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Created November 14, 2023 14:56
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Broken High/Low Strategy [iCodeForBananas]
strategy("Broken High/Low Strategy [iCodeForBananas]", overlay=true, initial_capital = 5000, default_qty_value = 25, pyramiding = 10, default_qty_type= strategy.percent_of_equity)
useEMAForStop = input.bool(false, 'Use trail stop EMA', group = 'Exit strategy')
trailStopMALength = input(8, 'Trail stop EMA length', group = 'Exit strategy')
fastMALength = input(5 , 'Fast MA length', group = 'Trend strength')
fastEMAEnabled = input.bool(false, 'Fast EMA enabled (default is SMA)', group = 'Trend strength')
slowMALength = input(10, 'Slow MA length', group = 'Trend strength')
slowEMAEnabled = input.bool(false, 'Slow EMA enabled (default is SMA)', group = 'Trend strength')
ignoreSlowMA = input.bool(false, 'Use fast MA for trend ignoring slow MA', group = 'Trend strength')
useOpposingBarAsExit = input.bool(false, 'Using opposing bar as exit', group = 'Exit strategy')
secondEntryEnabled = input.bool(false, 'Second bar that eliminates opposing bar for entry', group = 'Trend strength')
longsEnabled = input.bool(true, 'Enable longs', group = 'Trade settings')
shortsEnabled = input.bool(true, 'Enable shorts', group = 'Trade settings')
fastMA = fastEMAEnabled ? ta.ema(close, fastMALength) : ta.sma(close, fastMALength)
slowMA = slowEMAEnabled ? ta.ema(close, slowMALength) : ta.sma(close, slowMALength),title="FromMonth",minval=1,maxval=12, group = 'Time filters'),title="FromDay",minval=1,maxval=31, group = 'Time filters'),title="FromYear",minval=1900, group = 'Time filters'),title="ToMonth",minval=1,maxval=12, group = 'Time filters'),title="ToDay",minval=1,maxval=31, group = 'Time filters'),title="ToYear",minval=2017, group = 'Time filters')
window()=>time>=start and time<=finish?true:false
afterStartDate = time >= start and time<=finish?true:false
closeTradesEOD = input.bool(false, 'Close trades end of day', group = 'Time filters')
trailStopMA = ta.ema(close, trailStopMALength)
isGreenCandle = close > open
isRedCandle = close < open
isBrokenHigh = close > open[1]
isPriorCandleRed = close[1] < open[1]
isPriorPriorCandleRed = close[2] < open[2]
isPriorPriorCandleGreen = close[2] > open[2]
isPriorCandleGreen = close[1] > open[1]
isBrokenLow = close < open[1]
isPriorRedCandleBroken = isGreenCandle and isPriorCandleRed and isBrokenHigh
isPriorGreenCandleBroken = isRedCandle and isPriorCandleGreen and isBrokenLow
isPriorPriorRedCandleBroken = secondEntryEnabled and not isPriorRedCandleBroken and isGreenCandle and isPriorPriorCandleRed ? close > open[2] : false
isPriorPriorGreenCandleBroken = secondEntryEnabled and not isPriorGreenCandleBroken and isRedCandle and isPriorPriorCandleGreen ? close < open[2] : false
longOpenCondition = (isPriorRedCandleBroken or isPriorPriorRedCandleBroken) and afterStartDate and (ignoreSlowMA ? close > fastMA : fastMA > slowMA) and longsEnabled
longCloseCondition = useOpposingBarAsExit ? isRedCandle : ta.crossunder(close, fastMA)
longCloseCondition := useEMAForStop ? ta.crossunder(close, trailStopMA) : longCloseCondition
shortOpenCondition = (isPriorGreenCandleBroken or isPriorPriorGreenCandleBroken) and afterStartDate and (ignoreSlowMA ? close < fastMA : fastMA < slowMA) and shortsEnabled
shortCloseCondition = useOpposingBarAsExit ? isGreenCandle : ta.crossover(close, fastMA)
shortCloseCondition := useEMAForStop ? ta.crossover(close, trailStopMA) : shortCloseCondition
if (longOpenCondition)
strategy.entry("Long Entry", strategy.long)
if (longCloseCondition)
strategy.close('Long Entry', 'Long Exit')
if (shortOpenCondition)
strategy.entry("Short Entry", strategy.long)
if (shortCloseCondition)
strategy.close('Short Entry', 'Short Exit')
if (closeTradesEOD and hour >= 14 and minute >= 30)
plot(useEMAForStop ? trailStopMA : na, linewidth = 2, color =
plot(ignoreSlowMA ? na : slowMA, linewidth = 4)
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