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Created April 3, 2023 10:23
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PostgreSQL change type of primary key using alembic
from dataclasses import dataclass
from alembic import op
class ForeignKeyConstraint:
name: str
table: str
column: str
sql: str
def from_row(cls, row) -> 'ForeignKeyConstraint':
return cls(
def change_column_to_uuid(table_name: str, column_name: str) -> None:
# Step 1: Find and remember all foreign key constraints
constraints_raw = op.get_bind().execute(f'''
SELECT c.conname as "name",
(select r.relname from pg_class r where r.oid = c.conrelid) as "table",
UNNEST((select array_agg(attname) from pg_attribute where attrelid = c.conrelid and array[attnum] <@ c.conkey)) as "column",
pg_get_constraintdef(c.oid) as "sql"
FROM pg_constraint c join pg_attribute a on c.confrelid=a.attrelid and a.attnum = ANY(confkey)
WHERE c.confrelid = (select oid from pg_class where relname = '{table_name}')
AND c.confrelid != c.conrelid;
constraints_raw = constraints_raw.fetchall()
constraints = [ForeignKeyConstraint.from_row(row) for row in constraints_raw]
# Step 2: Drop the foreign key constraints
for constraint in constraints:
f'ALTER TABLE {constraint.table} '
# Step 3: Change the type of the primary key column using "USING"
f'ALTER TABLE {table_name} '
f'ALTER COLUMN {column_name} '
f'TYPE uuid USING {column_name}::uuid'
# Step 4: Change the type of all foreign key columns using "USING"
for constraint in constraints_raw:
f'ALTER TABLE {constraint.table} '
f'ALTER COLUMN {constraint.column} '
f'TYPE uuid USING {constraint.column}::uuid'
# Step 5: Create exactly the same foreign key constraints that were dropped
for constraint in constraints:
f'ALTER TABLE {constraint.table} '
f'ADD CONSTRAINT {constraint.column} '
def upgrade():
change_column_to_uuid('documents', 'id')
def downgrade():
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