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Created July 20, 2015 08:08
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Additional calculations for Upwork reports (GreaseMonkey script)
// ==UserScript==
// @name UpWork additional calculations
// @namespace Ghost
// @include*
// @version 1
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
var myRate = 22;
var wFee100 = 4.95;
var wFee200 = 6.75;
function getTime(time) {
// Source:
// Number of decimal places to round to
var decimal_places = 2;
// Maximum number of hours before we should assume minutes were intended. Set to 0 to remove the maximum.
var maximum_hours = 0;
var int_format = time.match(/^\d+$/);
var time_format = time.match(/([\d]*):([\d]+)/);
var minute_string_format = time.toLowerCase().match(/([\d]+)m/);
var hour_string_format = time.toLowerCase().match(/([\d]+)h/);
if (time_format != null) {
hours = parseInt(time_format[1]);
minutes = parseFloat(time_format[2] / 60);
time = hours + minutes;
} else if (minute_string_format != null || hour_string_format != null) {
if (hour_string_format != null) {
hours = parseInt(hour_string_format[1]);
} else {
hours = 0;
if (minute_string_format != null) {
minutes = parseFloat(minute_string_format[1] / 60);
} else {
minutes = 0;
time = hours + minutes;
} else if (int_format != null) {
// Entries over 15 hours are likely intended to be minutes.
time = parseInt(time);
if (maximum_hours > 0 && time > maximum_hours) {
time = (time / 60).toFixed(decimal_places);
// make sure what ever we return is a 2 digit float
time = parseFloat(time).toFixed(decimal_places);
return time;
function recalculateValue(subElement) {
var mainElement = $(".oBigDataNavBarContainer").find(subElement).find("a > .oDataNavData");
var value = parseFloat(mainElement.text().replace(/^[\s\$]+|\s+$/g, ''));
var realValue = (value - value / 10).toFixed(2);
var hint = '$' + value + ' - $' + (value / 10).toFixed(2) + ' = $' + realValue;
var smallAddition = "<br/><small style='font-size:13px' title='" + hint + "'>$" + value + "</small>";
mainElement.html('$' + realValue + smallAddition);
function getWFee(amount) {
var hundreds = Math.floor(amount / 100);
var feeFor200 = Math.floor(hundreds / 2) * wFee200;
var feeFor100 = Math.floor(hundreds % 2) * wFee100;
return feeFor200 + feeFor100;
function recalculateStats() {
var row = $(".oSumRow");
var statField = row.find($(".oSumRow td:first")[0]);
var totalTimeString = row.find($(".oSumRow td.txtCenter")[0]).text().replace(/^[\s\$]+|\s+$/g, '');
var totalTime = getTime(totalTimeString);
var totalAmount = totalTime * myRate;
var amountWithFees = totalAmount - 4.5;
amountWithFees = amountWithFees < 0 ? 0 : amountWithFees;
var withdrawFee = getWFee(amountWithFees);
var finalAmount = Math.floor((amountWithFees - withdrawFee) / 100) * 100;
if ((amountWithFees - withdrawFee) < (Math.floor(amountWithFees / 100) * 100)) {
withdrawFee = getWFee(amountWithFees - 100);
var finalAmount = Math.floor((amountWithFees - 100) / 100) * 100;
var statString = totalTime + ' * ' + myRate + ' = <b>' + totalAmount.toFixed(2) + '</b>, - 2.0 upwrk, -2.5 paynr imdt = <b>'
+ amountWithFees.toFixed(2) + '</b> (wthdr: -' + withdrawFee.toFixed(2) + ' = <b style="text-decoration:underline">'
+ finalAmount.toFixed(2) + '</b> available to withdraw)';
statField.html('<span style="font-family:\'Gotham Book\';">' + statString + '</span>');
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