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Created July 15, 2021 17:35
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data OnConflict = OnConflictDoNothing | OnConflictDoUpdate
-- | typeclass-alias for `genericShowInsert` constraints
class GenericShowInsertOnConflict t r where
∷ { ph ∷ String }
→ Table t
→ Array { | r }
-> OnConflict
→ String
( TableColumnNames rl
, RL.RowToList r rl
, CanInsertColumnsIntoTable rl t
, RowListLength rl
) ⇒ GenericShowInsertOnConflict t r
genericShowInsertOnConflict { ph } table rs onConflict =
onConflictDo = case onConflict of
OnConflictDoNothing -> "NOTHING"
OnConflictDoUpdate -> "UPDATE"
cols = joinWith ", " $ tableColumnNames (Proxy ∷ Proxy rl)
len = rowListLength (Proxy ∷ Proxy rl)
placeholders = mkPlaceholders ph 1 len $ Array.length rs
["INSERT INTO ", tableName table, " (", cols, ") VALUES ", placeholders, " ON CONFLICT DO ", onConflictDo, ";"]
# joinWith ""
∷ ∀ t r a b
. GenericShowInsertOnConflict t r
⇒ HFoldl (RecordToArrayForeign b) (Array Foreign) { | r } (Array Foreign)
⇒ { ph ∷ String, exec ∷ String → Array Foreign → a }
→ Proxy b
→ Table t
→ Array { | r }
-> OnConflict
→ a
genericInsertOnConflict_ { ph, exec } b table rs onConflict = do
q = genericShowInsertOnConflict { ph } table rs onConflict
l = rs >>= hfoldl (RecordToArrayForeign b) ([] ∷ Array Foreign)
exec q l
class GenericInsertOnConflict ∷ ∀ k. k → (Type → Type) → Row Type → Row Type → Constraint
class Monad m <= GenericInsertOnConflict b m t r | t → r, b → m where
∷ Proxy b
→ Table t
→ Array { | r }
-> OnConflict
→ m Unit
( HFoldl
(RecordToArrayForeign BackendPGClass)
(Array Foreign)
{ | r }
(Array Foreign)
, MonadSeldaPG m
, GenericShowInsertOnConflict t r
) ⇒
GenericInsertOnConflict BackendPGClass m t r where
genericInsertOnConflict = genericInsertOnConflict_ { exec, ph: "$" }
exec q l =
when (not $ Array.null l) do
conn ← ask
PostgreSQL.PG.execute conn (PostgreSQL.Query q) l
insertOnConflict_ ∷
∀ m t r.
GenericInsertOnConflict BackendPGClass m t r ⇒
MonadSeldaPG m ⇒
Table t → Array { | r } -> OnConflict → m Unit
insertOnConflict_ = genericInsertOnConflict (Proxy ∷ Proxy BackendPGClass)
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