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Last active March 29, 2019 19:10
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A simple python class to (adaptively) align text lines based on tab characters ('\t') in real time.
Column 1 Header Col2 Col3
Shorter 1 Col2 Col3
Longer message on column 1 Col2 Col3
Again shorter 1 Col2 Col3
Longer message on column 1 Col2 Col3
Something in between Col2 Col3
Something in between v2 I didn't move ! But now I did
Something in between v10 shorter Now I didn't move either
Everything in between from now on will be aligned
Until you call t.reset()
like this, see ?
test 1 test 2
test 10 test 20
Use it with unknown length variables like this:
Sending request to: and waiting for reply on 123
Sending request to: and waiting for reply on 123
Sending request to: superlongurl.long.tld.too and waiting for reply on 123
Sending request to: and waiting for reply on 123
Sending request to: notsolongurl.tld and waiting for reply on 123
Sending request to: and waiting for reply on 123
Sending request to: and waiting for reply on 123
You can also avoid modifying the existing layout by calling t.over() instead of t().
class SmartTabs:
def __init__(self):
self.columns = [0]
def __call__(self, line):
cells = line.split('\t')
cols = self.columns
# Pad as needed or update existing columns
for a in range(0, min(len(cells), len(cols))):
padding = cols[a] - len(cells[a])
if padding > 0:
cells[a] += ' ' * padding
cols[a] += -padding
# Add new columns if needed
for b in range(a + 1, len(cells)):
return ''.join(cells)
def over(self, line):
cells = line.split('\t')
cols = self.columns
# Pad as needed, but don't update existing columns
for a in range(0, min(len(cells), len(cols))):
padding = cols[a] - len(cells[a])
if padding > 0:
cells[a] += ' ' * padding
return ''.join(cells)
def reset(self):
self.columns = [0]
t = SmartTabs()
# Usage:
from SmartTabs import t
print(t('Column 1 Header\t Col2\t Col3'))
print(t('Shorter 1\t Col2\t Col3'))
print(t('Longer message on column 1\t Col2\t Col3'))
print(t('Again shorter 1\t Col2\t Col3'))
print(t('Longer message on column 1\t Col2\t Col3'))
print(t('Something in between\t Col2\t Col3'))
print(t('Something in between v2\t I didn\'t move !\t But now I did'))
print(t('Something in between v10\t shorter\t Now I didn\'t move either'))
print(t('Everything in between\t from now on\t will be aligned'))
print(t('Until you call\t t.reset()'))
print(t('like this,\t see ?'))
print(t('test 1\t test 2'))
print(t('test 10\t test 20'))
print('Use it with unknown length variables like this:')
for url in ['', '', 'superlongurl.long.tld.too', '', 'notsolongurl.tld', '', '']:
print(t('Sending request to:\t {0}\t and waiting for reply on {1}'.format(url, 123)))
print(t.over('You can also\t avoid modifying the existing layout by calling t.over() instead of t().'))
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