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Created December 21, 2022 15:11
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basic RS encode / decode in Javascript
function log(msg){document.getElementById('outp').innerText+= msg+"\r\n";}
log("Reed solomon octal coding for short messages\r\n");
const extraCodes = 2;
let orig = [46,219,120,55];
let int32Val = (orig[0] << 24) + (orig[1] << 16) + (orig[2] << 8) + orig[3];
log("tag value="+int32Val);
log("\r\ncode ="+orig.join(' '));
/* Bytes <-> Octal array */
function decToOctBytes(decBytes) {
return {
return ('000' + dec.toString(8)).substr(-3);
function octToDecBytes(octBytes) {
return {
return parseInt(oct, 8);
/* GF 256 */
let gf_table = null;
function gfTable(){
if (gf_table) return gf_table;
gf_table={exp:Array(256).fill(0), log:Array(512).fill(0)};
let x = 1;
let prim = 0x11d;
for(let i=0; i < 256; i++){
gf_table.exp[i] = x&0xff;
gf_table.log[x] = i&0xff;
x <<= 1;
if (x & 0x100) x ^= prim;
x &= 0xff;
for(let i=255; i < 512; i++){
gf_table.exp[i] = gf_table.exp[i-255] & 0xff;
return gf_table;
function gfAddSub(a,b){return (a^b)&0xff;} // add and subtract are same in GF256
function gfMul(a,b){
if (a == 0 || b == 0) return 0;
let gf = gfTable();
return gf.exp[gf.log[a] + gf.log[b]];
function gfDiv(a,b){
if (a == 0 || b == 0) return 0;
let gf = gfTable();
return gf.exp[((gf.log[a]+255) - gf.log[b]) % 255];
function gfPow(n,p){
let gf = gfTable();
return gf.exp[(gf.log[n] * p) % 255];
function gfInverse(n){
let gf = gfTable();
return gf.exp[255 - gf.log[n]];
function gfPolyMulScalar(p, sc){// coeff array, scalar
let res = Array(p.length).fill(0);
for (let i = 0; i < p.length; i++){res[i] = gfMul(p[i], sc);}
return res;
function gfAddPoly(p, q){ // add two polynomials
let len = p.length >= q.length ? p.length : q.length;
let res = Array(len).fill(0);
for (let i = 0; i < p.length; i++){res[i+len - p.length] = p[i];}
for (let i = 0; i < q.length; i++){res[i+len - q.length] ^= q[i];}
return res;
function gfMulPoly(p,q){ // multiply two polynomials
let res = Array(p.length + q.length - 1).fill(0);
for (let j = 0; j < q.length; j++){
for (let i = 0; i < p.length; i++){
res[i+j] = gfAddSub(res[i+j], gfMul(p[i], q[j]));
return res;
function gfEvalPoly(p, x){ // evaluate polynomial 'p' for value 'x', resulting in scalar
let y = p[0];
for (let i = 1; i < p.length; i++){y = gfMul(y,x) ^ p[i];}
return y & 0xff;
function gfDivPoly(a,b){ // for two polynomials, compute a/b
// not sure we need this?
function gfIrreduciblePoly(symCount){
//let gen = Array(symCount).fill(0);
//gen[0] = 1;
let gen = [1];
for (let i = 0; i < symCount; i++){
gen = gfMulPoly(gen, [1, gfPow(2, i)]);
return gen;
/* Error correction */
function removeLeadingZeros(arr){
let outp = []; let latch = false;
for (let i=0; i<arr.length; i++){
if (!latch && arr[i] == 0) continue;
latch = true;
return outp;
function allZeros(arr){
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){if (arr[i] != 0) return false;}
return true;
function rsCalcSyndromes(msg, sym){
let synd = Array(sym+1).fill(0); // with leading zero
for (let i = 0; i < sym; i++){synd[i+1] = gfEvalPoly(msg, gfPow(2, i));}
return synd;
function rsErrorLocatorPoly(synd, sym, erases){
let errLoc = [1];
let oldLoc = [1];
let syndShift = 0;
if (synd.length > sym) syndShift = synd.length - sym;
for (let i = 0; i < (sym-erases); i++){
let kappa = i + syndShift;
let delta = synd[kappa];
for (let j = 1; j < errLoc.length; j++){
delta ^= gfMul(errLoc[errLoc.length- (j+1)], synd[kappa - j]);
oldLoc.push(0); // ?
if (delta != 0){
if (oldLoc.length > errLoc.length){
let newLoc = gfPolyMulScalar(oldLoc, delta);
oldLoc = gfPolyMulScalar(errLoc, gfInverse(delta));
errLoc = newLoc;
let scale = gfPolyMulScalar(oldLoc, delta);
errLoc = gfAddPoly(errLoc, scale);
errLoc = removeLeadingZeros(errLoc);
let errCount = errLoc.length - 1;
if (errCount - erases > sym) return 'too many errors';
return errLoc;
function rsFindErrors(locPoly, len){
let errs = locPoly.length - 1;
let pos = [];
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++){
let test = gfEvalPoly(locPoly, gfPow(2, i)) & 0xff;
if (test == 0) {
pos.push(len - 1 - i);
if (pos.length != errs) return 'too many errors';
return pos;
function rsDataErrorLocatorPoly(pos){
let eLoc = [1];
for (let i = 0; i < pos.length; i++){
let add = gfAddPoly([1], [gfPow(2, pos[i]), 0]);
eLoc = gfMulPoly(eLoc, add);
return eLoc;
function rsErrorEvaluator(synd, errLoc, n){
let poly = gfMulPoly(synd, errLoc);
let len = poly.length - (n+1);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++){
poly[i] = poly[i+len];
poly.length = poly.length - len;
return poly;
function rsCorrectErrors(msg, synd, pos){ // Forney algorithm
let len = msg.length;
let coeffPos = [];
let rSynd = synd.reverse();
for (let i = 0; i < pos.length; i++){coeffPos.push(len - 1 - pos[i]);}
let errLoc = rsDataErrorLocatorPoly(coeffPos);
let errEval = rsErrorEvaluator(rSynd, errLoc, errLoc.length - 1);
let chi = [];
for (let i = 0; i < coeffPos.length; i++){
chi.push(gfPow(2, coeffPos[i]));
let E = Array(len).fill(0);
for (let i = 0; i < chi.length; i++){
let tmp = [];
let ichi = gfInverse(chi[i]);
for (let j = 0; j < chi.length; j++){
if (i == j) continue;
tmp.push(gfAddSub(1, gfMul(ichi, chi[j])));
let prime = 1;
for (let k = 0; k < tmp.length; k++){prime = gfMul(prime, tmp[k]);}
let y = gfEvalPoly(errEval, ichi);
y = gfMul(gfPow(chi[i], 1), y); // pow?
let mag = gfDiv(y, prime);
E[pos[i]] = mag;
msg = gfAddPoly(msg, E);
return msg;
// Main encode function
// msg should be array of ints in 0..255; sym is number of additional symbols
function encode(msg, sym){
if ((msg.length + sym) > 255) throw new Error('Max output size is 255');
let genLength = sym * 2;
let gen = gfIrreduciblePoly(sym);
let mix = Array(msg.length + gen.length - 1).fill(0);
for (let i = 0; i < msg.length; i++) {mix[i]=msg[i];}
for (let i = 0; i < msg.length; i++){
let coeff = mix[i];
if (coeff == 0) continue;
for (let j = 1; j < gen.length; j++){
mix[i+j] ^= gfMul(gen[j], coeff);
let outp = [];
for (let i = 0; i < msg.length + gen.length - 1; i++) outp.push(mix[i]);
for (let i = 0; i < msg.length; i++) {outp[i]=msg[i];}
return outp;
// Main decode and correct function
// msg should be the input code; sym is expected number of additional symbols;
// expectedLength is the expected length of msg -- and should be >= msg.length;
function decode(msg, sym, expectedLength){
let erases = expectedLength - msg.length;
let synd = rsCalcSyndromes(msg, sym);
if (allZeros(synd)) {
log("no errors found");
return msg;
log("input has errors");
let errPoly = rsErrorLocatorPoly(synd, sym, erases);
if (typeof(errPoly) == "string"){return errPoly;} // fail
let errorPositions = rsFindErrors(errPoly, msg.length);
if (typeof(errorPositions) == "string"){return errorPositions;} // fail
let outp = rsCorrectErrors(msg, synd, errorPositions);
// recheck result
let synd2 = rsCalcSyndromes(outp, sym);
if (allZeros(synd2)) {
log("all errors corrected");
return outp;
log("failed to correct errors.");
log("end ="+outp.join(' '));
return 'too many errors';
// encode the original
let encoded = encode(orig, extraCodes);
log("encoded="+encoded.join(' '));
log("tag ="+decToOctBytes(encoded).join(' '));
// damage data
encoded[0] = 64;
//encoded[2] = 12;
log("\r\ninput ="+encoded.join(' '));
log("tag ="+decToOctBytes(encoded).join(' '));
let decoded = decode(encoded, extraCodes, orig.length + extraCodes);
if (typeof(decoded) == "string") log(decoded);
else {
log("\r\ndecoded="+decoded.join(' '));
log("tag ="+decToOctBytes(decoded).join(' '));
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