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Django model partition with one connection
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import random
import socket
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import partial
from zlib import crc32
from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta
from threading import Lock, local
from django.db import router, connections, DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS
from django.db.models import Manager, Model, QuerySet
from django.utils.six import binary_type
from django.core.cache import cache
from common.logger import log
class Routers(object):
def __getattr__(self, name):
for r in router.routers:
if hasattr(r, name):
return getattr(r, name)
raise AttributeError('Not found the router with the attribute "%s".' % name)
routers = Routers()
# reset for each request
with routers.using('master'):
with routers.using('slave'):
with atomic(using=routers.db_for_write(model)):
hostname = socket.getfqdn()
def get_object_name(obj):
return obj.__name__
except AttributeError:
return obj.__class__.__name__
def is_alive(connection):
if connection.connection is not None and hasattr(connection.connection, 'ping'):
log.debug('Ping db: %s', connection.alias)
# Since MySQL-python 1.2.2
# takes an optional boolean argument to enable automatic reconnection.
except TypeError:
log.debug('Get cursor for db: %s', connection.alias)
with connection.cursor():
return True
def is_writable(connection):
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
cursor.execute('SELECT @@read_only')
result = not int(cursor.fetchone()[0])
return result
def check_db(checker, db_name, cache_seconds=None, number_of_tries=1, force=False):
assert number_of_tries >= 1, 'Number of tries must be >= 1.'
connection = connections[db_name]
checker_name = get_object_name(checker)
cache_key = ':'.join((hostname, checker_name, db_name))
dead_mark = 'dead'
if not force and cache_seconds is not None:
is_dead = cache.get(cache_key) == dead_mark
if is_dead:
'Check "%s" %s was failed less than %d ago, no check needed',
checker_name, db_name, cache_seconds
return False
'Last check "%s" %s succeeded or was more than %d ago, checking again',
db_name, checker_name, cache_seconds
log.debug('Force check %s: %s', checker_name, db_name)
result = False
for count in range(1, number_of_tries + 1):
'Trying to check "%s" %s: %d try',
db_name, checker_name, count
result = checker(connection)
except Exception as ex:
if count == number_of_tries:
log.exception('Error verifying %s: %s, %s', checker_name, db_name, ex)
result = False
'After %d tries "%s" %s = %s',
count, db_name, checker_name, result
if result:
if not result and cache_seconds is not None:
cache.set(cache_key, dead_mark, cache_seconds)
return result
db_is_alive = partial(check_db, is_alive)
db_is_writable = partial(check_db, is_writable)
class DatabaseRouter(object):
def __init__(self):
from django.conf import settings
self._context = local()
self._context.initialized = False
self._databases = getattr(settings, 'DATABASES', {})
self._app_mapping = getattr(settings, 'DATABASE_APPS_MAPPING', {})
self._downtime = getattr(settings, 'DATABASE_DOWNTIME', 60)
def context(self):
if not getattr(self._context, 'initialized', False):
return self._context
def reset(self):
self._context.initialized = True
self._context.read_selected = {}
self._context.write_selected = {}
self._context.state_stack = []
def init(self, state=None):
if state is not None:
def state(self):
Current state of routing: 'master' or 'slave'.
if self.context.state_stack:
return self.context.state_stack[-1]
return None
def enter(self, state):
Switches router into a new state. Requires a paired call
to 'revert' for reverting to previous state.
assert state in ['master', 'slave']
return self
def revert(self):
Reverts wrapper state to a previous value after calling
return self
def using(self, state):
yield self
def is_alive(self, name):
return db_is_alive(name, self._downtime)
def get_model_connection(self, model, write):
db_conn = getattr(model._meta, 'db_conn', None)
if db_conn:
return db_conn
if write:
db_conn = getattr(model, 'write_db_connection', None)
if db_conn:
return db_conn.replace('.write', '')
db_conn = getattr(model, 'read_db_connection', None)
if db_conn:
return db_conn.replace('.read', '')
app_label = model._meta.app_label
db_conn = self._app_mapping.get(app_label)
if db_conn:
return db_conn
return None
def select_connection(self, name, write):
prefix = "%s.%s" % (name, "write" if write else "read")
conns = [k for k in self._databases.keys() if k.startswith(prefix)]
if len(conns) > 1 or not write:
for conn in conns:
if self.is_alive(conn):
return conn
elif len(conns) > 0:
return conns[0]
if not write:
return self.select_connection(name, True)
raise RuntimeError("All of the database connections are not available.")
def db_for_read(self, model, **hints):
if self.state() == 'master':
return self.db_for_write(model, **hints)
db_conn = self.get_model_connection(model, False)
if db_conn:
if db_conn not in self.context.read_selected:
self.context.read_selected[db_conn] = self.select_connection(db_conn, False)
'db_for_read: %s, [db_conn:%s], [model:%s]',
db_conn, self.context.read_selected[db_conn]
return self.context.read_selected[db_conn]
return None
def db_for_write(self, model, **hints):
if self.state() == 'slave':
raise RuntimeError('Trying to access master database in slave state')
db_conn = self.get_model_connection(model, True)
if db_conn:
if db_conn not in self.context.write_selected:
self.context.write_selected[db_conn] = self.select_connection(db_conn, True)
'db_for_write: %s, [db_conn:%s], [model:%s]',
db_conn, self.context.write_selected[db_conn]
return self.context.write_selected[db_conn]
return None
def allow_relation(self, obj1, obj2, **hints):
if any([
obj1._state.db or self.db_for_write(obj1.__class__, **hints),
obj2._state.db or self.db_for_write(obj2.__class__, **hints),
return False
return None
def allow_migrate(self, db, app_label, model_name=None, **hints):
if model_name:
from django.apps import apps
model = apps.get_model(app_label, model_name)
db_conn = self.get_model_connection(model, True)
if db_conn:
return db.startswith("%s.write" % db_conn)
elif db != DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS:
return False
return None
def monkeypatch_method(cls, name=None):
import functools
def decorator(func):
func_name = name or func.__name__
old_func = getattr(cls, name, None)
if old_func:
func = functools.wraps(old_func)(func)
setattr(cls, func_name, func)
setattr(func, "old_func", old_func)
return func
return decorator
def patch_for_partition():
patch db_name for MySQL
class Meta:
db_name = "db_partition_00"
db_table = "t_partition_0"
from django.db.models.sql.datastructures import BaseTable, Join
from django.db.models import options
from django.db.models.sql import Query
from django.db.models.sql.compiler import SQLCompiler, SQLInsertCompiler, SQLUpdateCompiler, SQLDeleteCompiler
from django.db.models.sql.subqueries import DeleteQuery, UpdateQuery
from django.db.models.expressions import Col
from django.db.models.base import ModelBase
from django.db.backends import utils
# more Meta options
setattr(options, "DEFAULT_NAMES", options.DEFAULT_NAMES + (
"db_name", "partition_func", "partition_field", "db_conn",
@monkeypatch_method(ModelBase, "_do_update")
def model_base_do_update(self, base_qs, using, pk_val, values, update_fields, forced_update):
copy partition values from model instance to query instance
base_qs.query.partition_id = getattr(self, "partition_id", None)
base_qs.query.partition_key = getattr(self, "partition_key", None)
return model_base_do_update.old_func(self, base_qs, using, pk_val, values, update_fields, forced_update)
# for newer Django, patch ModelIterable.__iter__
@monkeypatch_method(SQLCompiler, "results_iter")
def sql_compiler_results_iter(self):
copy partition values from query instance to model instance
query = self.query
partition_id = getattr(query, "partition_id", None)
partition_key = getattr(query, "partition_key", None)
for obj in sql_compiler_results_iter.old_func(self):
if partition_id is not None:
setattr(obj, "partition_id", partition_id)
if partition_key is not None:
setattr(obj, "partition_key", partition_key)
yield obj
@monkeypatch_method(utils, "split_identifier")
def split_identifier(identifier):
support mysql full identifier style `db_name`.`table_name`
if "`" not in identifier:
return split_identifier.old_func(identifier)
namespace, name = identifier.split('`.`')
except ValueError:
namespace, name = '', identifier
return namespace.strip('`'), name.strip('`')
@monkeypatch_method(UpdateQuery, "add_update_fields")
def update_query_add_update_fields(self, values_seq):
automatically set partition_key by partition_field for UPDATE
update_query_add_update_fields.old_func(self, values_seq)
# set partition_key for UPDATE
opts = self.get_meta()
partition_field = getattr(opts, "partition_field", None)
if partition_field:
for field, _, val in self.values:
if == partition_field:
self.partition_key = val
@monkeypatch_method(DeleteQuery, "delete_qs")
def delete_query_delete_qs(self, query, using):
copy partition values from origin query for DELETE
# copy partition_key for DELETE
self.partition_key = getattr(query.query, "partition_key", None)
self.partition_id = getattr(query.query, "partition_id", None)
return delete_query_delete_qs.old_func(self, query, using)
@monkeypatch_method(SQLInsertCompiler, "as_sql")
def insert_compiler_as_sql(self):
# set partition values for INSERT
opts = self.query.get_meta()
partition_field = getattr(opts, "partition_field", None)
partition_key = None
partition_id = None
for obj in self.query.objs:
tmp_key = getattr(obj, "partition_key", None)
if partition_field:
tmp_key = getattr(obj, partition_field, tmp_key) # obj.${partition_field} may be not set
if partition_key is not None and partition_key != tmp_key:
raise RuntimeError("Multiple partitions were found in INSERT operation")
partition_key = tmp_key
tmp_id = getattr(obj, "partition_id", None)
if partition_id is not None and partition_id != tmp_id:
raise RuntimeError("Multiple partitions were found in INSERT operation")
partition_id = tmp_id
if partition_key is not None:
self.query.partition_key = partition_key
if partition_id is not None:
self.query.partition_id = partition_id
# get full table name (with db name and partition suffix)
qn = self.connection.ops.quote_name
opts = self.query.get_meta()
table = opts.db_table
full_table = self.query.alias_map[table].as_sql(self, self.connection)[0]
r = insert_compiler_as_sql.old_func(self)
# replace first one
return [(_sql.replace(qn(table), full_table, 1), _params) for _sql, _params in r]
@monkeypatch_method(SQLUpdateCompiler, "as_sql")
def update_compiler_as_sql(self):
# get full table name (with db name and partition suffix)
qn = self.quote_name_unless_alias
table = self.query.tables[0]
full_table = self.query.alias_map[table].as_sql(self, self.connection)[0]
sql, params = update_compiler_as_sql.old_func(self)
# replace first one
return sql.replace(qn(table), full_table, 1), params
@monkeypatch_method(SQLDeleteCompiler, "as_sql")
def delete_compiler_as_sql(self):
# get full table name (with db name and partition suffix)
qn = self.quote_name_unless_alias
table = self.query.tables[0]
full_table = self.query.alias_map[table].as_sql(self, self.connection)[0]
sql, params = delete_compiler_as_sql.old_func(self)
# replace first one
return sql.replace(qn(table), full_table, 1), params
@monkeypatch_method(BaseTable, "as_sql")
def base_table_as_sql(self, compiler, connection):
if not self.db_name:
return base_table_as_sql.old_func(self, compiler, connection)
# append db_name, db_name_suffix, table_name_suffix
table_name, db_name = self.table_name, self.db_name
db_name_suffix = getattr(self, "db_name_suffix", None)
table_name_suffix = getattr(self, "table_name_suffix", None)
if db_name_suffix is not None:
db_name = db_name % db_name_suffix
if table_name_suffix is not None:
table_name = table_name % table_name_suffix
alias_str = '' if self.table_alias == self.table_name else (' %s' % self.table_alias)
base_sql = "%s.%s" % (compiler.quote_name_unless_alias(db_name), compiler.quote_name_unless_alias(table_name))
return base_sql + alias_str, []
@monkeypatch_method(BaseTable, "relabeled_clone")
def base_table_relabeled_clone(self, change_map):
r = base_table_relabeled_clone.old_func(self, change_map)
# copy extra data
r.db_name = self.db_name
r.db_name_suffix = getattr(self, "db_name_suffix", None)
r.table_name_suffix = getattr(self, "table_name_suffix", None)
return r
@monkeypatch_method(Col, "as_sql")
def col_as_sql(self, compiler, connection):
bt_or_join = compiler.query.alias_map[self.alias]
if bt_or_join.table_name != self.alias:
qn = compiler.quote_name_unless_alias
return "%s.%s" % (qn(self.alias), qn(, []
# append table name suffix to first table(Meta.db_table)
table_name_suffix = getattr(bt_or_join, "table_name_suffix", None)
if table_name_suffix is not None:
alias = self.alias % table_name_suffix
alias = self.alias
qn = compiler.quote_name_unless_alias
return "%s.%s" % (qn(alias), qn(, []
@monkeypatch_method(Join, "as_sql")
def join_as_sql(self, compiler, connection):
if not self.db_name:
return join_as_sql.old_func(self, compiler, connection)
sql, params = join_as_sql.old_func(self, compiler, connection)
# append db name, db name suffix, table name suffix
db_name, table_name = self.db_name, self.table_name
table_alias, parent_alias = self.table_alias, self.parent_alias
db_name_suffix = getattr(self, "db_name_suffix", None)
table_name_suffix = getattr(self, "table_name_suffix", None)
if db_name_suffix is not None:
db_name = db_name % db_name_suffix
if table_name_suffix is not None:
if table_alias == table_name:
table_alias = table_alias % table_name_suffix
table_name = table_name % table_name_suffix
pbt = compiler.query.alias_map[parent_alias]
parent_table_name_suffix = getattr(pbt, "table_name_suffix", None)
if parent_alias == pbt.table_name and parent_table_name_suffix is not None:
parent_alias = parent_alias % parent_table_name_suffix
qn = compiler.quote_name_unless_alias
full_table = "%s.%s" % (qn(db_name), qn(table_name))
parent_alias = qn(parent_alias)
table_alias = qn(table_alias)
# replace first one
sql = sql.replace(qn(self.table_name), full_table, 1)
if self.parent_alias != parent_alias:
sql = sql.replace(qn(self.parent_alias), qn(parent_alias))
if self.table_alias != table_alias:
sql = sql.replace(qn(self.table_alias), qn(table_alias))
return sql, params
@monkeypatch_method(Join, "relabeled_clone")
def join_relabeled_clone(self, change_map):
r = join_relabeled_clone.old_func(self, change_map)
# copy extra data
r.db_name = self.db_name
r.db_name_suffix = getattr(self, "db_name_suffix", None)
r.table_name_suffix = getattr(self, "table_name_suffix", None)
@monkeypatch_method(Query, "clone")
def query_clone(self, klass=None, memo=None, **kwargs):
obj = query_clone.old_func(self, klass, memo, **kwargs)
# copy extra data
obj.partition_key = getattr(self, "partition_key", None)
obj.partition_id = getattr(self, "partition_id", None)
return obj
@monkeypatch_method(Query, "build_filter")
def query_build_filter(
self, filter_expr, branch_negated=False, current_negated=False,
can_reuse=None, connector='AND', allow_joins=True, split_subq=True
# set partition_key for filter
partition_field = getattr(self.get_meta(), "partition_field", None)
if partition_field:
arg, value = filter_expr
if arg:
lookups, parts, reffed_expression = self.solve_lookup_type(arg)
if len(parts) == 1 and parts[0] == partition_field and lookups[0] in ["exact", "iexact"]:
if not current_negated:
self.partition_key = value
elif getattr(self, "partition_key", None) is None:
self.partition_key = value
elif not branch_negated:
self.partition_key = value
return query_build_filter.old_func(
self, filter_expr, branch_negated, current_negated,
can_reuse, connector, allow_joins, split_subq
@monkeypatch_method(Query, "get_initial_alias")
def query_get_initial_alias(self):
if self.tables:
alias = self.tables[0]
bt = BaseTable(self.get_meta().db_table, None)
bt.db_name = getattr(self.get_meta(), "db_name", None)
bt.db_name_suffix = None
bt.table_name_suffix = None
alias = self.join(bt)
# update partition information
opts = self.get_meta()
partition_key = getattr(self, "partition_key", None)
partition_id = getattr(self, "partition_id", None)
partition_func = getattr(opts, "partition_func", None)
# ignore partition_key if partition_id is set
if partition_id is None and partition_key is not None and partition_func:
partition_func = opts.partition_func
if hasattr(partition_func, "__func__"):
partition_func = opts.partition_func.__func__
partition_id = partition_func(partition_key)
# ignore for normal Model, partition_func is required for partition Model
if partition_id is not None and not partition_func:
partition_id = None
db_name_suffix = None
table_name_suffix = None
if partition_id is not None:
if isinstance(partition_id, tuple) and len(partition_id) > 1:
db_name_suffix = partition_id[0]
table_name_suffix = partition_id[1]
table_name_suffix = partition_id
bt = self.alias_map[alias]
if db_name_suffix is not None:
bt.db_name_suffix = db_name_suffix
if table_name_suffix is not None:
bt.table_name_suffix = table_name_suffix
return alias
@monkeypatch_method(Query, "trim_start")
def query_trim_start(self, names_with_path):
# make a copy of alias_map
c = self.alias_map.copy()
r = query_trim_start.old_func(self, names_with_path)
for table in self.tables:
if self.alias_refcount[table] > 0:
bt = self.alias_map[table]
# copy extra data
bt.db_name = c[table].db_name
bt.db_name_suffix = getattr(c[table], "db_name_suffix", None)
bt.table_name_suffix = getattr(c[table], "table_name_suffix", None)
return r
@monkeypatch_method(Query, "setup_joins")
def query_setup_join(self, names, opts, alias, can_reuse=None, allow_many=True):
final_field, targets, opts, joins, path = query_setup_join.old_func(
self, names, opts, alias, can_reuse, allow_many
# update partition information
partition_key = getattr(self, "partition_key", None)
partition_id = getattr(self, "partition_id", None)
partition_func = getattr(opts, "partition_func", None)
# ignore partition_key if partition_id is set
if partition_id is None and partition_key is not None and partition_func:
partition_func = opts.partition_func
if hasattr(partition_func, "__func__"):
partition_func = opts.partition_func.__func__
partition_id = partition_func(partition_key)
# ignore for normal Model, partition_func is required for partition Model
if partition_id is not None and not partition_func:
partition_id = None
db_name_suffix = None
table_name_suffix = None
if partition_id is not None:
if isinstance(partition_id, tuple) and len(partition_id) > 1:
db_name_suffix = partition_id[0]
table_name_suffix = partition_id[1]
table_name_suffix = partition_id
for _alias in joins[1:]:
join = self.alias_map[_alias]
join.db_name = getattr(opts, "db_name", None)
join.db_name_suffix = db_name_suffix
join.table_name_suffix = table_name_suffix
return final_field, targets, opts, joins, path
class PartitionQuerySet(QuerySet):
def partition(self, pkey=None, pid=None):
set partition_key or partition_id for Query explicitly
this can be overridden if Meta.partition_field is set
this will be ignored if partition_id is set
:param pkey: parameter for Meta.partition_func
:param pid: pid = pid or Meta.partition_func(pkey)
:rtype: PartitionQuerySet
if pid is not None:
self.query.partition_id = pid
elif pkey is not None:
self.query.partition_key = pkey
self.query.partition_id = getattr(self.query, "partition_id", None)
self.query.partition_key = getattr(self.query, "partition_key", None)
return self
def using_db_for_write(self, for_write=True):
self._for_write = for_write
class PartitionManager(Manager):
class UserLoginLogTab(Model):
objects = PartitionManager()
id = db.BigAutoField(primary_key=True)
uid = db.PositiveBigIntegerField()
login_time = db.PositiveIntegerField()
class Meta:
# db_table is required
db_table = u'user_login_log_tab_%s'
# db_name is required
db_name = u'user_db_%s'
# use helper function to define partition function
# partition_func is required
partition_func = partition_by_datetime('%Y%m%d')
# partition_field is optional
partition_field = u'uid'
use_for_related_fields = True
def get_queryset(self):
:rtype: PartitionQuerySet
qs = PartitionQuerySet(self.model, using=self._db, hints=self._hints).partition()
partition_field = getattr(self.model._meta, "partition_field", None)
if partition_field and "instance" in self._hints:
instance = self._hints["instance"]
qs.partition(getattr(instance, partition_field, None))
return qs
def partition(self, pkey=None, pid=None):
set partition_key or partition_id for Query explicitly
this can be overridden if Meta.partition_field is set
this will be ignored if partition_id is set
:param pkey: parameter for Meta.partition_func
the result of partition_func(partition_key) can be a single value for table name,
or a tuple for both db name and table name
:param pid: pid = pid or Meta.partition_func(pkey)
:rtype: PartitionQuerySet
return self.get_queryset().partition(pkey, pid)
def using_db_for_write(self, for_write=True):
:param bool for_write:
:rtype: PartitionQuerySet
return self.get_queryset().using_db_for_write(for_write)
def db_manager_for_write(self, using=None, hints=None):
return self.db_manager(using or router.db_for_write(self.model, **self._hints), hints)
def create(self, **kwargs):
copy partition values from origin query to model instance
obj = self.model(**kwargs)
# copy partition values
partition_id = getattr(self.query, "partition_id", None)
partition_key = getattr(self.query, "partition_key", None)
if partition_id is not None:
setattr(obj, "partition_id", partition_id)
if partition_key is not None:
setattr(obj, "partition_key", partition_key)
# end copy partition values
self._for_write = True, using=self.db)
return obj
class PartitionModel(object):
"""PartitionModel support db partition, table partition or both.
class UserLoginLogTab(PartitionModel):
id = db.BigAutoField(primary_key=True)
uid = db.PositiveBigIntegerField()
login_time = db.PositiveIntegerField()
class Meta:
app_label = ''
db_table = u'user_login_log_tab_%s'
db_name = u'user_db_%s'
# use helper function to define partition function
# partition_func must be a staticmethod
partition_func = partition_by_datetime('%Y%m%d')
_partition_models = {}
_lock = Lock()
def __init__(self):
never be called, just make PyCharm happy.
self.objects = Manager()
self.db_partition_id = None
self.db_partition_key = None
self.partition_id = None
self.partition_key = None
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
:rtype: T <= django.db.models.Model
meta = getattr(cls, "Meta") # Meta class is required
partition_id = None
if 'partition_id' in kwargs:
partition_id = kwargs.pop('partition_id')
elif 'partition_key' in kwargs:
partition_id = meta.partition_func(kwargs.pop('partition_key'))
model_name = cls.__name__
if partition_id is not None:
if isinstance(partition_id, tuple) and len(partition_id) > 1:
model_name += '_%s_%s' % (partition_id[0], partition_id[1])
model_name += '_%s' % partition_id
model_class = cls._partition_models.get(model_name)
if model_class is not None:
return model_class
attrs = cls.__dict__.copy()
if 'objects' in attrs:
attrs['objects'] = attrs['objects'].__class__()
# copy Meta class
meta = type("Meta", (), meta.__dict__)
if partition_id is not None:
if isinstance(partition_id, tuple) and len(partition_id) > 1:
meta.db_name = meta.db_name % partition_id[0]
meta.db_table = meta.db_table % partition_id[1]
meta.db_table = meta.db_table % partition_id
attrs['Meta'] = meta
bases = list(cls.__bases__[1:]) # first one must be this class self
bases.insert(0, Model)
with cls._lock:
model_class = cls._partition_models.get(model_name)
if model_class is not None:
return model_class
model_class = type(model_name, tuple(bases), attrs)
cls._partition_models[model_name] = model_class
return model_class
def partition_by_mod(base, crc=False):
def func(n):
if crc:
n = crc32(binary_type(n))
return n % base
def func_iter():
for i in range(base):
yield i
func.iter = func_iter
return func
def partition_by_div(base, crc=False, max_num=None):
def func(n):
if crc:
n = crc32(binary_type(n))
return n // base
def func_iter():
from django.conf import settings
m = max_num or getattr(settings, 'PARTITION_MAX_NUMBER', 1)
for i in range(m):
yield i
func.iter = func_iter
return func
def partition_by_datetime(fmt, start_date=None, end_date=None):
def func(timestamp):
if isinstance(timestamp, (datetime, date)):
return timestamp.strftime(fmt)
return datetime.fromtimestamp(int(timestamp)).strftime(fmt)
def func_iter():
from django.conf import settings
sd = start_date or getattr(settings, 'PARTITION_START_DATE',
ed = end_date or getattr(settings, 'PARTITION_END_DATE',
while sd <= ed:
yield sd.strftime('%Y%m%d')
sd += timedelta(days=1)
func.iter = func_iter
return func
def partition_by_thousand(crc=False):
def func(n):
if crc:
n = crc32(binary_type(n))
n = binary_type(n)
n = n.zfill(3)
return n[-3:-1], n[-1]
def func_iter():
for i in range(1000):
db = i // 10
tbl = i % 10
yield "%02d" % db, tbl
func.iter = func_iter
return func
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