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Created October 10, 2019 13:59
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HaskellX code examples!
module DependentTypes
TypeOf : {t : Type} -> t -> Type
TypeOf {t} _ = t
eg0 : TypeOf 3 = Integer
eg0 = Refl
eg1 : TypeOf "hello" = String
eg1 = Refl
eg2 : TypeOf () = ()
eg2 = Refl
the : (t : Type) -> t -> t
the _ x = x
module LeanTypes
-- IDRIS 2
typeof : {t : Type} -> t -> String
typeof {t} _ with (t)
typeof _ | String = "string"
typeof _ | Int = "number"
typeof _ | Double = "number"
typeof _ | Bool = "boolean"
typeof _ | _ = "object"
eg0 : typeof "hello" = "string"
eg0 = Refl
eg1 : typeof True = "boolean"
eg1 = Refl
module Truth where
interface Boolish x where toBool : x -> Bool
implementation Boolish () where toBool _ = False
implementation Boolish Bool where toBool = id
implementation Boolish Integer where toBool = (/= 0)
implementation Boolish Nat where toBool = (/= 0)
implementation Boolish String where toBool = (/= "")
(&&) : Boolish a => (x : a) -> (y : b) -> if toBool x then b else a
(&&) x y with (toBool x)
(&&) x y | True = y
(&&) x y | False = x
eg0 : "hello" && 3 = 3
eg0 = Refl
eg1 : "" && True = ""
eg1 = Refl
module Apply where
Applied : Vect k Type -> Type -> Type
Applied [ ] o = o
Applied (i :: is) o = i -> Applied is o
apply : Applied inputs output -> HVect inputs -> output
apply f [ ] = f
apply f (x :: xs) = apply (f x) xs
add : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
add = (+)
-- These are a bit temperamental, so you might want to run them straight in a shell.
-- For example:
-- > apply(add)([2,3])
-- 5 : Integer
eg0 : apply(add)([2,3]) = 5
eg0 = Refl
eg1 : apply(add)([2])(4) = 6
eg1 = Refl
module Cond
data Conditions : Type -> List Type -> Type where
Nil : Conditions input []
(::) : Boolish b
=> HVect [a -> b, a -> c]
-> Conditions a cs -> Conditions a (c :: cs)
Result : (a -> b) -> Type
Result {b} _ = b
Cond : Conditions a cs -> a -> Type
Cond [ ] _ = ()
Cond ([f, g] :: cs) x = if toBool (f x) then Result g else Cond cs x
cond : (c : Conditions a cs) -> (x : a) -> Cond c x
cond [ ] _ = ()
cond ([f, g] :: cs) a with (toBool (f a))
cond ([f, g] :: cs) a | True = g a
cond ([f, g] :: cs) a | False = cond cs a
gt2 : Nat -> Bool
gt2 = (> 2)
gt0 : Nat -> Bool
gt0 = (> 0)
always : a -> b -> a
always = const
eg0 : Nat
eg0 = cond([[gt2, id], [gt0, always("hello")]])(3)
eg1 : String
eg1 = cond([[gt2, id], [gt0, always("hello")]])(2)
module Converge
data FList : Type -> Vect k Type -> Type where
Nil : FList i []
(::) : (i -> o) -> FList i os -> FList i (o :: os)
converge : Applied os o -> FList i os -> i -> o
converge f [ ] = \_ => f
converge f (g :: gs) = \x => converge (f (g x)) gs x
length : List Double -> Double
length = cast . Prelude.List.length
sum : List Double -> Double
sum = Prelude.Foldable.sum
eg0 : Double
eg0 = converge (/) [sum, length] [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
concat : String -> String -> String
concat = Prelude.Strings.(++)
eg1 : String
eg1 = converge(concat)([toUpper, toLower])("Yodel")
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Curry where
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Prelude hiding (curry)
class Compose f g h | f g -> h where
compose :: f -> g -> h
instance (k ~ (a -> h), Compose f g h) => Compose f (a -> g) k where
compose f g a = compose f (g a)
instance {-# InCoHeReNt #-} (a ~ c, b ~ d) => Compose (a -> b) c d where
compose = ($)
type family Curried (args :: Type) (output :: Type) = (f :: Type) where
Curried ( ) (a -> b) = Curried a b
Curried ( ) o = o
Curried (a, b) o = a -> Curried b o
Curried i (a -> b) = i -> Curried a b
Curried i o = i -> o
class Curry (shape :: Type) (output :: Type) where
curry :: Curried shape output -> shape -> output
instance Curry a b => Curry () (a -> b) where
curry f _ = curry f
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Curried () o ~ o => Curry () o where
curry f _ = f
instance Curry b output => Curry (a, b) output where
curry f (a, b) = curry (f a) b
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
( Curry a b
, Curried i (a -> b) ~ (i -> Curried a b)
=> Curry i (a -> b) where
curry f x = curry (f x)
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Curried i o ~ (i -> o)
=> Curry i o where
curry = id
g :: Int -> Int -> Int
g = (+)
a :: Int
a = 1
b :: Int
b = 2
eg0, eg1, eg2, eg3 :: Int
eg0 = curry(g)(a)(b)
eg1 = curry(g)(a, b)
eg2 = curry(g)(a)()(b)
eg3 = curry(g)()()()(a)()(b)
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