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Created September 17, 2015 09:37
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  • Save iArnold/a35f7a809e74ba8574f0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save iArnold/a35f7a809e74ba8574f0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Red [
Needs: 'View
system/view/debug?: yes
workstation?: system/view/platform/product = 1
print [
"Windows" switch system/view/platform/version [
10.0.0 [pick ["10" "10 Server" ] workstation?]
6.3.0 [pick ["8.1" "Server 2012 R2"] workstation?]
6.2.0 [pick ["8" "Server 2012" ] workstation?]
6.1.0 [pick ["7" "Server 2008 R1"] workstation?]
6.0.0 [pick ["Vista" "Server 2008" ] workstation?]
5.2.0 [pick ["Server 2003" "Server 2003 R2"] workstation?]
5.1.0 ["XP"]
5.0.0 ["2000"]
"build" system/view/platform/build
; Initialize board margin and field size
margin-board: margin-x: margin-y: 20
field-size: field-width: field-height: 40
image-size: 30
half-size: image-size / 2
half-offset: 0x0
half-offset/1: half-offset/2: half-size
win: make face! [
type: 'window text: "Board View Test" offset: 500x500 size: 800x800
active-elt: none
active-offset: 0x0
actors: object [
on-down: func [face [object!] event [event!]][
move-piece event/offset - half-offset
win/active-elt: none
win/active-offset: 0x0
set-active-elt: func [
face [object!]
return: [string!]
set-active-offset: func [
event [event!]
return: [string!]
image-object-actors: object [
on-down: func [face [object!] event [event!]][
select-piece face/id
win/active-elt: set-active-elt face
win/active-offset: set-active-offset event
; Pieces a base element to catch the events and the image on top of the canvas
; display and event are reverse ordered
white-king-base: make face! [
type: 'base offset: 320x15 size: 30x30
id: "WK"
actors: image-object-actors
white-king: make face! [
type: 'image offset: 320x15 size: 30x30
data: [%../project/gui/Xiangqi_General_TR.png]
id: "WK"
comment {
white-horse-1-base: make face! [
type: 'base offset: 320x15 size: 30x30
id: "BH1"
actors: image-object-actors
white-horse-1: make face! [
type: 'image offset: 320x15 size: 30x30
data: [%../project/gui/Xiangqi_Horse_TR.png]
id: "BH1"
white-horse-2-base: make face! [
type: 'base offset: 320x15 size: 30x30
id: "BH2"
actors: image-object-actors
white-horse-2: make face! [
type: 'image offset: 320x15 size: 30x30
data: [%../project/gui/Xiangqi_Horse_TR.png]
id: "BH2"
black-king-base: make face! [
type: 'base offset: 320x15 size: 30x30
id: "BK"
actors: image-object-actors
black-king: make face! [
type: 'image offset: 320x15 size: 30x30
data: [%../project/gui/Xiangqi_General_TB.png]
id: "BK"
comment {
black-horse-1-base: make face! [
type: 'base offset: 320x15 size: 30x30
id: "BH1"
actors: image-object-actors
black-horse-1: make face! [
type: 'image offset: 320x15 size: 30x30
data: [%../project/gui/Xiangqi_Horse_TB.png]
id: "BH1"
black-horse-2-base: make face! [
type: 'base offset: 320x15 size: 30x30
id: "BH2"
actors: image-object-actors
black-horse-2: make face! [
type: 'image offset: 320x15 size: 30x30
data: [%../project/gui/Xiangqi_Horse_TB.png]
id: "BH2"
pieces-state: reduce [
;-- piece id selected? piece base
"WK" no white-king white-king-base
; "WH1" no white-horse-1 white-horse-1-base
; "WH2" no white-horse-2 white-horse-2-base
"BK" no black-king black-king-base
; "BH1" no black-horse-1 black-horse-1-base
; "BH2" no black-horse-2 black-horse-2-base
saved-piece-offset: 0x0
select-piece: func [id [string!]][
foreach [p s o b] pieces-state [ ;-- reset all pieces-state
pieces-state/(p): no
pieces-state/(id): yes
deselect-pieces: func [][
foreach [p s o b] pieces-state [ ;-- reset all pieces-state
pieces-state/(p): no
move-piece: func [offset [pair!]][
foreach [id selected? piece base] pieces-state [
if selected? [
base/offset: offset
piece/offset: offset
show base
show piece
pieces-state/(id): no
;probe pieces-state
win/pane: reduce [
make face! [ ; text or label
type: 'text text: "Board" offset: 100x50 size: 70x24
; white-horse-1-base
; white-horse-2-base
; black-horse-1-base
; black-horse-2-base
canvas: make face! [
type: 'base text: "canvas" offset: 100x100 size: 360x400 color: silver
draw: [
dummy draw contents
actors: object [
on-down: func [face [object!] event [event!]][
move-piece (face/offset + event/offset - half-offset)
; white-horse-1
; white-horse-2
; black-horse-1
; black-horse-2
make face! [ ; Quit button
type: 'button text: "Quit" offset: 500x440 size: 60x24
actors: object [
on-click: func [face [object!] event [event!]][
; Start drawing board on the canvas
canvas/draw: [
line-cap round
pen black
; Set canvas size (360x400)
canvas/size/1: 2 * margin-board + ( 8 * field-size )
canvas/size/2: 2 * margin-board + ( 9 * field-size )
; Draw outline
p1: p2: p3: p4: 0x0
p1/1: p1/2: p2/2: p4/1: margin-board
p2/1: p3/1: 8 * field-size + margin-board
p3/2: p4/2: 9 * field-size + margin-board
append canvas/draw reduce ['line p1 p2 p3 p4 p1]
; Draw top vertical lines
p1: p2: 0x0
p1/2: margin-board
p2/2: field-size * 4 + margin-board
repeat count 7 [
vert: count * field-size + margin-board
p1/1: vert
p2/1: vert
append canvas/draw reduce ['line p1 p2]
; Draw bottom vertical lines
p1: p2: 0x0
p1/2: 5 * field-size + margin-board ; 220
p2/2: 9 * field-size + margin-board ; 380
repeat count 7 [
vert: count * field-size + margin-board
p1/1: vert
p2/1: vert
append canvas/draw reduce ['line p1 p2]
; Draw horizontal lines
p1: p2: 0x0
p1/1: margin-board
p2/1: field-size * 8 + margin-board
repeat count 3 [
vert: count * field-size + margin-board
p1/2: vert
p2/2: vert
append canvas/draw reduce ['line p1 p2]
; We skip the river, this is done later in blue
repeat count 3 [
vert: count + 5 * field-size + margin-board ; count + 5 is calculated first!
p1/2: vert
p2/2: vert
append canvas/draw reduce ['line p1 p2]
; Draw the dots
dot-size: 4
p1/1: p1/2: margin-board
append canvas/draw [
pen black
fill-pen black
board-dots: [
0x3 1x2 2x3 4x3 6x3 7x2 8x3
0x6 1x7 2x6 4x6 6x6 7x7 8x6
foreach board-dot board-dots [
append canvas/draw reduce [
'circle board-dot * field-size + p1 dot-size
; Draw the palace crosses
cross-points: [
3x0 5x2
5x0 3x2
3x9 5x7
5x9 3x7
foreach [p2 p3] cross-points [
append canvas/draw reduce [
'line p2 * field-size + p1 p3 * field-size + p1
; Draw 'the river' in blue
append canvas/draw [
pen blue
river-points: [
0x4 8x4
0x5 8x5
foreach [p2 p3] river-points [
append canvas/draw reduce [
'line p2 * field-size + p1 p3 * field-size + p1
; Place the images where they belong
white-king/offset/1: 4 * field-size + margin-board - half-size
white-king/offset/2: 9 * field-size + margin-board - half-size
white-king/offset: white-king/offset + canvas/offset
white-king-base/offset: white-king/offset
comment {
white-horse-1/offset/1: field-size + margin-board - half-size
white-horse-1/offset/2: 9 * field-size + margin-board - half-size
white-horse-1/offset: white-horse-1/offset + canvas/offset
white-horse-1-base/offset: white-horse-1/offset
white-horse-2/offset/1: 7 * field-size + margin-board - half-size
white-horse-2/offset/2: 9 * field-size + margin-board - half-size
white-horse-2/offset: white-horse-2/offset + canvas/offset
white-horse-2-base/offset: white-horse-2/offset
black-king/offset/1: 4 * field-size + margin-board - half-size
black-king/offset/2: margin-board - half-size
black-king/offset: black-king/offset + canvas/offset
black-king-base/offset: black-king/offset
comment {
black-horse-1/offset/1: field-size + margin-board - half-size
black-horse-1/offset/2: margin-board - half-size
black-horse-1/offset: black-horse-1/offset + canvas/offset
black-horse-1-base/offset: black-horse-1/offset
black-horse-2/offset/1: 7 * field-size + margin-board - half-size
black-horse-2/offset/2: margin-board - half-size
black-horse-2/offset: black-horse-2/offset + canvas/offset
black-horse-2-base/offset: black-horse-2/offset
show win
Red [
Needs: 'View
system/view/debug?: yes
workstation?: system/view/platform/product = 1
print [
"Windows" switch system/view/platform/version [
10.0.0 [pick ["10" "10 Server" ] workstation?]
6.3.0 [pick ["8.1" "Server 2012 R2"] workstation?]
6.2.0 [pick ["8" "Server 2012" ] workstation?]
6.1.0 [pick ["7" "Server 2008 R1"] workstation?]
6.0.0 [pick ["Vista" "Server 2008" ] workstation?]
5.2.0 [pick ["Server 2003" "Server 2003 R2"] workstation?]
5.1.0 ["XP"]
5.0.0 ["2000"]
"build" system/view/platform/build
; Initialize board margin and field size
margin-board: margin-x: margin-y: 20
field-size: field-width: field-height: 40
image-size: 30
half-size: image-size / 2
half-offset: 0x0
half-offset/1: half-offset/2: half-size
win: make face! [
type: 'window text: "Board View Test" offset: 500x500 size: 800x800
actors: object [
on-down: func [face [object!] event [event!]][
move-piece event/offset - half-offset
image-object-actors: object [
on-down: func [face [object!] event [event!]][
select-piece face/id
; Pieces a base element to catch the events and the image on top of the canvas
; display and event are reverse ordered
white-king-base: make face! [
type: 'base offset: 320x15 size: 30x30
id: "WK"
actors: image-object-actors
white-king: make face! [
type: 'image offset: 320x15 size: 30x30
data: [%../project/gui/Xiangqi_General_TR.png]
id: "WK"
comment {
white-horse-1-base: make face! [
type: 'base offset: 320x15 size: 30x30
id: "BH1"
actors: image-object-actors
white-horse-1: make face! [
type: 'image offset: 320x15 size: 30x30
data: [%../project/gui/Xiangqi_Horse_TR.png]
id: "BH1"
white-horse-2-base: make face! [
type: 'base offset: 320x15 size: 30x30
id: "BH2"
actors: image-object-actors
white-horse-2: make face! [
type: 'image offset: 320x15 size: 30x30
data: [%../project/gui/Xiangqi_Horse_TR.png]
id: "BH2"
black-king-base: make face! [
type: 'base offset: 320x15 size: 30x30
id: "BK"
actors: image-object-actors
black-king: make face! [
type: 'image offset: 320x15 size: 30x30
data: [%../project/gui/Xiangqi_General_TB.png]
id: "BK"
comment {
black-horse-1-base: make face! [
type: 'base offset: 320x15 size: 30x30
id: "BH1"
actors: image-object-actors
black-horse-1: make face! [
type: 'image offset: 320x15 size: 30x30
data: [%../project/gui/Xiangqi_Horse_TB.png]
id: "BH1"
black-horse-2-base: make face! [
type: 'base offset: 320x15 size: 30x30
id: "BH2"
actors: image-object-actors
black-horse-2: make face! [
type: 'image offset: 320x15 size: 30x30
data: [%../project/gui/Xiangqi_Horse_TB.png]
id: "BH2"
pieces-state: reduce [
;-- piece id selected? piece base
"WK" no white-king white-king-base
; "WH1" no white-horse-1 white-horse-1-base
; "WH2" no white-horse-2 white-horse-2-base
"BK" no black-king black-king-base
; "BH1" no black-horse-1 black-horse-1-base
; "BH2" no black-horse-2 black-horse-2-base
saved-piece-offset: 0x0
select-piece: func [id [string!]][
foreach [p s o b] pieces-state [ ;-- reset all pieces-state
pieces-state/(p): no
pieces-state/(id): yes
deselect-pieces: func [][
foreach [p s o b] pieces-state [ ;-- reset all pieces-state
pieces-state/(p): no
move-piece: func [offset [pair!]][
foreach [id selected? piece base] pieces-state [
if selected? [
base/offset: offset
piece/offset: offset
show base
show piece
pieces-state/(id): no
;probe pieces-state
win/pane: reduce [
make face! [ ; text or label
type: 'text text: "Board" offset: 100x50 size: 70x24
; white-horse-1-base
; white-horse-2-base
; black-horse-1-base
; black-horse-2-base
canvas: make face! [
type: 'base text: "canvas" offset: 100x100 size: 360x400 color: silver
draw: [
dummy draw contents
actors: object [
on-down: func [face [object!] event [event!]][
move-piece (face/offset + event/offset - half-offset)
; white-horse-1
; white-horse-2
; black-horse-1
; black-horse-2
make face! [ ; Quit button
type: 'button text: "Quit" offset: 500x440 size: 60x24
actors: object [
on-click: func [face [object!] event [event!]][
; Start drawing board on the canvas
canvas/draw: [
line-cap round
pen black
; Set canvas size (360x400)
canvas/size/1: 2 * margin-board + ( 8 * field-size )
canvas/size/2: 2 * margin-board + ( 9 * field-size )
; Draw outline
p1: p2: p3: p4: 0x0
p1/1: p1/2: p2/2: p4/1: margin-board
p2/1: p3/1: 8 * field-size + margin-board
p3/2: p4/2: 9 * field-size + margin-board
append canvas/draw reduce ['line p1 p2 p3 p4 p1]
; Draw top vertical lines
p1: p2: 0x0
p1/2: margin-board
p2/2: field-size * 4 + margin-board
repeat count 7 [
vert: count * field-size + margin-board
p1/1: vert
p2/1: vert
append canvas/draw reduce ['line p1 p2]
; Draw bottom vertical lines
p1: p2: 0x0
p1/2: 5 * field-size + margin-board ; 220
p2/2: 9 * field-size + margin-board ; 380
repeat count 7 [
vert: count * field-size + margin-board
p1/1: vert
p2/1: vert
append canvas/draw reduce ['line p1 p2]
; Draw horizontal lines
p1: p2: 0x0
p1/1: margin-board
p2/1: field-size * 8 + margin-board
repeat count 3 [
vert: count * field-size + margin-board
p1/2: vert
p2/2: vert
append canvas/draw reduce ['line p1 p2]
; We skip the river, this is done later in blue
repeat count 3 [
vert: count + 5 * field-size + margin-board ; count + 5 is calculated first!
p1/2: vert
p2/2: vert
append canvas/draw reduce ['line p1 p2]
; Draw the dots
dot-size: 4
p1/1: p1/2: margin-board
append canvas/draw [
pen black
fill-pen black
board-dots: [
0x3 1x2 2x3 4x3 6x3 7x2 8x3
0x6 1x7 2x6 4x6 6x6 7x7 8x6
foreach board-dot board-dots [
append canvas/draw reduce [
'circle board-dot * field-size + p1 dot-size
; Draw the palace crosses
cross-points: [
3x0 5x2
5x0 3x2
3x9 5x7
5x9 3x7
foreach [p2 p3] cross-points [
append canvas/draw reduce [
'line p2 * field-size + p1 p3 * field-size + p1
; Draw 'the river' in blue
append canvas/draw [
pen blue
river-points: [
0x4 8x4
0x5 8x5
foreach [p2 p3] river-points [
append canvas/draw reduce [
'line p2 * field-size + p1 p3 * field-size + p1
; Place the images where they belong
white-king/offset/1: 4 * field-size + margin-board - half-size
white-king/offset/2: 9 * field-size + margin-board - half-size
white-king/offset: white-king/offset + canvas/offset
white-king-base/offset: white-king/offset
comment {
white-horse-1/offset/1: field-size + margin-board - half-size
white-horse-1/offset/2: 9 * field-size + margin-board - half-size
white-horse-1/offset: white-horse-1/offset + canvas/offset
white-horse-1-base/offset: white-horse-1/offset
white-horse-2/offset/1: 7 * field-size + margin-board - half-size
white-horse-2/offset/2: 9 * field-size + margin-board - half-size
white-horse-2/offset: white-horse-2/offset + canvas/offset
white-horse-2-base/offset: white-horse-2/offset
black-king/offset/1: 4 * field-size + margin-board - half-size
black-king/offset/2: margin-board - half-size
black-king/offset: black-king/offset + canvas/offset
black-king-base/offset: black-king/offset
comment {
black-horse-1/offset/1: field-size + margin-board - half-size
black-horse-1/offset/2: margin-board - half-size
black-horse-1/offset: black-horse-1/offset + canvas/offset
black-horse-1-base/offset: black-horse-1/offset
black-horse-2/offset/1: 7 * field-size + margin-board - half-size
black-horse-2/offset/2: margin-board - half-size
black-horse-2/offset: black-horse-2/offset + canvas/offset
black-horse-2-base/offset: black-horse-2/offset
show win
Windows 7 build 7601
*** Script error: path none is not valid for integer type
*** Where: eval-set-path
*** Stack: repeat eval-set-path
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