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Last active February 17, 2024 22:32
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GCP Cloud Run :: Docker :: Rails

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) :: Docker :: Rails

This guide covers deploying a Docker image of a Rails and PostgreSQL application on Google Cloud Platform using Cloud Build, Container Registry, Cloud Key Management Service, Cloud Run, Cloud SQL, and Cloud Store. The following section provides links to a detailed guide created by a Google Developer Advocate which was the base for my build, but needed to be adjusted.

Cloud Run + Rails + PostgreSQL Guide

Google Cloud Run on Rails: a real life example Part 1

Google Cloud Run on Rails: a real life example Part 2

Google Cloud Run on Rails: a real life example Part 3

Google Cloud Run on Rails: a real life example Part 4

Create GCP Project

Create a new Google Cloud Platform project

Step 1 :: Visit Google Cloud Platform Console

  • Google Cloud Platform :: Console
  • Click on the Project drawdown menu and select “Create New Project”
    • Name project and save
    • On the project overview dashboard copy the Project ID for use during Step 2

Step 2 :: Authorize Local Project

  • Ensure Google SDK is installed
  • From the project root directory authorize GCP
    • gcloud auth login your_account_email
    • Set the current GCP project
      • gcloud config set project your_project_id

Create Cloud SQL Instance

Create a new Cloud SQL instance

  • From the GCP Console Navigation Menu
    • Select the SQL app
      • Select the PostgreSQL option
        • Set the database name
        • Set the database password
        • Save and create

Connect Cloud Run + Cloud SQL

Connecting from Cloud Run (fully managed) to Cloud SQL

Open and Edit: config/database.yml

  <<: *default
  database: my_app_production
  username: <%= ENV['DATABASE_USER'] %>
  password: <%= ENV['DATABASE_PASSWORD'] %>
	# Copy and paste Cloud SQL instance 'Connection name' 
  socket: “/cloudsql/project_id:us-central1:sql-instance-name”

Cloud Store Bucket + ActiveStorage

Follow this section of the guide: GCP Environment, Keys, Active Storage

Rails Documentation: Active Storage Overview — Ruby on Rails Guides

Setup Cloud Run Service

I used GCP Cloud Build, Container Registry, and Cloud Run to deploy the production application. My goal was to create the most slim and efficient containers possible. The following article was very helpful:

Dockerize Rails, The Lean Way

Here is my cloudbuild.yml file:


# Decrypt Rails production key file
- name:
  args: ["kms", "decrypt", "--ciphertext-file=./config/credentials/production.key.enc", 
         "--location=us-central1", "--keyring=farm-link-secrets", 

# Decrypt Rails master key file
- name:
  args: ["kms", "decrypt", "--ciphertext-file=./config/master.key.enc", 
         "--location=us-central1", "--keyring=farm-link-secrets", 

# Build image with tag 'latest' and pass decrypted Rails DB password as argument
- name: ''
  args: ['build', '--tag', '$SHORT_SHA', 
         '--build-arg', 'DB_PASS', '--build-arg', 'MASTER_KEY',
         '--file=./Dockerfile.slim', '.']
  secretEnv: ['DB_PASS', 'MASTER_KEY']

# Push new image to Google Container Registry       
- name: ''
  args: ['push', '$SHORT_SHA']

 # Deploy container image to Cloud Run
- name: ''
  entrypoint: gcloud
  args: ['run', 'deploy', '${_SERVICE_NAME}',
  '--image', '$SHORT_SHA',
  '--region', 'us-central1',
  '--platform', 'managed']

timeout: 900s

  _SERVICE_NAME: farm-link-staging

  - kmsKeyName: projects/farm-link-284523/locations/us-central1/keyRings/farm-link-secrets/cryptoKeys/db_pass
      DB_PASS: "your encrypted secret here"

  - kmsKeyName: projects/farm-link-284523/locations/us-central1/keyRings/farm-link-secrets/cryptoKeys/master_key_string
      MASTER_KEY: "your encrypted secret"

The above will build and deploy the container to Cloud Run automatically, but the production and staging services must be created first. The container image is first created and stored in Container Registry for later use. You can think of Cloud Build as similar to Docker Compose, but it leverages the power of GCP to create builds.

Here is my slim and efficient Dockerfile used in production:

# Stage: Builder
FROM ruby:2.7.1-alpine as Builder

RUN apk add --update --no-cache \
  build-base \
  ca-certificates \
  curl \
  git \
  postgresql-dev \
  nodejs-current \
  yarn \


# Install gems
COPY Gemfile* /app/
RUN bundle config set --global frozen 1 \
  && bundle install --without test:development:staging -j4 --retry 3 \
  # Remove unneeded files (cached *.gem, *.o, *.c)
  && rm -rf /usr/local/bundle/cache/*.gem \
  && find /usr/local/bundle/gems/ -name "*.c" -delete \
  && find /usr/local/bundle/gems/ -name "*.o" -delete

# Install yarn packages
COPY package.json yarn.lock /app/
RUN yarn install --production

# Add the Rails app
COPY . /app

# Precompile assets
RUN RAILS_ENV=production RAILS_MASTER_KEY=${MASTER_KEY} bundle exec rake assets:precompile

# Remove folders not needed in resulting image
RUN rm -rf node_modules tmp/cache vendor/assets lib/assets spec

# Stage Runtime
FROM ruby:2.7.1-alpine

# Add Alpine packages
RUN apk add --update --no-cache \
  bash \
  postgresql-client \
  file \

# Copy app with gems from former build stage
COPY --from=Builder /usr/local/bundle/ /usr/local/bundle/
COPY --from=Builder /app /app

# Set Rails environment variables
ENV RAILS_ENV=production

# Set working directory

# Set DB_PASS environment variable from ARG

# Set RAILS_MASTER_KEY to config/master.key from ARG

# Expose Puma port

# Start up
RUN chmod +x /app/
ENTRYPOINT ["/app/"]
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