 3, 0.2),
//removing useless partitions
join(Alpha, ALPHASIZE, ALPHA_T);
join(Beta, BETASIZE, ALPHA_T);
//updating Partion arrays (size), creating a bit table for each partitions and moving nullptr elements at the back of the array
create_tables(Alpha, ALPHASIZE, BETASIZE, ALPHA_T);
create_tables(Beta, BETASIZE, ALPHASIZE, BETA_T);
bool alpha = true;
bool beta = true;
int turn_counter = 0;
#define LIMIT 0.5
std::cout << "\n Turn nb: " << turn_counter << std::endl;
uint64_t alphau = 0;
uint64_t betau = 0;
//union of player partitions
for (int i = 0; i < ALPHASIZE; i++) //alpha
alphau = alphau | Alpha[i]->table;
for (int i = 0; i < BETASIZE; i++) //beta
betau = betau | Beta[i]->table;
//intersection of alpha and beta partitions (represents available space)
uint64_t intersection = alphau & betau;
double* alpha_rest = alpha_logic(intersection, event, ALPHASIZE, BETASIZE);
double* beta_rest = beta_logic(intersection, event, ALPHASIZE, BETASIZE);
std::cout << "alpha_rest[i]" << std::endl;
for(int i = 0; i < ALPHASIZE; i++)
alpha_rest[i] = bayes_theorem(alpha_rest[i], event->proba, Alpha[i]->proba);
std::cout << Alpha[i]->index << " | " << Alpha[i]->table << ": " << alpha_rest[i] << std::endl;
std::cout << "beta_rest[i]" << std::endl;
for(int i = 0; i < BETASIZE; i++)
beta_rest[i] = bayes_theorem(beta_rest[i], event->proba, Beta[i]->proba);
std::cout << Beta[i]->index << " | " << Beta[i]->table << ": " << beta_rest[i] << std::endl;
if (alpha_rest[event->alpha_info] < LIMIT)
alpha = false;
if (beta_rest[event->beta_info] > LIMIT)
beta = false;
if (turn_counter % 2 == 0)
for (int a = 0; a < ALPHASIZE; a++)
if (alpha_rest[a] < LIMIT)
Alpha[a]->table = 0;
Alpha[a]->proba = 0;
} else
for (int b = 0; b < BETASIZE; b++)
if (beta_rest[b] > LIMIT)
Beta[b]->table = 0;
Beta[b]->proba = 0;
} while (alpha || beta);
//deleting objects
for (int i = 0; i < BETASIZE; i++)
delete Beta[i];
for (int i = 0; i < ALPHASIZE; i++)
delete Alpha[i];
return 0;
//adjusting partition space by removing useless partitions and modifying partition size
void join(Partition** part, unsigned int &size, const unsigned int t_size)
unsigned int size_copy = size;
for (int n = 0; n < size_copy; n++)
if (part[n] != nullptr && part[n]->proba == 0 && n !=0)
delete part[n]; //deleting object (not necessary because you could keep the object in memory)
part[n] = nullptr; //setting pointer to nullptr
size--; //decrementing partition size count
else if (part[n] != nullptr && part[n]->proba == 0 && n == 0) //finding next none-null partition to serve as the table index
int next_nn = 0;
while (part[next_nn] != nullptr)
if (part[next_nn] != nullptr)
Partition* buffer;
buffer = part[n];
part[n] = part[next_nn];
part[next_nn] = buffer;
delete part[next_nn];
part[next_nn] = nullptr;
//correcting partitions by updating size, table and moving null elements at the back of the array
void create_tables(Partition** part, unsigned int size, unsigned int o_size, const unsigned int t_size)
int z = 0;
int null_index = -1;
do //moving null partitions to the end of the table
if (null_index >= 0 && part[z] != nullptr)
part[null_index] = part[z];
part[z] = nullptr;
null_index = -1;
z = 0;
if (null_index < 0 && part[z] == nullptr)
null_index = z;
} while (z < t_size);
for (int n = 0; n < size; n++)
if (size > o_size)
part[n]->update_si(size, n+1);
part[n]->update_si(o_size, n+1); //adjusting number of partitions before creating the table
part[n]->make_table(); //creating table with adjusted partition size
double* beta_logic(const uint64_t intersection, Event* event, const unsigned int alpha_s, const unsigned int beta_s)
double* betares = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * beta_s);
for (int o = 0; o < beta_s; o++) //for each column
double mid_res = 0; // create a new empty result
for (int i = 0; i < alpha_s; i++) // for each line
uint64_t bit_check = (uint64_t) pow(2, i*beta_s) << beta_s - 1 - o; // create the checking bit
if ((bit_check & intersection) > 0) // check if the checking bit AND the intersection are on (checking bit will always be on)
mid_res += (*(event->subproba))[o + i*beta_s]; // if it is read the event description and add it to the column result
betares[o] = mid_res; // update the result table with the column table
return betares;
double* alpha_logic(const uint64_t intersection, Event* event, const unsigned int alpha_s, const unsigned int beta_s)
double* alphares = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * alpha_s);
for (int o = 0; o < alpha_s; o++) //for each column
double mid_res = 0; // create a new empty result
for (int i = 0; i < beta_s; i++) // for each line
uint64_t bit_check = (uint64_t) pow(2, i) << o*beta_s; // create the checking bit
if ((bit_check & intersection) > 0) // check if the checking bit AND the intersection are on (checking bit will always be on)
mid_res += (*(event->subproba))[o*beta_s + i]; // if it is read the event description and add it to the column result
alphares[o] = mid_res; // update the result table with the column table
return alphares;
double bayes_theorem(const double BsA, const double A, const double B)
if (B > 0)
return (BsA*A)/B;
return 0;
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <cstdint>
using std::uint64_t;
struct Event
double proba;
// omega
unsigned int alpha_info;
unsigned int beta_info;
// ordered probabilities associated to bayesian information partitions
std::vector<double>* subproba;
enum class Players
class Partition
Players type;
int size;
int index;
double proba;
uint64_t table;
Partition(Players, int, int, double);
void make_table();
void update_si(int, int);
Partition::Partition(Players type, int size, int index, double proba)
: type(type), size(size), index(index), proba(proba)
void Partition::make_table()
switch (type)
case Players::Alpha:
if (size >= index)
table = (unsigned int) (pow(2, size) - 1) << size*(index - 1);
std::cout << "Couldn't create table for class: " << index << std::endl;
case Players::Beta:
if (size >= index)
table = pow(2, size - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < size-1; i++)
unsigned int buffer = table;
table <<= size;
table |= buffer;
table = table >> index-1;
std::cout << "Couldn't create table for class: " << index << std::endl;
void Partition::update_si(int new_size, int new_index)
size = new_size;
index = new_index;
NC = \033[0m
RED = \033[0;31m
ORANGE = \033[0;33m
GREEN = \033[0;32m
PURPLE = \033[0;35m
CC = g++
EXEC = create
OUTPUT = output
OBJ_DIR = build/object/
AS_DIR = build/as/
EXEC_DIR = build/
SRC_DIR = src/
SRC = $(wildcard $(SRC_DIR)*.$(FILE_EXT))
OBJ = $(SRC:src/%.$(FILE_EXT)=%.o)
AS = $(SRC:src/%.$(FILE_EXT)=%.s)
#object files and linking
@make -s clearall
@make -s cmp
@echo "Finished remake"
@echo "$(RED)Starting to compile... $(NC)"
@make -s obj
obj: $(OBJ)
@echo "$(PURPLE) Linking: $(OBJ) $(NC)"
@$(CC) $(OBJ:%=$(OBJ_DIR)%) -o $(EXEC_DIR)$(OUTPUT)
@echo "$(GREEN)Done. $(NC)"
%.o: $(SRC_DIR) $(SRC_DIR)%.h
@echo "$(ORANGE) Compiling: $< $(NC)"
@$(CC) -o $(OBJ_DIR)/$@ -c $<
%.o: $(SRC_DIR)
@echo "$(ORANGE) Compiling: $< $(NC)"
@$(CC) -o $(OBJ_DIR)/$@ -c $<
#Makes assembly files
assemble: $(AS)
@echo "$(RED)Finished assembling files...$(NC)"
%.s: $(SRC_DIR)
@echo "$(ORANGE) Assembling: $@ $(NC)"
@$(CC) -o $(AS_DIR)$@ -S $<
#clearing commands
clearo: $(wildcard $(OBJ_DIR)*.o)
@echo "$(RED)Clearing object files...$(NC)"
@$(foreach file, $^, echo " $(ORANGE)Clearing: $(file) $(NC)"; rm $(file);)
@echo "$(GREEN)Clearing done.$(NC)"
clears: $(wildcard $(AS_DIR)*.s)
@echo "$(RED)Clearing assembly files...$(NC)"
@$(foreach file, $^, echo " $(ORANGE)Clearing: $(file) $(NC)"; rm $(file);)
@echo "$(GREEN)Clearing done.$(NC)"
clearall: $(wildcard $(OBJ_DIR)*.o)
@make -s clearo
@make -s clears
@echo " $(PURPLE)Deleting: $(OUTPUT) $(NC)"
@echo "$(GREEN)Clearing done.$(NC)"
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