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Last active February 1, 2019 18:57
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A labelled, uninterestingly-heterogeneous rose tree implementation in PureScript, with a little dash of Coyoneda.
module Data.Labelled.Tree where
-- Traditionally, we express a rose tree with a structure along the lines of
-- ```
-- data RoseTree a
-- = RoseTree a (Array (RoseTree a))
-- ```
-- As with many of our favourite "Haskell containers", this comes with an
-- annoying restriction: all its values have to be _the same type_. While this
-- is normally fine, we often want to express something like a "drill-down"
-- navigation, in which each level wraps the lower level in some constructor,
-- building up a compound type. For example, let's consider our favourite
-- mortgage example:
-- ```
-- data InitialProduct
-- = Fixed FixedTerm
-- | Variable VariableTerm
-- data FixedTerm
-- = TwoYearFixed
-- | ThreeYearFixed
-- | FiveYearFixed
-- | TenYearFixed
-- data VariableTerm
-- = TwoYearVariable
-- | ThreeYearVariable
-- | FiveYearVariable
-- | LifetimeVariable
-- ```
-- We can visualise this as a neat little tree:
-- ```
-- Product -+- Fixed -+- 2
-- | +- 3
-- | +- 5
-- | +- 10
-- |
-- +- Variable -+- 2
-- +- 3
-- +- 5
-- +- Lifetime
-- ```
-- So... why can't we express this as a tree? Sure, we could wrap the leaves in
-- their outer constructors, but then how, for example, can we "show" labels
-- using the same function for both the wrapping constructors _and_ the leaves?
-- Well... never fear! The trick employed within this file is that, if we
-- define the forest as `Array (Coyoneda RoseTree a)` (i.e. the type within the
-- `RoseTree` can be _anything_ as long as we have a transformation from its
-- type back to `a`), this restriction goes away!
import Data.Array (null, uncons)
import Data.Coyoneda (Coyoneda, coyoneda, liftCoyoneda, lowerCoyoneda)
import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
import Data.Generic.Rep as G
import Data.Generic.Rep.Show (genericShow)
import Prelude
-- Before we get started, let's talk about the type I _wanted_:
-- ```
-- data Tree (c :: Type -> Constraint) (x :: Type) where
-- Tree
-- :: c x
-- => { head :: x
-- , forest :: Array (Coyoneda (Tree c) x)
-- , label :: String
-- }
-- -> Tree c x
-- ```
-- We can see here that we constrain the values throughout the tree with some
-- particular constraint, which we can then use to perform operations on the
-- tree as a whole!
-- In PureScript, this kind of "constraint kind" trickery is quite difficult to
-- achieve, and not always possible! With this in mind, and given that I had
-- quite a specific use case (namely that I needed a way to "label" each node),
-- I've specialised the type, removed the constraint, and added a `label` key
-- to store the results of this operation.
newtype Tree value
= Tree
{ head :: value
, forest :: Array (Coyoneda Tree value)
, label :: String
-- Tree is a pretty straightforward functor thanks to the `Coyoneda` instance,
-- which just composes the mapped function onto the "lowering" transformation.
derive instance functorTree :: Functor Tree
-- If we're just doing a regular 'Show', the values aren't necessarily so
-- important: at least for my use case, the labels tell us exactly what the
-- values are!
instance showTree :: Show a => Show (Tree a) where
show (Tree tree)
| null tree.forest = tree.label
| otherwise = tree.label <> ": "
<> show (map lowerCoyoneda tree.forest)
-- When we `show (Fixed TwoYearFixed)`, we get... well, "Fixed TwoYearFixed".
-- However, what we want is slightly different: We want a way to give labels to
-- _the outermost constructor_, rather than the whole value. Thus, we make a
-- `Show`-like typeclass to achieve this. _Note that this *would* have been the
-- constraint passed into our constrained tree, had we been so polymorphic._
class Label (x :: Type) where
label :: x -> String
-- Given the machinery above, we can now write some generics magic to achieve
-- my particular goal: create a tree of all possible vales of a type, labelling
-- each level by the wrapping "constructor". This means, depending of course on
-- how we labelled it, we're expecting something like:
-- ```
-- >>> options :: FixedOrVariable
-- [Fixed: [2,3,5,10],Variable: [2,3,5,Life]
-- ```
class Options (value :: Type) where
options :: Array (Tree value)
-- The generics magic produces the subtrees for *each constructor*, where the
-- lowering operation simply wraps the value in that particular constructor.
-- We then use this as the "forest" in our generic instance of `Options`, and
-- take the head the first "lowered" tree as our top node.
class GOptions (rep :: Type) where
goptions :: Array (Coyoneda Tree rep)
-- When we have more than one constructor, we'll want to translate this to more
-- than one top-level tree. To accomplish this, we generate the trees for
-- either side of the sum, and then concatenate the two results back together!
instance goptionsSum
:: ( GOptions left
, GOptions right
=> GOptions (G.Sum left right) where
= map (map G.Inl) goptions
<> map (map G.Inr) goptions
-- An argumentless constructor is a neat little base case: here, we just have
-- one possible choice, which is the argument-less constructor itself!
instance goptionsUnitConstructor
:: GOptions (G.Constructor name G.NoArguments) where
= [ liftCoyoneda
( Tree
{ head: G.Constructor G.NoArguments
, forest: []
, label: ""
-- If we _do_ have an argument (note that we only support single-argument
-- constructors), we need to generate another layer of this tree: we create all
-- possible permutations of the argument, and then wrap them back up in the
-- `Constructor` and `Argument` wrappers for generics. Note that calling
-- `liftCoyoneda` here will mean that subsequent `map` operations are just
-- composed together into a function we run when we "lower" again.
else instance goptionsConstructor
:: Options inner
=> GOptions (G.Constructor name (G.Argument inner)) where
goptions = uncons subtrees # foldMap \{ head: Tree tree } ->
[ liftCoyoneda
( Tree
{ head: tree.head
, forest: map liftCoyoneda subtrees
, label: tree.label
subtrees :: Array (Tree (G.Constructor name (G.Argument inner)))
subtrees = map (map (G.Constructor <<< G.Argument)) options
-- Finally, our `Options` implementation: we lower the trees given back from
-- the generic machinery, label the trees, and return them, "lowered", to the
-- user.
instance optionsGOptions
:: ( G.Generic value rep
, GOptions rep
, Label value
=> Options value where
options = goptions <#> \option -> do
let Tree tree = lowerCoyoneda (map option)
{ head: tree.head
, forest: tree.forest
, label: label tree.head
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