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  • Save iFeelPixel/ca5ea84e946cf15f4c2d49a47228e872 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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This short PHP script will create valid JSON data from Valve Data Format (VDF) data, such as items_game.txt files for TF2 and DotA 2. This allows for much greater ease in parsing the data it contains.
//load VDF data either from API call or fetching from file/url
//no matter your method, $json must contain the VDF data to be parsed
$json = file_get_contents("items_game.txt");
//encapsulate in braces
$json = "{\n$json\n}";
//replace open braces
$pattern = '/"([^"]*)"(\s*){/';
$replace = '"${1}": {';
$json = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $json);
//replace values
$pattern = '/"([^"]*)"\s*"([^"]*)"/';
$replace = '"${1}": "${2}",';
$json = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $json);
//remove trailing commas
$pattern = '/,(\s*[}\]])/';
$replace = '${1}';
$json = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $json);
//add commas
$pattern = '/([}\]])(\s*)("[^"]*":\s*)?([{\[])/';
$replace = '${1},${2}${3}${4}';
$json = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $json);
//object as value
$pattern = '/}(\s*"[^"]*":)/';
$replace = '},${1}';
$json = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $json);
//we now have valid json which we can use and/or store it for later use
file_put_contents("items_game.json", $json);
/* NB: this does not allow for creation of json arrays, however.
* if you wish to keep working with the json data in PHP, you could
* do something like this to get an array where needed. eg. for items
$data->items_game->items = get_object_vars($data->items_game->items); //items object is now an array
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