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Created July 10, 2019 15:37
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I attended WWDC this year, and overall it was a fantastic experience. I would, however, like to give some feedback on one particular aspect of the conference.

Before I begin, I understand that it would be easy to brush off my feedback as coming from just some grumpy English guy, but I genuinely believe this is important feedback. Please do read until the end.

I would like to ask that the cheering, whooping, clapping and hollering by conference staff is toned down.

I'm a person that would describe myself as "slightly introverted". I cannot begin to describe how deeply uncomfortable it was to walk into the registration room on Sunday to multiple employees cheering and clapping at me, trying to give me high fives. I understand the want to make people excited, but this needs to have its limits. During the conference, I got cheered and high-fived pretty much the entire week for things like:

  • Picking up a bag of chips.
  • Walking down some stairs.
  • Coming out of the toilet.
  • Walking back up the earlier-mentioned stairs.
  • Walking down the street outside the conference when I was going somewhere else.

The core of my feedback is that WWDC is an event that takes pride in being open to people of all kinds. Ignoring that many, many cultures find the American-style whoopin' and hollerin' just plain strange, I have also met several people over the years at WWDC that find the conference completely overwhelming - it's a situation that can produce an incredible amount of anxiety. For some people, they're in a strange city with lots of strange people for the first time, and while cheers and high-fives from strangers in bright clothing can seem friendly and inviting to some, it can also be absolutely terrifying for others.

I'm not asking that WWDC turn into a dry, boring event — there are plenty of opportunities where it's great fun. The keynote line, the little pop-up events for dancing and pin badges, the AR game… all great! However, when it's completely impossible to go near the premesis without getting yelled at, perhaps it's gone a little too far.

Again, I want to stress that overall, I found WWDC 2019 to be a wonderful experience. But, you really don't need to high-five me for picking up a muffin.

Thanks, Daniel.

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sstadelman commented Jul 10, 2019

maybe add a sticker to the badge, like an organ donor.

For the record, I noticed I was actively dodging more 5s this year... personally I chalked it up to a growing generational gap. But I relate to the OP sentiment.

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What he said.

In fact, I think Daniel is way too polite.

That stuff — which was certainly not around when I first attended in mid-2000s — is tacky, and insincere.

It may work on some Americans, but I can tell you that the other 6.7 billion inhabitants of the planet find it over the top dross.

Not cool. Certainly not the Apple cool we are used to. Cultish even.

Tone TFD.

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Very reasonable feedback. Maybe on the walk in it would have been OK, and at the parties but all day every occasion was a little over the top. I can really appreciate this could have caused some people discomfort.

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I have been to WWDC ....
I think this is just breaking the ice and make you comfortable. After few high fives you feel really comfortable and can reach to them for anything.

Without that it I think people might not be that comfortable .

of-course this is my own opinion.

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I am definitely an introvert, and for a number of reasons I was already incredibly nervous going to pick up my badge this year already, and this was nearly overwhelming, I was shaking by the time I got my badge and got out of there. Having badges, pins or lanyards that indicate level of interaction desired would be great. I would also have loved to see them have a space designated as a quiet room for those who might need to get away from the crowd for whatever reason for awhile can.

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