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Created June 1, 2015 23:48
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photon demos
import re
import sys
import traceback
from flask import Flask
from flask import render_template
from flask import url_for
from flask import request
from flask import redirect
from urllib.parse import quote
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from twilio import twiml
from import TwilioRestClient
from twilio.util import TwilioCapability
# Declare and configure application
app = Flask(__name__, static_url_path='/static')
# ======================== util/endpoints
class EndPoint(object):
numbers = {}
def __init__(self, tag=None):
def is_sip (self): return 'sip' == self.tag_
def is_pstn (self): return (('simcard' == self.tag_) or ('land' == self.tag_))
def is_client(self): return 'app' == self.tag_
def tag(self, t=None):
if t and (t in numbers): self.tag_=t
return self.tag_
def number(self,tag=None):
if not tag: tag=self.tag_
try: number = self.numbers[tag]
except: number = None
finally: return number
def number_sanitized(number):
if re.match(r'^(\+1\d{10})$', number):
return n
def alias_sanitized(alias):
if re.match(r'^(\w{3,5})$', alias):
return a
# util/endpoints =========================
EndPoint.numbers = {
'sip' :app.config['PHOTON_SIPADDR'],
'land' :app.config['PHOTON_LNDLINE'],
'app' :app.config['PHOTON_TIPNAME'],}
app.designated_voice = EndPoint('sip' )
app.designated_message = EndPoint('simcard')
app.designatedd_mobile = EndPoint('app' )
app.contact_codes = { 'abc':'+15555551234' }
# Voice Request URL
@app.route('/voice', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def voice():
response = twiml.Response()
if request.values.get('AccountSid') != app.config['TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID']:
return str(response)
url_voicemail = "{}/vmail".format(app.config['TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID'])
url_callme = url_for('.callme',_external=True)
url_menu = url_for('.menu' ,_external=True)
message_menu = "To ring {}'s current location, please press 2. To connect, press 2. Or, to leave a voice mail, please press 5.".format(app.config['PHOTON_CALLER_NAME'])
params_menu = urlencode({"Message":message_menu, "Option[2]":url_callme, "Option[5]":url_voicemail})
url_menu_with_params = "{}?{}".format(url_menu, params_menu)
response.say("Please hold while your call is routed. Thank you.")
response.redirect( url_menu_with_params )
return str(response)
# SMS Request URL
@app.route('/sms', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def sms():
response = twiml.Response()
# if a stranger is knocking, don't respond. "goto" finally clause
if (request.values.get('AccountSid') != app.config['TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID']):
raise Exception('bad-key')
hq_phone_internal = app.config['TWILIO_CALLER_ID']
hq_phone_external = app.config['PHOTON_CID_HQ2']
live_message = app.designated_message.number()
# parse incoming message body
body_in = request.form['Body']
command = re.compile(r"""((?P<cmd>^photon)\ # command code then space
(?P<arg1>\S+)\ # arg 1 then space
(?P<arg2>\S+)\ # arg 2 then space
(?P<arg3>\S*)$) # arg 3 then end
| # OR match
((?P<send>^qq=) # send code NO space
(?P<alias>\d{4})\ # alias code then space
(?P<body>.+)$) # body then end"""
# got a regular incoming message, not a command; so
# forward internally treating body as normal content
if command == None:
# relay sms body to an live phone, prepend original callee
from_number = request.values.get('From')
body_out = from_number + " - " + body_in
response.message(body_out, to=live_message, sender=hq_phone_internal)
# block commands from strangers
elif request.values.get('From') != live_message:
raise Exception('bad-commander')
# qq=1234 content |send outgoing message by forwarding externally
elif'send') == 'qq=':
alias = Endpoint.alias_sanitized('alias') )
if alias in app.contact_codes:
phone_them = app.contact_codes[alias]
body_out ='body')
response.message(body_out, to=phone_them, sender=hq_phone_internal)
body_out = "Unknown alias {}".format('contact'))
response.message(body_out, to=live_message, sender=hq_phone_internal)
# photon connect us_tag them_phone
elif'arg1')== 'connect' and'arg2') and'arg3'):
# Make it look like caller dialed callee. Use two outgoing voice
# legs to dial caller and callee into same conference room.
api_talker = TwilioRestClient( app.config['TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID'],
app.config['TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN' ])
#url_conference_create = url_for('.conference_create', _external=True)
url_conference_join = url_for('.conference_join' , _external=True)
phone_us = EndPoint.number('arg2') )
if not phone_us: raise Exception('bad-tag')
# don't trust inputs bearing gifts
phone_them = EndPoint.number_sanitized('arg3') )
if not phone_them: raise Exception('bad-number')
#print("{} {} {}".format(url_conference_join,phone_us ,hq_phone_internal))
#print("{} {} {}".format(url_conference_join,phone_them,hq_phone_external))
api_talker.calls.create(url=url_conference_join, to=phone_us , from_=hq_phone_internal)
api_talker.calls.create(url=url_conference_join, to=phone_them, from_=hq_phone_external)
# response.nop() ...just return empty response
# photon recv voice tag_phone
elif'arg1')== 'recv' and'arg2')=='voice' and'arg3'):
tag = app.designated_voice.tag('arg3'))
if tag =='arg3'):
body_out = "Using " + tag + " for receiving voice"
body_out = "Unchanged: using previous setting for receiving voice."
response.message(body_out, to=live_message, sender=hq_phone_internal)
# photon alias code phone
elif'arg1')=='alias' and'arg2') and'arg3'):
alias = Endpoint.alias_sanitized ('arg2') )
contact = Endpoint.number_sanitized('arg3') )
if alias and contact:
app.contact_codes[alias] = contact
body_out = "Using alias {} for {}".format(alias,contact)
body_out = "Alias:none set"
response.message(body_out, to=live_message, sender=hq_phone_internal)
# shouldn't get here, but the code gremlins will find a way... can't wait
response.message("Please refrain from feeding gizmo after midnight")
except Exception as e:
# if got a bad key presumably from a stranger or other bad-ness,
# don't say anything. at most maybe spout gibberish
bads = ['bad-key','bad-number','bad-tag','bad-commander']
ex = e.args[0]
if not ex in bads:
body_out = "gREM Error. Code green {}-360A. {}".format(46,"Wet gremlins")
return str(response)
# Birthday app
@app.route('/birthday', methods=['GET','POST'])
def birthday():
if request.values.get('AccountSid') != app.config['TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID']:
return str('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Response />')
url_domain = url_for('.index',_external=True)
who = 'WHO'
response = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Response><Say voice="alice">Hello. And Happy Birthday. This message is from your {}. For your birthday, some important people are waiting to sing to you.</Say><Gather numDigits="1" action="{}/static/assets/ivr2.xml" timeout="7" method="GET"><Say voice="alice">To listen, please press one</Say></Gather><Hangup/></Response>'.format(who,url_domain)
return response
# Callme ======================
# Call me at a designated number/phone
@app.route('/callme', methods=['GET','POST'])
def callme():
response = twiml.Response()
if request.values.get('AccountSid') != app.config['TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID']:
return str(response)
dial_call_status = request.values.get('DialCallStatus')
dial_status = request.values.get('DialStatus' )
dial = request.values.get('Dial' )
# Second pass only, after initial call
if dial and (dial_status or dial_call_status):
url_next = request.values.get('FailUrl')
if dial_call_status=='completed' or dial_status=='answered' or not url_next:
# First pass, making initial call
# We heard you like to pass urls in your urls, so we made sure to urlencode your... url
url_voicemail = quote("{}/vmail".format(app.config['TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID']))
# Repeat with Dial flag set in order to trigger the proper voicemail or hangup
url_after_call = "{}?{}".format( url_for('.callme', _external=True),
# Do a whisper on "my" end to prevent unintended pickup by greedy voicemail say of powered-off mobile phone
to_dial = app.designated_voice.number()
with response.dial(action=url_after_call,timeout="20") as d:
if app.designated_voice.is_pstn() : d.number(to_dial, url=url_upon_pickup)
elif app.designated_voice.is_sip() : d.sip (to_dial, url=url_upon_pickup)
elif app.designated_voice.is_client(): d.client(to_dial, url=url_upon_pickup)
return str(response)
# ===================== /Callme
# Conference ==================
@app.route('/conference/create', methods=['GET','POST'])
def conference_create():
if request.values.get('AccountSid') != app.config['TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID']:
return str('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Response />')
url_domain = url_for('.index',_external=True)
response = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Response><Dial><Conference beep="true" waitUrl="{}/static/assets/ClockworkWaltz.mp3" startConferenceOnEnter="false" endConferenceOnExit="true">MinConf</Conference></Dial></Response>'.format(url_domain)
return response
@app.route('/conference/join', methods=['GET','POST'])
def conference_join():
if request.values.get('AccountSid') != app.config['TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID']:
return str('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Response />')
response = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Response><Dial><Conference beep="false" waitUrl="" startConferenceOnEnter="true" endConferenceOnExit="true">MinConf</Conference></Dial></Response>'
return response
# ================= /Conference
# Menu ========================
@app.route('/menu', methods=['GET','POST'])
def menu():
response = twiml.Response()
if request.values.get('AccountSid') != app.config['TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID']:
return str(response)
digits = request.values.get('Digits')
if digits:
url_submenu = request.values.get('Options[' + digits + ']')
if url_submenu:
response.say("I'm sorry, that is not a valid option.")
max_digits = 1
# for gathering multiple digits, uncomment the following
#keycodes = re.findall(r'Options\[(\S+)\]',str(request.values))
#for keycode in keycodes:
# max_digits = max(max_digits, len(keycode))
with response.gather(numDigits=max_digits) as g:
message = request.values.get('Message')
if ( re.match(r'^http*',message) ):
elif ( len(message) > 0 ): g.say( message)
response.say("You did not make a selection. Good-bye.")
return str(response)
# ======================= /Menu
# Installation success page
def index():
params = {
'Voice Request URL': url_for('.voice', _external=True),
'SMS Request URL': url_for('.sms', _external=True),}
return render_template('index.html', params=params,
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