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Created April 23, 2012 14:26
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MySQL: Basic MySQL Guide
MySQL Guide - Basics
Connect/Disconnect from MySQL Server
:~ sudo mysqld_safe //Turns on MySQL server
:~ mysql -h host -u root -p //Connects to MySQL server: "no need to specify host on local"
mysql> quit; //Disconnects from MySQL
:~ mysqladmin -u root -p shutdown //Shuts down MySQL server
General commands
mysql> SHOW DATABASES; //Shows databases for current user
mysql> CREATE DATABASE testDB; //Creates new database called testDB
mysql> USE testDB; //Changes database
mysql> SHOW TABLES; //Shows all tables in the current database
mysql> DESCRIBE costumer; //Displays table information
mysql> SELECT * FROM costumer; //Shows all rows and columns of the "costumer" table
mysql> SELECT DATABASE(); //Shows current database
mysql> CREATE TABLE test_table ( //Creates a...
-> title VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, //table...
-> text TEXT NOT NULL, //with the...
-> date DATE NOT NULL, //specified column names...
-> author VARCHAR(40) //and their data types.
-> );
mysql> INSERT INTO test_table (title, text, date, author) //Inserts a single row to "test_table"
-> VALUES ('My title', 'My description', CURRENT_DATE, 'Billy');
mysql> GRANT ALL ON testDB.* TO 'some_user'@'client_host'; //Grants permissions to a user for "testDB"
mysql> SELECT user(); //Shows current logged in user
mysql> SELECT
-> user()
-> \c //Cancels the command
mysql> SELECT * FROM costumers WHERE name = 'John'; //Find specific value
mysql> SELECT name FROM costumer; //Select a specific column
mysql> SELECT name, lastname FROM costumer; //Select multiple columns
mysql> SELECT * FROM costumer ORDER BY date; //Sort rows by the date column
mysql> SELECT DISTINCT name FROM costumer; //Find only distinct values, no duplicates
mysql> SELECT * FROM costumer WHERE (news_letter = 'Y') //Select when both conditions are met
-> AND (order_date >= '2012-01-14');
mysql> SELECT * FROM costumers WHERE sex='m' AND news_letter='Y' //Selects when both conditions...
-> ORDER BY name DESC; //are met, and sorts in...
//descending order by name.
mysql> SELECT * FROM costumers WHERE sex='m' AND news_letter='Y' //Select when all 3 conditions...
-> AND order_date > '2012-01-12' ORDER BY name ASC; //are met, and sorts in ascending...
//order by name.
mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM costumers; //Counts numbers of rows in "costumers" table
mysql> SELECT * FROM costumers WHERE name LIKE 'b%'; //Select all names that start with the letter 'b'
mysql> SELECT * FROM costumers WHERE name LIKE '%n'; //Select all names that end with the letter 'h'
mysql> SELECT * FROM costumers WHERE name LIKE '%i%'; //Select all names that contain the letter 'i'
mysql> SELECT * FROM costumers WHERE name LIKE '____'; //Select all names that contain exactly 4 characters
mysql> ALTER TABLE costumer RENAME costumers; //Rename table to "costumers"
mysql> ALTER TABLE costumer RENAME TO costumers; //Alternative syntax for the same task
mysql> ALTER TABLE costumers CHANGE birth_date birth DATE; //Rename a column (data type is required)
mysql> ALTER TABLE costumers MODIFY order_date DATE NOT NULL; //Modify a column's data type to... DATE NOT NULL
mysql> ALTER TABLE costumers ADD age INT; //Add a new column as integer type
mysql> ALTER TABLE costumers DROP COLUMN ip; //Remove an entire column
UPDATE mytable
mysql> UPDATE costumers SET news_letter='Y' WHERE name='Billy'; //Change column's value if condition is met
mysql> UPDATE costumer SET sex='m', news_letter='N' WHERE name='Billy'; //Change multiple column values...
//when condition is met.
mysql> UPDATE costumers SET age=YEAR(CURDATE()) - YEAR(birth_date);
//Set the age column on each row with SQL functions YEAR() and CURDATE()
DELETE FROM mytable -> 'this would delete everything'
mysql> DELETE FROM costumers WHERE id=4; //Remove the 4th row in the table
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