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Convert Octree Volumes to Regular Volumes
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: hzxie
# @Date: 2019-10-07 20:20:08
# @Last Modified by: hzxie
# @Last Modified time: 2019-10-07 20:27:23
# @Email:
import binvox_rw
import math
import numpy as np
import os
from tqdm import tqdm
def morton3d(x, y, z):
x = (x | (x << 16)) & 0x030000FF
x = (x | (x << 8)) & 0x0300F00F
x = (x | (x << 4)) & 0x030C30C3
x = (x | (x << 2)) & 0x09249249
y = (y | (y << 16)) & 0x030000FF
y = (y | (y << 8)) & 0x0300F00F
y = (y | (y << 4)) & 0x030C30C3
y = (y | (y << 2)) & 0x09249249
z = (z | (z << 16)) & 0x030000FF
z = (z | (z << 8)) & 0x0300F00F
z = (z | (z << 4)) & 0x030C30C3
z = (z | (z << 2)) & 0x09249249
return np.uint32(x | (y << 1) | (z << 2))
def inverse_morton3d(z):
x = z & 0x09249249
y = (z >> 1) & 0x09249249
z = (z >> 2) & 0x09249249
x = ((x >> 2) | x) & 0x030C30C3
x = ((x >> 4) | x) & 0x0300F00F
x = ((x >> 8) | x) & 0x030000FF
x = ((x >> 16) | x) & 0x000003FF
y = ((y >> 2) | y) & 0x030C30C3
y = ((y >> 4) | y) & 0x0300F00F
y = ((y >> 8) | y) & 0x030000FF
y = ((y >> 16) | y) & 0x000003FF
z = ((z >> 2) | z) & 0x030C30C3
z = ((z >> 4) | z) & 0x0300F00F
z = ((z >> 8) | z) & 0x030000FF
z = ((z >> 16) | z) & 0x000003FF
return x, y, z
def max_level():
return 4 * 8 // 3
def min_level():
return 0
def clz(x):
return (bin(x)[2:].zfill(32)+'1').index('1')
def compute_level(key):
return (max_level() * 3 - clz(key) + 1) // 3
def compute_key(x, y, z, l):
return morton3d(np.uint32(x), np.uint32(y), np.uint32(z)) \
| (np.uint32(1) << 3 * l)
def compute_coord(key):
l = compute_level(key)
x, y, z = inverse_morton3d(key & ~(np.uint32(1) << l * 3))
return x, y, z, l
def import_ot(file_name):
output_model = {}
max_level = 0
with open(file_name) as f:
content = f.readlines()
parts = content[0].split(" ")
for i in range(9, len(parts), 2):
output_model[parts[i]] = parts[i+1]
lev = compute_level(np.uint32(parts[i]))
if lev > max_level:
max_level = lev
return output_model, pow(2, max_level)
def octree_to_voxel_grid(ot, resolution):
output = np.zeros((resolution, resolution, resolution))
max_level = np.uint32(math.log(resolution, 2))
for key in ot:
l = compute_level(np.uint32(key))
code = (np.uint32(key) & ~(np.uint32(1) << l * 3)) \
<< (max_level - l) * 3
x, y, z = inverse_morton3d(code)
cube_len = np.uint32(pow(2, max_level - l))
for i in range(0, cube_len):
for j in range(0, cube_len):
for k in range(0, cube_len):
if ot[key] == "1":
output[x+i, y+j, z+k] = 1
return output
def main():
SRC_FOLDER = '/home/hzxie/Desktop/Pix2Vox-Experiemental-Results/Single-view-Reconstruction-Comparison/OGN-Octree'
DST_FOLDER = '/home/hzxie/Desktop/Pix2Vox-Experiemental-Results/Single-view-Reconstruction-Comparison/OGN'
files = os.listdir(SRC_FOLDER)
for f in tqdm(files, leave=False):
ot, resolution = import_ot(os.path.join(SRC_FOLDER, f))
vox = octree_to_voxel_grid(ot, resolution)
with open(os.path.join(DST_FOLDER, '%s.binvox' % f[:-3]), 'wb') as f:
vox = binvox_rw.Voxels(vox, (32,) * 3, (0,) * 3, 1, 'xyz')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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