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Created January 14, 2019 22:14
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Declarative record migration.
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Data.Record where
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Symbol.Ascii (type ToList)
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.TypeLits (AppendSymbol, ErrorMessage (..), Symbol, TypeError)
import Prelude hiding (drop)
type Row = [ (Symbol, Type) ]
data RList (xs :: Row) where
RNil :: RList '[]
RCons :: v -> RList xs -> RList ( '(k, v) ': xs )
class Append (this :: Row) (that :: Row) (these :: Row)
| this that -> these where
append :: RList this -> RList that -> RList these
instance Append '[] ys ys where
append _ = id
instance Append xs ys zs => Append (x ': xs) ys (x ': zs) where
append (RCons x xs) ys = RCons x (append xs ys)
type family AppendSymbols (xs :: [Symbol]) :: Symbol where
AppendSymbols '[] = ""
AppendSymbols (s ': ss) = AppendSymbol s (AppendSymbols ss)
type family (full :: Symbol) `Sans` (prefix :: Symbol) :: Symbol where
full `Sans` prefix = AppendSymbols (ToList full `Sans'` ToList prefix)
type family (full :: [k]) `Sans'` (prefix :: [k]) :: [k] where
(x ': xs) `Sans'` (x ': ps) = xs `Sans'` ps
xs `Sans'` '[] = xs
_ `Sans'` _ = TypeError ('Text "This prefix isn't in your field name!")
class Reprefix (from :: Symbol) (to :: Symbol) (input :: Row) (output :: Row)
| from to input -> output where
reprefix :: RList input -> RList output
instance Reprefix from to '[] '[] where
reprefix = id
( pre `Sans` from ~ field
, AppendSymbol to field ~ post
, Reprefix from to before after
=> Reprefix from to ( '(pre, value) ': before )
( '(post, value) ': after ) where
reprefix (RCons x xs) = RCons x (reprefix @from @to xs)
type family (xs :: [(Symbol, v)]) `HasNo` (x :: Symbol) :: Bool where
( '(k, v) ': xs) `HasNo` k = 'False
( '(j, v) ': xs) `HasNo` k = xs `HasNo` k
'[] `HasNo` k = 'True
class Elem (k :: Symbol) (xs :: Row) (v :: Type) | xs k -> v where
get :: RList xs -> v
instance Elem k ( '(k, v) ': xs ) v where
get (RCons x _) = x
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Elem k xs v
=> Elem k ( '(j, w) ': xs ) v where
get (RCons _ xs) = get @k xs
class Add (key :: Symbol) (value :: Type) (input :: Row) (output :: Row)
| key value input -> output, key output -> input where
add :: value -> RList input -> RList output
instance input `HasNo` key ~ True
=> Add key value input ( '(key, value) ': input ) where
add value = RCons value
class Rename (from :: Symbol) (to :: Symbol) (input :: Row) (output :: Row)
| from to input -> output, from to output -> input where
rename :: RList input -> RList output
instance xs `HasNo` to ~ True
=> Rename from to ( '(from, value) ': xs )
( '(to, value) ': xs ) where
rename (RCons x xs) = RCons x xs
instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} Rename from to xs ys
=> Rename from to ( '(huh, value) ': xs) ( '(huh, value) ': ys) where
rename (RCons x xs) = RCons x (rename @from @to xs)
class GScrubIn (s :: Type -> Type) (a :: Row) | s -> a where
gscrubIn :: s p -> RList a
instance GScrubIn s a => GScrubIn (D1 meta s) a where
gscrubIn = gscrubIn . unM1
instance GScrubIn s a => GScrubIn (C1 meta s) a where
gscrubIn = gscrubIn . unM1
instance (GScrubIn left this, GScrubIn right that, Append this that these)
=> GScrubIn (left :*: right) these where
gscrubIn (left :*: right) = append (gscrubIn left) (gscrubIn right)
instance GScrubIn (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just k) i d c) (Rec0 v)) '[ '(k, v) ] where
gscrubIn (M1 (K1 v)) = RCons v RNil
class ScrubIn (s :: Type) (a :: Row) | s -> a where
scrubIn :: s -> RList a
instance (Generic s, GScrubIn (Rep s) a) => ScrubIn s a where
scrubIn = gscrubIn . from
class GScrubOut (s :: Type -> Type) (a :: Row) where
gscrubOut :: RList a -> s p
instance GScrubOut s a => GScrubOut (D1 meta s) a where
gscrubOut = M1 . gscrubOut
instance GScrubOut s a => GScrubOut (C1 meta s) a where
gscrubOut = M1 . gscrubOut
instance (GScrubOut left a, GScrubOut right a)
=> GScrubOut (left :*: right) a where
gscrubOut xs = gscrubOut xs :*: gscrubOut xs
instance Elem k xs v
=> GScrubOut (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just k) i d c) (Rec0 v)) xs where
gscrubOut = M1 . K1 . get @k
class ScrubOut (s :: Type) (a :: Row) where
scrubOut :: RList a -> s
instance (Generic s, GScrubOut (Rep s) a) => ScrubOut s a where
scrubOut = to . gscrubOut
surgically :: (ScrubIn s a, ScrubOut t b) => (RList a -> RList b) -> (s -> t)
surgically f = scrubOut . f . scrubIn
data Foo = Foo { fA :: Int, fB :: String, fC :: Bool } deriving Generic
data Bar = Bar { bA :: Int, bB :: String } deriving Generic
f :: Bar -> Foo
f = surgically $ add @"fC" True . reprefix @"b" @"f"
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