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Created June 19, 2023 11:45
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module GraphQL.FunDeps where
import Prelude
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Semigroup.Foldable (intercalateMap)
import Data.String as String
import Data.Symbol (class IsSymbol, reflectSymbol)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, attempt, error, throwError)
import Effect.Class.Console as Log
import Fetch (Method(..), fetch)
import Type.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Type.Row.Homogeneous (class Homogeneous)
import Yoga.JSON (class ReadForeign)
import Yoga.JSON as JSON
import Yoga.JSON.Error (renderHumanError)
import Yoga.JSON.Generics (genericReadForeignUntaggedSum)
data GraphQL
data Gql (operation ∷ GraphQL) = Gql
(operation ∷ GraphQL)
(gql ∷ Symbol)
(i ∷ Row Type)
(o ∷ Row Type)
| operation → gql i o
type Endpoint = String
type GraphQLClient'
(operation ∷ GraphQL)
(gql ∷ Symbol)
(i ∷ Row Type)
(o ∷ Row Type) =
GraphQLReqRes operation gql i o ⇒
IsSymbol gql ⇒
JSON.WriteForeign { | i } ⇒
JSON.ReadForeign { | o } ⇒
Gql operation →
Record i →
Aff { | o }
type GraphQLClient =
∀ (operation ∷ GraphQL) (gql ∷ Symbol) (i ∷ Row Type) (o ∷ Row Type).
GraphQLClient' operation gql i o
type GraphQLResponse d =
{ data ∷ Maybe d
, errors ∷ Maybe (Array GraphQLError)
type GraphQLError =
{ message ∷ String
, locations ∷ Maybe (Array { line ∷ Int, column ∷ Int })
, path ∷ Maybe (Array StringOrInt)
data StringOrInt = AString String | AnInt Int
derive instance Generic StringOrInt _
instance ReadForeign StringOrInt where
readImpl = genericReadForeignUntaggedSum
instance Show StringOrInt where
show (AString s) = show s
show (AnInt i) = show i
graphQL ∷ ∀ r. Homogeneous r String ⇒ Endpoint → { | r } → GraphQLClient
graphQL endpoint headers = go
go ∷
∀ (operation ∷ GraphQL) (gql ∷ Symbol) (i ∷ Row Type) (o ∷ Row Type).
GraphQLReqRes operation gql i o ⇒
IsSymbol gql ⇒
JSON.WriteForeign { | i } ⇒
JSON.ReadForeign { | o } ⇒
Gql operation →
Record i →
Aff { | o }
go _ variables = do
input =
{ variables
, query: String.replaceAll (String.Pattern "\n")
(String.Replacement " ")
( String.replaceAll (String.Pattern "\r\n") (String.Replacement " ")
(reflectSymbol (Proxy ∷ Proxy gql))
requestBody = JSON.writeJSON input
res ← attempt $ fetch endpoint { method: POST, headers, body: requestBody }
case res of
Left err → do $ "GraphQL request to " <> endpoint <> " failed"
throwError (error $ show err)
Right { status, text } | status /= 200 → do
body ← text $ "GraphQL request to " <> endpoint <> " failed with status "
<> show status
throwError (error $ body)
Right { json } → do
fgn ← json
case fgn ∷ Either _ (GraphQLResponse { | o }) of
Left err → do
errorsʔ :: Maybe { errors :: Array GraphQLError }
errorsʔ = JSON.read_ fgn
let errors = (errorsʔ <#> _.errors) <#> foldMap show
msg = "GraphQL request to " <> endpoint
<> " failed with invalid response "
<> intercalateMap ", " renderHumanError err
<> (errors # foldMap (" and errors: " <> _)) msg
throwError (error msg)
Right { data: Nothing, errors: Nothing } → do
Log.error "GraphQL response is missing both data and errors"
(error $ "GraphQL response is missing both data and errors")
Right { data: Nothing, errors: Just errors } → do
Log.error $ "GraphQL response contains errors: " <> show errors
(error $ "GraphQL response contains only errors: " <> show errors)
Right { data: Just d, errors: Just errors } → do
Log.warn $ "GraphQL response contains some errors: " <> show errors
pure d
Right { data: Just d, errors: Nothing } → do
pure d
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