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Last active May 11, 2021 08:27
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Mikrotik backup to ftp
/log warning "Create variables"
:local currentDate "$[/system clock get date]" 
:local id "$[/system identity get name]"
:local BackupName ("$id-backup-".[:pick $currentDate 7 11]."-".[:pick $currentDate 0 3]."-".[:pick $currentDate 4 6].".backup")
:local ConfigName ("$id-config-".[:pick $currentDate 7 11]."-".[:pick $currentDate 0 3]."-".[:pick $currentDate 4 6].".rsc")
:local array [:toarray ""]
# Setup FTP params
# FTP IP address no quotes, ex:
:local ftp ip-address
:local user "login"
:local password "password"
# ftp path without file name
:local path "/ftp path/"
/log warning "Creating backup file"
/system backup save name="$BackupName" dont-encrypt=no;
# add filename to array
:set $array ($array, $BackupName);
:delay 2s
/log warning "Creating config file"
/export terse file="$ConfigName";
:set $array ($array, $ConfigName);
:delay 2s
:foreach file in=$array do={
    /log warning "Uploading $file"
    /tool fetch address=$ftp src-path=$file user=$user mode=ftp password=$password dst-path=($path.$file) upload=yes;
    /log warning "$file has been uploaded"
    :delay 3s
    /file remove $file
    :delay 10s;
/log warning "Done"
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