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Forked from tmcw/index.html
Created December 25, 2018 07:21
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
body {
font:12px/20px 'Helvetica';
textarea, input {
<textarea>typing in a textarea does not trigger bindings</textarea>
<input value='typing in an input does not trigger bindings' />
<p>use arrow keys to navigate the circle</p>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="keybinding.js"></script>
var width = 950, height = 300;
var svg ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height)
.attr("transform", "translate(0,0)");
var point = [width/2, height/2];
var momentum = [0, 0];
var circle = svg.append("circle")
.attr("r", 10);
function move(x, y) {
return function(event) {
momentum = [momentum[0] + x, momentum[1] + y];
.on('←', move(-2, 0))
.on('↑', move(0, -2))
.on('→', move(2, 0))
.on('↓', move(0, 2)));
d3.timer(function() {
point[0] = Math.min(width, Math.max(0, momentum[0] + point[0]));
point[1] = Math.min(height, Math.max(0, momentum[1] + point[1]));
.attr('transform', function(d) { return 'translate(' + d + ')'; });
momentum[0] *= 0.9;
momentum[1] *= 0.9;
d3.keybinding = function() {
// via
// and
var _keys = {
// MOD aka toggleable keys
mods: {
// Shift key, ⇧
'⇧': 16,
// CTRL key, on Mac: ⌃
'⌃': 17,
// ALT key, on Mac: ⌥ (Alt)
'⌥': 18,
// META, on Mac: ⌘ (CMD), on Windows (Win), on Linux (Super)
'⌘': 91
// Normal keys
keys: {
// Backspace key, on Mac: ⌫ (Backspace)
'⌫': 8, backspace: 8,
// Tab Key, on Mac: ⇥ (Tab), on Windows ⇥⇥
'⇥': 9, '⇆': 9, tab: 9,
// Return key, ↩
'↩': 13, 'return': 13, enter: 13, '⌅': 13,
// Pause/Break key
'pause': 19, 'pause-break': 19,
// Caps Lock key, ⇪
'⇪': 20, caps: 20, 'caps-lock': 20,
// Escape key, on Mac: ⎋, on Windows: Esc
'⎋': 27, escape: 27, esc: 27,
// Space key
space: 32,
// Page-Up key, or pgup, on Mac: ↖
'↖': 33, pgup: 33, 'page-up': 33,
// Page-Down key, or pgdown, on Mac: ↘
'↘': 34, pgdown: 34, 'page-down': 34,
// END key, on Mac: ⇟
'⇟': 35, end: 35,
// HOME key, on Mac: ⇞
'⇞': 36, home: 36,
// Insert key, or ins
ins: 45, insert: 45,
// Delete key, on Mac: ⌦ (Delete)
'⌦': 46, del: 46, 'delete': 46,
// Left Arrow Key, or ←
'←': 37, left: 37, 'arrow-left': 37,
// Up Arrow Key, or ↑
'↑': 38, up: 38, 'arrow-up': 38,
// Right Arrow Key, or →
'→': 39, right: 39, 'arrow-right': 39,
// Up Arrow Key, or ↓
'↓': 40, down: 40, 'arrow-down': 40,
// odities, printing characters that come out wrong:
// Num-Multiply, or *
'*': 106, star: 106, asterisk: 106, multiply: 106,
// Num-Plus or +
'+': 107, 'plus': 107,
// Num-Subtract, or -
'-': 109, subtract: 109,
// Semicolon
';': 186, semicolon:186,
// = or equals
'=': 187, 'equals': 187,
// Comma, or ,
',': 188, comma: 188,
//'-': 189, //???
// Period, or ., or full-stop
'.': 190, period: 190, 'full-stop': 190,
// Slash, or /, or forward-slash
'/': 191, slash: 191, 'forward-slash': 191,
// Tick, or `, or back-quote
'`': 192, tick: 192, 'back-quote': 192,
// Open bracket, or [
'[': 219, 'open-bracket': 219,
// Back slash, or \
'\\': 220, 'back-slash': 220,
// Close backet, or ]
']': 221, 'close-bracket': 221,
// Apostraphe, or Quote, or '
'\'': 222, quote: 222, apostraphe: 222
// To minimise code bloat, add all of the NUMPAD 0-9 keys in a loop
var i = 95, n = 0;
while (++i < 106) _keys.keys['num-' + n] = i; ++n;
// To minimise code bloat, add all of the top row 0-9 keys in a loop
i = 47, n = 0;
while (++i < 58) _keys.keys[n] = i; ++n;
// To minimise code bloat, add all of the F1-F25 keys in a loop
i = 111, n = 1;
while (++i < 136) _keys.keys['f' + n] = i; ++n;
// To minimise code bloat, add all of the letters of the alphabet in a loop
i = 64;
while(++i < 91) _keys.keys[String.fromCharCode(i).toLowerCase()] = i;
var pairs = d3.entries(_keys.keys),
event = d3.dispatch.apply(d3, d3.keys(_keys.keys));
function keys(selection) {
selection.on('keydown', function () {
var tagName =;
if (tagName == 'INPUT' || tagName == 'SELECT' || tagName == 'TEXTAREA') {
var modifiers = '';
if (d3.event.shiftKey) modifiers += '⇧';
if (d3.event.ctrlKey) modifiers += '⌃';
if (d3.event.altKey) modifiers += '⌥';
if (d3.event.metaKey) modifiers += '⌘';
pairs.filter(function(d) {
return d.value === d3.event.keyCode;
}).forEach(function(d) {
event[d.key](d3.event, modifiers);
return d3.rebind(keys, event, 'on');
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