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Last active May 19, 2019 11:42
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import urllib
# read in redis configuration file to parse ip addresses and ports
def readIn(confFile):
slotsPortArray = []
portRegex = re.compile("(?<=:)[0-9]*") # regex to match port in file
slotsRegex = re.compile("[0-9]+-[0-9]+") # regex to match hash-slot in file
addr = getIp() # ip address of machine
for line in confFile:
portMatch =, line) # match port to find dump file
slotsMatch =, line) # match hash-slots, only masters have hash-slots declared in conf file
if portMatch and slotsMatch: # if we detect ports and ip addresses in the
if addr in line: # if we find the ip address of the machine we provided
slotsPortArray.append({'HashSlot':, 'Port': }) # create an array of dicts that have hash slot and port
return slotsPortArray
def getIp():
request = urllib.request.urlopen('' )
machineIp ='utf-8')
return machineIp
def example()
with open('nodes_6379.conf', 'r') as file:
params = readIn(file)
# now do things with params according to spec; Eg. upload to s3
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