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Forked from PintoGideon/Digging into
Created October 26, 2019 21:49
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Node.js - Understanding the hard Parts

Each Node.js process has a set of built-in functionality, accessible through the global process module. The process module need not to be required - it is somewhat literally a wrapper around the currently executing process, and many of the methods it exposes are actually wrappers around calls into some of Nodejs core C libraries.

process.stdout.write("hello world")

The simplest way of retrieving arguments in Nodejs is via the process.argv array. This is a global object that you can use without importing any additional libraries to use it. You simply need to pass arguments to a Node.js application, just like we showed earlier, and these arguments can be accessed within the application via the process.argv array.


Another way to retrieve command line arguments in a Node.js application is using the minimist module. The minimist module will parse arguments from the process.argv array and transform it in to an easier-to-use associative array. In the associative array you can access the elements via index names in addition to the index numbers.

var args = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2), {
	boolean: ['help', 'in'],
	string: ['file']

Using javascript __dirname in a Node script will return the path of the folder where the current JavaScript file resides. Using ./ will give you the current working directory. It will return the same result as calling process.cwd().


I/O in node is asynchronous, so interacting with the disk and network involves passing callbacks to functions. You might be tempted to write code that serves up a file from disk like this:

var http = require('http');
var fs = require('fs');

var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
    fs.readFile(__dirname + '/data.txt', function (err, data) {

This code works but it's bulky and buffers up the entire data.txt file into memory for every request before writing the result back to clients. If data.txt is very large, your program could start eating a lot of memory as it serves lots of users concurrently, particularly for users on slow connections.

The user experience is poor too because users will need to wait for the whole file to be buffered into memory on your server before they can start receiving any contents. Luckily both of the (req, res) arguments are streams, which means we can write this in a much better way using fs.createReadStream() instead of fs.readFile():

var http = require('http');
var fs = require('fs');

var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
    var stream = fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/data.txt');

This example is refereced from

Transform Streams

What are transform streams? Node.js javascript transform streams are streams which read input, process the data manipulating it, and then outputing new data.

function processFile(inStream) {
	var outStream = inStream;

	var upperStream = new Transform({
		transform(chunk, enc, cb) {

	outStream = inStream.pipe(upperStream);

	var targetStream = process.stdout;

From Client Side Development to Full Stack

Our users open, they need code and data to load on their computers.

  • What code/data do they need to load?
  • Where's the code/data coming from?

Send the data right back from the server requires using multiple features of the computer

  • Network socket- Receive and send back messages over the internet
  • Filesystem- that's where the html/css/javascript code is stored in files
  • CPU- For cryptography and optimizing hashing passwords
  • Kernel- I/O management

We are going to have C++ and JavaScript to work together to make the above possible. C++ has many features that lets it directly interact with OS directly.

Javascript has ton of built in labels that trigger Node Features that are a built on C++ to use the computer internals.

Using the http feature of Node to set up an open object

const server=http.createServer();

The http.createServer() set's up a network feature of Node specialzing in http protocols The libuv library links C++ code and Node the with computer's internal structure which opens a socket which is ready to receive incoming messages.

Node auto-runs the code (function) for us when a request arrives from a user.

function doOnIncoming(incomingData, functionToSetOutgoingData){
functionToSetOutgoingData.end('Welcome to Twitter');

const server = http.createServer(doOnIncoming)

Two parts of calling a function

  • Parenthesis
  • Insert Arguments

Let's look at the complete process:

  • The client sends an HTTP request. This request is a encoded as a string of characters The doInComing function will be autorun by Node by adding a paranthesis at the end.

  • The function needs to now notify Node with two messages.

    • The function has finished executing
    • The data it needs to send as a response
  • How does the doInComing function get access to these two messages? Node takes care of this.

  • Node autocreates two objects as soon as the incoming message comes in.

  • Node will parse the incoming request and save the url in one of the object for us

  • The object created will be automatically inserted in the doInComing function as an argument. The 1st object with the url property is inserted as an argument. The 2nd object has functions including one called end which which can be called with some data from the execution context of the doInComing function.

    new doc 2019-05-10 23 32 30-1

    Messages are sent in HTTP format- The 'protocol' for browser-server interaction

    const tweets=["Hi","Hello","Tweet"]
    function doOnIncoming(incomingData, functionsToSetOutgoingData){
     const tweetNeeded=incomingData.url.slice(8)-1
    const server=http.createServer(doOnIncoming)

The Workflow

new doc 2019-05-11 01 31 22-1

  • http feature which is really a network connection where it is going to set up an open channel to the internet.
  • Store the doOnIncoming function to the autorun when we get an incoming message
  • Store a object at the server which will have a listen function.

The function needs two things that need to happen

  • Have paranthesis for invocation
  • Have arguments passed into the function

Getting access to Node's built in features

We have to tell nodes we want to access to each of it's C++ features independently- we get a built in function to do this.

const http=require('http')

Node will broadcast the event depending as soon it receives an incoming message from Port 80.

  • The server has access to functions like listen and on which will modify the http feature in Node which controls the computer's internals.

    function doOnIncoming(incomingData, functionsToSetOurOutgoingData){
    functionsToSetOurOutgoingData.end('Welcome to Twitter');
    function doOnError(infoOnError){
    server.on('request', doOnIncoming)

    new doc 2019-05-11 22 11 00-1

  • The C++ output of running createServer() allows you to setup a default port.

  • The JS output of running createServer() is an object with two methods 'listen' and 'on'

  • The 'on' and 'listen' methods can edit Node's underlying functionality.


When the event 'request' is broadcasted upon receiving an incoming message, Node autoruns the doOnIncoming function. If the incoming message is corrupted, Node autoruns the doError function.

The 2nd argument is raw data that needs to be send back which we can append status to that and the user will receive a 404 error.

A sample Snippet

function cleanTweets(tweetsToClean){
//Code that removes bad tweets

function useImportedTweets(errorData, data){
const cleanedTweetsJson=cleanTweets(data);
const tweetsObj=JSON.parse(cleanedTweetsJson)


new doc 2019-05-14 11 52 38-1

Javascript gets access to the computer's file system by accessing Node's C++ features via the libUV library. libuv provides a threadpool which can be used to run user code and get notified in the loop thread. This thread pool is internally used to run all file system operations, as well as getaddrinfo and getnameinfo requests. The next few steps are identical to the one's earlier.

Most of the backends behind websites don’t need to do complicated computations. Our programs spend most of their time waiting for the disk to read & write , or waiting for the wire to transmit our message and send back the answer.

IO operations can be orders of magnitude slower than data processing.

What if Node used the 'event' (message broadcasting) pattern to send out a message(event) each time a sufficient batch of the json datahead is loaded in

new doc 2019-05-14 15 33 30-1

At each point, take that data and start cleaning it in batches.

let cleanedTweets="";

function cleanTweets(tweetsToClean){

function doOnNewBatch(data){

const accessTweetArchive=fs.createReadStream('./tweets.json');
accessTweetArchive.on('data', doOnNewBatch);

Even though V8 is single-threaded, the underlying C++ API of Node isn't. It means that whenever we call something that is a non-blocking operation, Node will call some code that will run concurrently with our javascript code under the hood. Once this hiding thread receives the value it awaits for or throws an error, the provided callback will be called with the necessary parameters.

function useImportedTweets(errorData, data){
const tweets=JSON.parse(data)

function immediately(){console.log("Run me last")

function printHello(){console.log("Hello")}

function blockFor500ms(){
//Block JS thread directly for 500ms

console.log("Me First")

new doc 2019-05-15 15 50 25-1

  • Call Stack: JavaScript keeps track of what function is being run where it was run from. Whenever a function is to be run, it is added to the call stack.

  • Callback queue: Any function delayed from runnning are added to the callback queue when the background Node task has completed

  • Event Loop: Determines what function/node to run next from the queue

The Workflow of the above code snippet in Node

  • The setTimeout function creates a timer in Node and set's printHello as a function to be autorun by Node.
  • Any function that is Autorun by Node get's bottom priority after all the JavaScript code is run. It goes to our first queue named as the the timer queue
  • The fs.readFile sets up the instance of the fs feature of Node to access the file system with libuv. It sets up a background thread to handle all the incoming data.
  • When the file is fetched from the path, the userImportedTweets function is going to be triggered.
  • When our call stack has no functions to run,the event loop check our queues. The first queue we check is the Timer queue and puts the function printHello and console.log's hello

Rules for the automatic execution of the JS code by Node

  1. Hold each deferred function in one of the task queues when the Node Background API completes
  2. Add the function to the call stack (i.e execute the function) only when the call
    stack is totally empty
  3. Prioritize functions in Timer queue over I/O queue, over setImmediate('check') queue.
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