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Elo rating system implementation in R. #elorating #playerskills #ranking
# Elo rating system implementation in R #
# The ELO rating system is a method for calculating the relative skill levels
# of players in Player-Versus-Player games. This rating system is used on
# chess and also in a number of games, videogames, etc.
# It was originally invented as an improved chess rating system in the 1960s
# and established at the FIDE-congress 1970 in Siegen (Germany).
# ELO rating formula after a PlayerA-VS-PlayerB match:
# RAn = RA + K * (SA - EA)
# - RAn new ELO rating for player A (rating after the match);
# - RA, current elo rating (rating before the match);
# - K, weighting factor (weight for each victory, draw and defeat);
# - SA, match result of player A (1 for a victory, 0.5 for a draw, 0 for a defeat);
# - EA, expected score for player A. It is a value between 0 and 1 ().
# (Similary the Rating for player B is: RBn = RB + K * (SB - EB))
# THE EA (expected score) can be computed by:
# EA = 1 / ( 1 + 10^( (RB - RA) / 400 ) )
# Similarly the expected score for Player B (EB) is:
# EB = 1 / ( 1 + 10^( (RA - RB) / 400 ) )
# RA, current elo rating of player A.
# RB, current elo rating of player B.
# The EA is allways a value between [0, 1].
# Player A rating: 1200
# Player B rating: 1000
# k = 20
# What is the Player A rating, if he Wins?
# EA = 1 / ( 1 + 10^( (1000-1200)/400) ) = 0.7597
# Rn = 1200 + 20 * (1 - 0.7597) = 1204.805
# What is the Player A rating, if he draws?
# Rn = 1200 + 20 * (0.5 - 0.7597) = 1194.805
# What is the Player A rating,, if he loses?
# Rn = 1200 + 20 * (0 - 0.7597) = 1184.805
# What is the Player B rating, if he Wins?
# EA = 1 / ( 1 + 10^( (1200-1000)/400) ) = 0.2403
# Rn = 1000 + 20 * (1 - 0.2403) = 1015.195
# What is the Player A rating, if he draws?
# Rn = 1000 + 20 * (0.5 - 0.2403) = 1005.194
# What is the Player A rating, if he loses?
# Rn = 1000 + 20 * (0 - 0.2403) = 995.1940
# -
# -
# -
# @author PSantos
# @date Tue May 27 03:12:29 2014
# This function computes the ELO rating for two players.
# @playerARating current elo rating for player A.
# @PlayerBRating current elo rating for player B.
# @K weighting factor.
# @return a data frame with ELO rating for both players in case of
# win, draw, and losse. This is a 2 (rows) by 4 (columns) data frame.
# Example:
# > eloRating(1200,1000,20)
# chanceToWin playerAWins draw playerBWins
# playerA 76 1205 1195 1185
# playerB 24 995 1005 1015
eloRating=function(playerARating, PlayerBRating, k=32) {
# Expected score for player A and for player B.
EA <- (1 / (1 + 10^((PlayerBRating - playerARating)/400)))
EB <- (1 / (1 + 10^((playerARating - PlayerBRating)/400)))
# RAn = RA + K * (SA - EA)
newRatingPlyAWins <- playerARating + k * (1 - EA)
newRatingPlyADraws <- playerARating + k * (0.5 - EA)
newRatingPlyADefeated <- playerARating + k * (0 - EA)
# RBn = RB + K * (SB - EB)
newRatingPlyBWins <- PlayerBRating + k * (1 - EB)
newRatingPlyBDraws <- PlayerBRating + k * (0.5 - EB)
newRatingPlyBDefeated <- PlayerBRating + k * (0 - EB)
chanceToWin <- round(data.frame(chanceToWin=c(EA, EB)) * 100, digits=0)
playerAWins <- round(data.frame(playerAWins=c(newRatingPlyAWins, newRatingPlyBDefeated)), digits=0)
playerDraw <- round(data.frame(draw=c(newRatingPlyADraws, newRatingPlyBDraws)), digits=0)
playerBWins <- round(data.frame(playerBWins=c(newRatingPlyADefeated, newRatingPlyBWins)), digits=0)
df <- cbind(chanceToWin, playerAWins, playerDraw, playerBWins)
rownames(df) <- c('playerA', 'playerB')
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