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Created November 4, 2019 09:51
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package purescript_goroutine
import (
. ""
func init() {
exports := Foreign("Effect.Goroutine")
exports["fireAndForget"] = func(fn Any) Any {
return func() Any {
go Run(fn)
return nil
exports["blocking"] = func(wg_ Any) Any {
return func(fn Any) Any {
return func() Any {
wg, _ := wg_.(*sync.WaitGroup)
go func() {
return nil
exports["receive"] = func(channel_ Any) Any {
return func() Any {
channel := channel_.(chan Any)
result := <-channel
return result
exports["go"] = func(fn Any) Any {
return func() Any {
go Run(fn)
return nil
exports["send"] = func(channel_ Any) Any {
return func(value Any) Any {
return func() Any {
channel := channel_.(chan Any)
channel <- value
return nil
exports["sleepImpl"] = func(millis_ Any) Any {
return func() Any {
millis, _ := millis_.(int)
time.Sleep(time.Duration(millis) * time.Millisecond)
return nil
exports["mkChannel"] = func() Any {
return make(chan Any)
exports["waitGroup"] = func() Any {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
return &wg
module Effect.Goroutine where
import Prelude
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Foldable (oneOf, traverse_)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Traversable (sequence_)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class (class MonadEffect, liftEffect)
import Effect.Unsafe (unsafePerformEffect)
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafeCrashWith)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
foreign import fireAndForget ∷ Effect Unit -> Effect Unit
foreign import data WaitGroup ∷ Type
foreign import data Channel ∷ Type
foreign import waitGroup ∷ Effect WaitGroup
foreign import blocking ∷ forall a. WaitGroup -> Effect a -> Effect Unit
foreign import mkChannel ∷ Effect Channel
foreign import send ∷ forall a. Channel -> a -> Effect Unit
foreign import receive ∷ forall a. Channel -> Effect a
foreign import go ∷ Effect Unit -> Effect Unit
foreign import sleepImpl ∷ Int -> Effect Unit
newtype Go a = Go (Effect a)
toEffect :: forall a. Go a -> Effect a
toEffect (Go x) = x
sleep ∷ ∀ f. MonadEffect f => Int -> f Unit
sleep = liftEffect <<< sleepImpl
async ∷ forall a. Effect a -> Go a
async eff = Go do
c <- mkChannel
go $ eff >>= send c
receive c
parAsync ∷ forall a b. Effect a -> Effect b -> Go (Tuple a b)
parAsync eff1 eff2 = Go do
c <- mkChannel
go $ eff1 >>= Right >>> send c
go $ eff2 >>= Left >>> send c
res1 <- receive c
res2 <- receive c
case res1, res2 of
Left r1, Right r2 -> pure (Tuple r1 r2)
Right r2, Left r1 -> pure (Tuple r1 r2)
_,_ -> unsafeCrashWith "Impossible channel state"
race ∷ forall a b. Effect a -> Effect a -> Go a
race eff1 eff2 = Go do
c <- mkChannel
go $ eff1 >>= send c
go $ eff2 >>= send c
receive c
apathise ∷ forall a. Go a -> Effect Unit
apathise x = do
_ <- pure (unsafePerformEffect (toEffect x))
pure unit
dunno :: ∀ a. a
dunno = unsafeCoerce ""
instance functorGo ∷ Functor Go where
map f (Go eff) = Go (map f eff)
instance applicativeGo ∷ Applicative Go where
pure = Go <<< pure
instance applyGo ∷ Apply Go where
apply :: forall a b. Go (a -> b) -> Go a -> Go b
apply (Go f) (Go a) = Go (apply f a)
instance bindGo ∷ Bind Go where
bind (Go first) f = Go do
frst <- first
toEffect (f frst)
instance monadGo ∷ Monad Go
instance monadEffectGo ∷ MonadEffect Go where
liftEffect = Go
module Main where
import Prelude
import Data.Array ((!!), length)
import Data.Int (floor)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Class.Console (log)
import Effect.Goroutine (apathise, async, blocking, fireAndForget, go, mkChannel, receive, send, sleep, sync, toEffect, waitGroup, parAsync, race)
import Effect.Random (random)
ofm = [ "Always put yourself in our customer’s shoes", "Solve something that matters", "Put purpose first, ego second", "Think big, act fast", "Keep it simple, Sherlock", "Disagree and commit", "Start with “yes”", "Act like an owner", "Fly high and dive deep", "Don’t meet because it’s “Thursday”", "Make us better, not bigger", "Be your team’s biggest fan", "Live high challenge and high support", "Default to transparency" ]
main :: Effect Unit
main = void $ toEffect do
res <- race (sleep 2000 $> "Slowboy") (sleep 3000 $> "Fastboy")
log res
parAsync (bla "first") (bla "second")
bla str = toEffect $ do
void $ parAsync
(sleep 2000 *> log (str <> " 1"))
(sleep 1000 *> log (str <> " 2"))
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