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Last active August 20, 2020 07:57
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Semicolons will be added to the token stream, using the following rules:




Primitive types are Integer, Float, String and pairs denoted by (_, _).

nox> 42
  :: Integer
  => 42

nox> 1.2
  :: Float
  => 1.2

nox> "Hello!"
  :: String
  => "Hello!"

nox> (1, "test")
  :: (Integer, String)
  => (1, "test")


Tuples are sugar for nested pairs.

TODO: more on this one

nox> (1, 2, 3) == (1, (2, 3))
  :: Boolean
  => True


x.negate is syntactic sugar for negate(x)

x.add(y) is syntactic sugar for add(x, y)


lambdas are defined by pattern maching. ~ symbol defines a match clause.

nox> let identity = {~ x => x }
  :: a -> a

nox> let swap = {~ (x, y) => (y, x) }
  :: (a, b) -> (b, a)

nox> let even? = {
   | ~ 1 => False
   | ~ 2 => True
   | ~ n => (n - 1).even?
   | }
  :: Integer -> Boolean

We can match on input by piping to a lamda:

~ True  => "Yes!"
~ False => "No"

Data Types and pattern matching

type Boolean {
    // these are `Boolean` constructors

// `value` is a type parameter
type Option(value) {

define or_else(option: Option(value), default: value) -> value =
    ~ None        => default
    ~ Some(value) => value

type Ordering {
nox> let x = None
  :: Option(a)

nox> let y = Some(10)
  :: Option(Integer)

nox> x.or_else(12)
  :: Integer
  => 12

nox> y.or_else(12)
  :: Integer
  => 10

Recursive Data Types

// this `List` is in types namespace
type List(item) {
    // this `List` is in values namespace
    List(item, List(item))


type User {
    User[name: String, age: Integer]

type Tree(item) {
    Node[left: Tree(item), value: item, right: Tree(item)]

define node(value: item) -> Tree(item) =
    Node[left=Leaf, value, right=Leaf]

define depth(tree: Tree(item)) -> Integer =
    ~ Leaf => 0
    ~ Node[left, right] => max(left.depth, right.depth) + 1

Record construction/update

nox> let joe = User[name="joe", age=42]
  :: User

nox> let jack = joe[name="jack"]
  :: User

nox> let tree = Node[
   |     left  = node(1),
   |     value = 2,
   |     right = Node[
   |         left  = node(3),
   |         value = 4,
   |         right = node(5)
   |     ]
   | ]
  :: Node(Integer)

nox> tree.depth
  :: Integer
  => 3

Type Classes

class Equitable(value) {
    define (==)(x: value, y: value) -> Boolean

    // method with default implementation
    define (!=)(x: value, y: value) -> Boolean =
        !(x == y)

    // having explains expected behavior of class methods (sometimes called class laws)
    // by a list functions with Boolean return values
    having {
        // read this as: for all x. expect x == x to be true
        reflexivity(x) =
            x == x
        symmetricity(x, y) =
            x != y || y == x
        transitivity(x, y, z) =
            x != y || y != z || (x == z)

// defining class instance
define Equitable(Boolean) {
    // type annotations are optional for defining instane methods
    define (==)(x, y) = x.{
    ~ True  => y
    ~ False => !y

// defining class instance with constraints
having Equitable(value)
define Equitable(Option(value)) {
    define (==) = {
    ~ (Some(x), Some(y)) => x == y
    ~ _                  => False

// classes can extend others
class Ordered(value) extend Equitable(value) {
    define compare(x: value, y: value) -> Ordering
    // classes can provide default implementation for super classes
    define (==)(x, y) = == Equal

class Combinable(value) extends Equitable(value) {
    define combine(x: value, y: value) -> value
    // methods can use class parameters on return value only
    define neutral: value
    having {
        associativity(x, y, z) =
            x.combine(y).combine(z) == x.combine(y.combine(z))
        identity(x) =
            x.combine(neutral) == x &&
            neutral.combine(x) == x

// using classes as constraints on type variables
having Accumulatable(data) & Combinable(item)
define combine_all(data: data(item)) -> item =
    data.accumulate(neutral, combine)

// classes can have multiple parameters
class Cast(from, to) {
    define cast(value: from) -> to

// associated type parameters
class Collection[item](data) {
    define empty: data
    define insert(data: data, item: item) -> data

define Collection[item](List(item)) {
    define empty = Nil
    define insert(list, item) = List(item, list)

define Collection[(key,value)](HashMap(key, value)) {
    // ...

having Accumulatable(data) & Collection[item](collection)
define into(data: data, collection: collection) -> collection =
    data.accumulate(collection, insert)
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